Work on mistakes, or how to remove the smell of burning in an apartment and house after a burned-out pan

foto28490-1Food burnt in a saucepan has an unpleasant, persistent and pungent odor. If the food is badly burnt, then smoke and fumes quickly fill the entire apartment, literally eating into the surrounding objects.

How to remove the smell of burning in an apartment or house after a burnt pot? To cope with the situation, you will have to use simple folk recipes or special household chemicals.

Where to start cleaning?

As soon as it was noticed that the pan was burnt out, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible. A good response will help you solve the problem as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Eliminate the source of odor

The pan should be taken out of the apartment immediately.... You can go directly to the street or, at least, to the balcony. If fumes have accumulated mainly in the kitchen, you should try to isolate other rooms - close the doors in them.


foto28490-2After that, it is important to ventilate the apartment, and especially the kitchen. To do this, you need to open windows.

Turning on the hood to the "turbo" or "maximum" mode will help speed up the process... If you have a fan at hand, you must also use it. You can also use the air conditioner in air purification mode.

The main purpose of ventilation is to improve air circulation and eliminate fumes more efficiently.

In the absence of technical devices, a good draft will help to ventilate the room faster. It can be organized by opening the door and window in the room that looks out onto the other side of the building.


After intensive ventilation, it is up to moisture... It is most convenient to humidify the air using a special device - a humidifier. If there is no such remedy, then you can use one of the alternative options:

  1. Place containers with water around the room.
  2. Hang wet towels in the kitchen. The best option is terry, but you can even use regular cotton sheets.
  3. Open a hot water tap so that the moisture begins to evaporate effectively. At the same time, surfaces become moist and the air is purified.

Use of improvised means

If the pan is seriously burnt, and the fumes have dispersed throughout the apartment, you will need a comprehensive cleaning. To do this, use possibly simple recipes based on ingredients that are already at hand.


Table vinegar is acidic. Evaporation of this substance helps to neutralize the specific burning smell. This can be achieved by heating.

foto28490-3Order of use:

  1. Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan.
  2. Add 0.5 liters of vinegar.
  3. Put the pan on the fire without covering it with a lid.
  4. Leave to boil for 2 hours.

Despite the fact that vinegar is a food product, it is not advisable to be in a room with a boiling solution. This is due to the fact that vinegar vapors can negatively affect the body.

Mint and propolis

To cope with the smell of burning in the kitchen, boiling a decoction of mint leaves, propolis and vinegar will help. For processing you will need:

  • water;
  • vinegar;
  • propolis.


  1. Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan.
  2. Add a few tablespoons of crushed dry mint leaves.
  3. Add propolis on the tip of a teaspoon.
  4. Add 5-7 drops of vinegar.
  5. Mix.
  6. Boil for 2 hours.
Boiling the decoction will have no less pungent fumes than a recipe with lots of vinegar.

Natural coffe

foto28490-4Natural coffee beans contain a large amount of aromatic substances. This allows the use of ground or whole grains to flavor the room.

They are placed in containers and placed in the room. Average exposure time:

  • whole grains - 12 hours;
  • ground grains - 3 hours.

For processing, only natural coffee should be used, since instant coffee does not have a sufficient concentration of the necessary aromatic substances.

Cloves and cinnamon

Clove is an aromatic spice that is widely used in cooking recipes. It can also be used for flavoring.


  1. Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan.
  2. Throw 15 cloves into the water.
  3. Add 4 tsp. cinnamon.
  4. Boil for an hour.

It is advisable to stir the broth from time to time.

Citrus zest

Citrus peel can be used to neutralize the stench:

  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • mandarin;
  • grapefruit.
Fruit skins are laid out in a room where the smell is felt. This method can be used when the main burn has already disappeared. You can speed up flavoring in the kitchen by frying pieces of zest in a pan.


foto28490-5You can neutralize the burning smell left after airing with ordinary baking soda, which is found in every kitchen.

To process the kitchen, you will need 1-2 packs of soda... The powder is poured into several saucers and placed around the room.

It may take 6 hours or more to ensure the elimination of unpleasant odors.

How to remove with special drugs?

Among household chemicals, you can find products that can help in such a difficult situation as a burnt pan. It is recommended to use odor neutralizers that act at the molecular level.

SmellOff universal

The drug is available in liquid form, has a water base... A spray bottle allows you to use the product as conveniently as possible.

The spray is effective not only against the smell of burning, it also allows you to neutralize the smell:

  • sweat,
  • tobacco,
  • spoiled food, etc.
SmellOff itself is safe and can be used in residential premises, but it is not recommended to be in the room immediately after processing.

SmellOff is also available in high volume containers. The price for a bottle with a spray is about 670 rubles.



The drug is available in liquid form. It is based on plant extracts and essential oils. Safe even for children and pets, and can be used to tidy up kitchen surfaces. The concentrate has an economical consumption.

OdorGone removes odors effectively, including complex ones:

  • burn,
  • rotting,
  • mustiness, etc.

Does not stain any kind of surface after processing. Price - from 815 rubles.


Helmetex spray neutralizer

The drug is available in liquid form. Helmetex allows you to eliminate a variety of odors, including:

  • smoke,
  • burn,
  • sweat,
  • dampness, etc.
The spray works on the principle of removing, not masking, odors. Among the advantages are the destruction of bacteria, quick drying and the ability to use on various surfaces without traces.

The price for 400 ml is about 600 rubles.


What to do with damaged utensils?

The affected pan will need separate handling. Habitual cleaning and washing will not work in this case.

For, to wipe the surface of carbon deposits, the pan will have to be soaked... There are several solutions to the problem.

When choosing a cleaning method, it is imperative to take into account the material from which the dishes are made. Not all coatings are able to withstand intensive cleaning.


The enamelled pot must not be exposed to sudden temperature changes. Also, hard scrapers are not suitable for cleaning, which not only remove the carbon layer, but can also severely scratch the enamel itself.

You can use recipes based on salt, soda, vinegar or citric acid.


Aluminum pans require careful handling. For cleaning, you can use sponges to help remove carbon deposits after soaking. Also the option with sprinkling the bottom with salt is suitable.

After the pan has stood like this overnight, it will be much easier to remove the darkening. An alternative way is to boil the soap solution.

Stainless steel

foto28490-9Stainless steel is a material that is sensitive to abrasive cleaning. Also, such a pot should not be cleaned with chlorine or ammonia-based products.

The best option is to use soapy water or soda... Soda solution can be boiled in a burnt pan for 15-20 minutes and left to completely soak off the carbon.


The pots are made of tempered glass, which can be cleaned well. Boiling with a solution of soda gives a good result in this case. After exposure, the caked carbon will be removed more easily.

What not to do and why?

Finding yourself in a situation where a saucepan is burnt and the room is filled with smoke, it's important not to make common mistakes:

  1. Do not handle the aroma neutralizers before airing. This is ineffective.
  2. Masking unpleasant odors with air fresheners or perfume sprays does not solve the problem.
  3. Food should not be allowed to come into contact with odor neutralizers, as the chemicals can cause serious poisoning.
  4. Do not rush to clean the pan right away - it is better to soak it first.
  5. Do not open doors to all rooms. In this case, a pungent smell will very quickly fill the entire room, and it will be not only more difficult to eliminate fumes, but also longer in time.
  6. You should not try to eliminate the burning smell by using substances with a pungent odor - whiteness and other chemicals. Such preparations themselves produce vapors that are harmful to health.


Expert advice will help not to make common mistakes and to cope with the task as efficiently as possible:

  1. foto28490-10After the main burnt is removed, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning. This should be done without postponing until later, so that the unpleasant smell does not have time to absorb and gain a foothold on surfaces.
  2. Processing should affect not only hard surfaces, but also textile elements - soft corner, curtains, etc.
  3. It may not be possible to completely restore the pan after it has burned out. Charred utensils will never be the same again. If her condition is very poor, you may have to simply throw this item away.

Find helpful tips and tricks on how to remove the burning smell in this section.


It is quite possible to remove the smell of burning from a burnt pan in an apartment if you get down to business thoroughly and follow the advice of experts.

In order to cope with the task, it may take time and use of several means... To prevent such cases - do not leave the pan on the switched on stove unattended.



