Where does the unpleasant smell from the dishwasher come from and how to remove it?

foto28903-1The dishwasher is designed to make life easier, relieve a person from working in the kitchen. However, sometimes the device itself becomes a cause for concern. This happens when an unpleasant smell appears from it.

You cannot ignore it, you need to take measures. Read about how to remove the smell from the dishwasher with the help of improvised and special means.

Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor

If the machine works properly and is used according to the instructions, the smell will not appear from it. It occurs for a number of reasons, including:

  1. foto28903-2Mold growth... Favorite habitat of fungi are: drain filter, hoses, door seal, tubular electric heater. High humidity and insufficient ventilation contribute to their appearance.
  2. Incorrect operation... Do not load plastic dishes into the machine. Failure to do so will result in a burning smell.
  3. Use of substandard detergents... There are special gels and capsules for the dishwasher that are not able to harm the device or lead to an unpleasant smell.
  4. Blockage... Most often it is represented by food waste, which can accumulate in the area of ​​the mesh filter, inside the drain hose, under the cuff.
  5. Stagnant water... It can accumulate under the cuff and at the bottom of the device. Its rotting will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Troubleshooting dishwasher

If the cause of the unpleasant odor is a blockage, then it is necessary to clean the mesh filter located under the bottom of the machine. It is removed and washed under running hot water. To better remove dirt, you can use a brush and soap. When the filter is clean, put it back in place.

Sometimes food residues clog under the cuff, accumulate at the bottom of the device, begin to fade and emit an unpleasant odor. Therefore, these places must be checked for dirt accumulation. Its detection requires a general cleaning of the device.


  • remove all grates from the dishwasher;
  • dilute dishwashing detergent in warm water;
  • using a sponge or soft cloth to wash the walls and bottom of the device;
  • process and dry the seals;
  • wash the grates and replace them.

An odor may occur due to incorrect connection of the appliance to the drain pipe. In this case, the machine will smell like sewage. To get rid of the unpleasant smell, you need to connect the hose correctly. It should be positioned 40 to 100 cm above the sink.

A burning smell indicates serious damage., which requires stopping the operation of the device and calling a specialist.

How to eliminate with improvised means?

foto28903-3You can get rid of an unpleasant smell with the help of improvised means that are in every home. You can use table vinegar to process the device.

How to use it:

  1. Pour vinegar 9% into a glass or plate with high sides. For processing, 50 ml of acid is enough.
  2. Place the dishes on the upper wire shelf.
  3. Switch on the normal dishwashing cycle.

Vinegar will neutralize the unpleasant odor and disinfect the machine.

You can get rid of the smell with baking soda. Mode of application:

  • get the dishes out of the machine;
  • fill the tray of the device with soda;
  • turn on the washing mode at the highest temperature.

The smell should disappear after the cycle is complete. If this method turned out to be ineffective, then it needs to be improved.


  1. Pour ½ pack of baking soda into a high-sided plate.
  2. 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 20 drops of your favorite essential oil are added to it.
  3. The resulting mixture is removed to the freezer for 20 minutes.
  4. A lump is formed from the frozen mass, which is placed in a basket for dishes.
  5. Turn on the dishwasher, setting the water temperature as high as possible. Waiting for the end of the cycle.

This method allows you to get rid of even the most persistent odor.

You can disinfect the surface of the dishwasher and eliminate the unpleasant odor with laundry soap.


  1. foto28903-4The fourth part of the bar is rubbed on a grater and diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water.
  2. The sponge is moistened in the solution and treated with it all the walls and components of the dishwasher.
  3. Thoroughly rinse hard-to-reach places, including seals, drain hole, pallet.
  4. The wire baskets are washed separately.
  5. Wash off the soap solution with clean water.

After general cleaning, the device is ventilated by leaving the door open overnight.

Borax is a budget-friendly odor-eliminator. It neutralizes the odor left in the device from rotting food waste and sewage.

Use it as follows:

  • remove dishes and grates from the machine;
  • one packet of powder borax is opened and the entire surface of the washing machine is covered with it;
  • turn on the device for a full cycle with an additional rinse;
  • wait for the end of the wash, open the door and ventilate the machine for an hour.

Special drugs

There are many products on sale for removing unpleasant odors from the dishwasher. Top 3 best squads:


Dishwasher cleaner placed in the device together with the bottle and start the cycle... The water temperature should not be less than 65 degrees. The tool helps to get rid of unpleasant odors, remove scale and fat deposits. The price of a 250 ml bottle is 300 rubles.


Somat Machine cleaner

Dishwasher detergent available in tablet form. You can load them into the machine along with the dishes. They eliminate unpleasant odors and help to clean all hard-to-reach places.available in the device. Their use allows you to eliminate small blockages, remove scale and fat deposits. The price for a pack of 3 tablets is 600 rubles.



A dishwasher cleaner is produced in the form of a gel, its use can effectively get rid of unpleasant odor and fatty deposits. In one cycle, the entire package will be consumed; it will not work to divide it into several parts. The bottle of cleaning agent is placed in the machine without unscrewing the cap (it will dissolve on its own during the operation of the device). The price of a 250 ml bottle is 200 rubles.



Preventing unpleasant odors from the dishwasher:

  1. To prevent mold from forming in the machine, it must be regularly ventilated. To do this, after use, you can leave the door ajar for 1-2 hours.
  2. It is advisable to remove the washed dishes from the device immediately after the end of the cycle.
  3. Only special products can be used for the dishwasher. A prerequisite is their correct dosage. It is unacceptable to pour washing powder, bleach or abrasive compounds into the device.
  4. From time to time you need to remove the drain hose and rinse it from dirt.
  5. Before loading the dishes into the appliance, they must be cleaned of food residues.
  6. The dishwasher must be thoroughly washed at least 2 times a month.
  7. It is recommended to run an additional rinse every 2-3 cycles.

Helpful information

Dishwasher Care Tipsto prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor:

  • after using any cleaning agent, you need to ventilate the device - the longer it stays open, the better;
  • do not rub the surface of the dishwasher with a hard metal brush;
  • do not violate the rules for using the device specified in the instructions;
  • to get rid of a slight odor, before the next wash, you need to put 2-3 slices of lemon in the basket and start the standard program;
  • if the dishes are loaded into the machine, but there is no time to start a full-fledged washing cycle, you need to turn on the rinse - this will wash off food residues and prevent them from rotting.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

Related videos

The reasons for the appearance and ways to eliminate the smell from the dishwasher are in the video:


The dishwasher is designed to clean kitchen utensils, so they must remain clean themselves. The appearance of an odor most often signals about poor maintenance of the device. Correcting the situation is not difficult, just choose the right remedy and put in a little effort.



