If something goes wrong: how to remove the burning smell in an apartment after a fire?

foto28560-1It is impossible to insure against fire. It occurs unexpectedly, often for reasons beyond the control of a person.

Even if it can be quickly localized, the smell of burning in the apartment remains for a long time, absorbed into all surfaces.

How to remove the burning smell in an apartment after a fire with the help of improvised and special means, read the article.

What should be done first?

Immediately after the source of ignition has been eliminated, it is necessary to begin to neutralize the smell. Correct actions will help you quickly cope with the task and completely neutralize the consequences of a fire.

foto28560-2Items to be completed first:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Create a draft.
  3. Eliminate the source of burning.
  4. Humidify the air and ensure its high-quality circulation.

To begin with, the room must be ventilated in order to release smoke into the street. If you do not do this, then it will be deeply absorbed into all surfaces. The smoke is hazardous to human health and cannot be inhaled.

To ventilate the apartment as best as possible, you need to create a draft... For this, not only all windows are opened, but also the doors, including the driveway. When the air does not just stand in the room, but moves, aromatic molecules do not penetrate into the surface of furniture and into the fibers of the fabric.

The next step is to eliminate the burn source. A burnt-out electrical appliance, food, utensils or damaged household appliances must be discarded immediately or they will continue to give off an unpleasant odor.

If it is not possible to immediately take them out of the house, then the damaged items must be packed in polyethylene. This will block the smell inside.

Moisture helps to absorb combustion products, therefore it is recommended to humidify the air as much as possible in the affected room.

To do this, use the following methods:

  • include water;
  • hanging wet towels around the house;
  • place containers with water around the apartment.

If the kitchen is equipped with an electronic cooker hood, then it must be turned on at full capacity. Conditioner will help to cope with unpleasant odor. If not, you can use a fan.

How to withdraw using improvised means?

You can remove the burning smell from the apartment using folk methods.If you apply them according to the instructions, then you can achieve a good result.


foto28560-3The first aid is soda. Apply it as follows:

  1. Soda and salt are mixed in equal proportions.
  2. Scatter them in the corners of the room.
  3. Be sure to sprinkle all available surfaces with soda: furniture, household items, etc.
  4. Leave the soda to act for a day.
  5. Collect it with a vacuum cleaner or broom.


Vinegar helps neutralize the smell of burning. Features of use:

  • put a saucepan with 5 liters of water on the fire;
  • add 1 liter of vinegar 9% to it;
  • let the water boil, reduce the gas to a minimum;
  • boil the liquid over low heat for 2 hours.
The vinegar fumes will prevent the burning smell. You can also moisten sheets or towels in a vinegar solution and hang them throughout the apartment.


Powdered coffee beans are an excellent flavoring agent. They literally "push out" other odors, filling the apartment with a rich, pleasant aroma. To get the maximum effect, you need to use only natural coffee.

Mode of application:

  1. Ground coffee beans are scattered into saucers.
  2. Place them throughout the apartment. Particular attention must be paid to the place where the fire occurred.
  3. Leave the coffee to act for a day. After this time, replace it with new powder.


foto28560-4You can neutralize a slight burning smell with citrus fruits.

Natural flavors are oranges and lemons. They are cut into slices and laid out throughout the apartment.

You can also resort to a more efficient method:

  • grate orange zest;
  • heat a dry frying pan;
  • pour the zest on it and fry slightly.

Thanks to this method, the apartment will quickly fill with a pleasant aroma. As the pan cools down, it needs to be warmed up.


Clove has a strong aroma. If it is not at hand, you can use cinnamon. Mode of application:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, place it on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Dip a pinch of spices into the water.
  3. Cook them for half an hour.

During this time, the apartment will be filled with pleasant aromas that will displace the smell of burning.

With improvised means, you can get rid of the smell of smoke if it has not had time to soak deeply into furniture, things, clothes and walls. In advanced cases, these funds will be powerless.

Special drugs

You can get rid of the burning smell with the help of specialized formulations. They are designed to fight the effects of fire. Top 3 effective remedies:

Smokebusters OdorGone

Spray for removing the smell of burning and smoke used for processing:

  • clothes,
  • premises,
  • dishes,
  • household appliances,
  • furniture.

Thanks to the convenient spray nozzle, it is economical to use. The composition is harmless to health, has a hypoallergenic formula, does not contain toxic substances.

The liquid is sprayed onto the odor source or into the air conditioning system. You don't need to wash it off... Price for 100 ml - 300 rubles.


Grass Smell block

It is a versatile compound used for manual cleaning. An anti-odor agent is used to combat the effects of a fire. The spray is sprayed onto a surface that gives off a burning smell.

The product itself has a pleasant aroma, does not require rinsing... The basis of the formula is represented by surfactant, zinc salt and flavor. Price - 750 rubles.



Soot and carbon odor remover. It is used to clean the premises after a fire. The composition includes anionic and cationic surfactants. The drug is diluted to the desired concentration (an average of 900 ml of water is required per 100 ml of the product) and irrigate all surfaces with it.

Anti-odor with deodorant effect can be used for cleaning carpets... Price - 905 rubles.


Features of removing aroma from different surfaces

Depending on which surface needs processing, methods of combating the smell of smoke differ:

  1. Clothes and bedding that smell like burning should be washed.In addition to powder, it is recommended to use fabric softener. After washing, the products are hung out to dry in fresh air. This method is suitable for all fabrics.
  2. Items that cannot be washed are hung out to ventilate for several days. If this method does not help, you can steam them.
  3. Upholstered furniture is wiped with a damp cloth and vacuumed. You can also use a steam cleaner.
  4. Household appliances should be washed with a vinegar solution or cleaned with soda.
  5. Walls, ceilings and floors need a thorough cleaning. All surfaces that can be wetted are treated with water with specialized solutions. If the fire was small, then this measure is sufficient. In case of significant fire, repairs will have to be done.
  6. The tile is treated with a soda solution.
  7. Windows are cleaned with a specialized glass cleaner, or with water and a small amount of alcohol.

What can not be done?

Prohibited actions after a fire:

  • foto28560-8you can not start washing electrical appliances connected to the network;
  • you should not trample soot and soot into the floor covering;
  • do not touch clean surfaces with dirty hands - this will lead to the smell spreading to new products;
  • do not use aggressive substances or products with a pungent odor for cleaning;
  • it is impossible to clean with closed windows, the room must be well ventilated.

Helpful information

Tips for eliminating the smell of burning from the apartment:

  1. When working with chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions. Some formulations work for a certain time, after which they need to be washed off.
  2. Processing should be started in a well-ventilated area. Do not forget about personal protective equipment.
  3. First, you need to do a general cleaning in the apartment. Only then can aromatic agents be used.
  4. Experts recommend leaving the apartment for 2-3 days to allow the chemicals to take effect. During this time, they should fade away, taking with them extraneous aromas.

Find helpful tips and tricks on how to eliminate the burning smell in this section.


It is difficult to cope with the smell of burning after a fire. Most often, you have to combine several methods at once. However, no matter what kind of tool was chosen for cleaning, you need to start it as early as possible.



