Tips and tricks on how to remove odor from jeans
New jeans may smell bad. Many have encountered this problem, but not everyone knows how to solve it.
Routine washing does not always help, and improperly selected cleaning agents can harm the product.
Read about how to remove the smell of new and worn jeans and not ruin them in the article.
How to wash properly?
The most common cause of foul odor is the chemicals used to color the fabric. In addition, the pants may become saturated with foreign odors during transport and storage. The problem can be dealt with by washing your jeans properly.
remove all things from pockets, fasten zippers and buttons;
- turn the pants to the wrong side;
- dilute a detergent in a basin - it can be both improvised and specialized formulations;
- soak your pants for the time specified in the instructions, most often it is 30-40 minutes;
- rubbing pants with light movements, systematically working them along the entire length;
- the solution is drained, if the jeans smelled strongly, then they pour washing powder into the basin or pour in a liquid detergent, whip it into a foam and leave them for another 10 minutes;
- the solution is drained, the jeans are rinsed in water with a fabric softener.
After washing, they are hung out to dry in fresh air for at least a day. Learn how to wash jeans here.
How to eliminate folk remedies?
To get rid of foreign smell, you can use folk remedies. The most effective ones are:
- Vinegar. It is used to prepare a solution in which jeans are soaked for 30-60 minutes. You can use the essence, table vinegar, the main thing is to keep the proportions correctly. 10 liters of water will require 1 tablespoon of 70% acid or 100 ml of 9% acid. Jeans are soaked in the prepared solution, left for 30 minutes, rinsed, lightly wrung out and hung out to dry in fresh air.
- Castile soap... This product has a natural base, it does not harm the fabric, but it removes extraneous odors well. To wash jeans, it will take half a bar that is rubbed on a grater. The shavings are dissolved in 5-7 liters of warm water, 5 drops of any essential oil are added to it and the jeans are soaked for half an hour. Then they are rinsed and sent to dry.
- Soda. It possesses sorbent properties, absorbs various odors well. It is added to washing powder for hand or machine wash. For a standard load of 5 kg, 100 g of soda is enough. In the basin, the pants are pre-soaked for 30 minutes.
- Salt and lemon juice... For 5 liters of water, you need the juice of one lemon and 5 tablespoons of soda. Jeans are soaked in the solution for an hour, after which they are washed in the usual way.
- Bura. It can be used to remove odor from white jeans. For 1 water, you will need 1 packet of powder. Pants are soaked in the solution for 30 minutes, after which they are rinsed with running water and sent to dry.
Special formulations
You can get rid of the unpleasant smell of jeans with the help of special compounds that are sold in retail stores and online stores. Top 3 effective remedies:
Laundry liquid Domal Jeans Fashion
It is a concentrate used to care for denim... It can be used to wash items with embroidery, rhinestones and appliques. The temperature of the water in which the composition is active is in the range from 30 to 60 degrees. The price of the gel is 300 rubles.
Balsam Nordland for denim
The tool works even in cold water (at 20 degrees)... The gel not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also preserves the color and structure of the fabric. It does not contain dyes and belongs to the biodegradable group of substances. The price of a 750 ml bottle is 400 rubles.
Synergetic Gel
The composition can be used for machine and hand wash denim... It contains herbal ingredients, has a hypoallergenic formula, so it can be used to wash children's clothes. The price of a 0.75 liter bottle is 260 rubles.
Features of removing various unpleasant odors
Depending on what the jeans smell like, the odor removers will differ:
- Jeans (paint smell, chemical smell). Better to do a full wash using liquid detergent and fabric softener.
- Rubber. If new jeans smell like rubber, acetic acid does a good job. To completely remove foreign aroma, you need to soak your pants for at least an hour.
- Musty smell... You can get rid of it with hydrogen peroxide. To prepare a solution with a volume of 1 liter, 100 ml of peroxide is required. The aging time of the jeans is 20 minutes, after which they are rinsed and sent to dry in the fresh air.
- The smell of tobacco... Soda copes with it effectively. In this case, jeans can not be washed, it is enough to sprinkle them with powder, wrap them in a plastic bag and leave them for a day. Then the thing is shaken out and hung out on the street for another 24 hours.
Helpful information
Tips to help remove odor from jeans:
during the first wash, it is better not to use a bath or an enamel basin, it is recommended to use a plastic container;
- the water for preparing the solution in which the jeans will be soaked should be cool, no more than 40 degrees;
- you need to wash jeans that have an unpleasant smell separately from other things;
- before you immerse your jeans in the solution, you need to make sure that the selected product is completely dissolved in it.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.
You can remove the smell from jeans with improvised and special means. They have the same effectiveness, but industrial formulations are safer, as they are designed to care for denim.