Tips and recipes on how to quickly remove an unpleasant smell from the microwave
There are microwaves in almost every kitchen. Frequent use of this appliance requires equally frequent maintenance.
However, even with regular washing, it can still smell bad.
Read about how to quickly remove an unpleasant smell from the microwave and not spoil the device in the article.
What's the first thing to do?
Before taking steps to eliminate unpleasant smell from the microwave, you need to understand what exactly caused it.
There may be several reasons:
The inside of the microwave contains food debris that has begun to rot.
- A lot of dirt and grease has accumulated on the oven walls or door. When heated, they begin to emit an unpleasant odor.
- Food or liquid has spilled under the rotating bowl.
- The microwave oven has not been washed for a long time, which is why it absorbed the smells of those food products that were cooked in it.
- A dish has burnt inside.
These causes can be eliminated by thoroughly washing the device. If the treatment does not help, you should check the condition of the fan. If a breakdown is found, you must call the master.
How to eliminate with improvised means?
To eliminate the unpleasant smell from the microwave, it is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of expensive compounds. You can try to get rid of it with the help of available tools.that can be found in every home.
It not only cleans and absorbs foreign aromas, but also perfectly disinfects the surface.
- dilute in 50 ml of water 2 tsp. soda;
- moisten a rag in the resulting solution and wipe the entire surface of the device;
- leave to act for 30 minutes;
- repeat the processing procedure again;
- thoroughly wash the entire inner surface of the microwave and wipe it dry.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice well cleans the surface and removes foreign odors. Use it like this:
The inside of the microwave is washed to remove dried food particles.
- The lemon is cut into slices or slices and, without peeling the peel, put into a glass plate filled with water.
- Put the dishes in the oven and turn on the appliance at maximum power.
- When the water boils, you need to wait another 5 minutes, then turn off the device.
- Then they take out the plate, change the water in it and repeat the cleaning again.
The final stage of cleaning is washing the microwave with a regular sponge. After that, it is dried, leaving the door open.
Toothpaste copes well with unpleasant odors... It is used when the microwave is clean and the aromatic molecules are absorbed into its walls.
The paste is applied in a thin layer on the inner surface of the device and left for 2-3 hours. Then it is washed off with a sponge dipped in clean water.
Laundry soap
You can deal with the problem with the help of laundry soap. Apply it as follows:
- the soap is grated;
- pour 1 tablespoon of shavings with half a glass of warm water;
- put it in the microwave and turn it on for 3 minutes at full power;
- when the composition boils, the device is turned off and left with the door closed for another half hour;
- with the same solution, they wash the microwave from the inside, and then wipe it with a rag soaked in clean water.
Coffee perfectly neutralizes foreign odors, but to get the maximum effect, you need to use a natural product brewed in a Turk.
In it they moisten a rag and wipe all the walls of the microwave with it... Then the door is closed and the appliance is left to stand for 3 hours. During this time, the coffee neutralizes foreign odors, after which all that remains is to rinse it off the inner surface of the appliance with clean water.
If you don't want to wash the coffee microwave, you can do otherwise. The grains are poured into a plate, which is left in a closed device for 2-3 days. During this time, all odors will be neutralized. By analogy with coffee, spices are used: oregano, cinnamon, lemon balm or thyme.
Cinnamon milk
Milk with cinnamon will help neutralize foreign odors. Use it like this:
- The glass is filled with milk by a third, add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon.
- Put a toothpick or skewer in a glass, which will prevent milk from escaping when boiling.
- They put it in the oven and turn it on at full power for 2 minutes.
- After boiling, leave it for half an hour inside with the door closed.
- Remove milk, wipe the walls of the device with a clean cloth.
Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Another recipe for neutralizing odor in the microwave is in the video:
Special formulations
You can wash the microwave oven using special products.that are sold in retail stores and online markets. Top 3 effective formulations:
Spray for cleaning ovens and microwaves Mr.Chister
The spray is suitable for microwave treatment, does not harm surfaces, allows not only to eliminate unpleasant odors, but also to get rid of old fat, including burnt food residues.
The composition copes with the problem in 3 minutes... Price - 130 rubles.
The composition is convenient to use, since it is equipped with a spray. It acts quickly, after a few minutes after application it must be removed with a dry paper towel.
If, in addition to the smell, there are persistent grease contamination on the walls of the microwave, they are removed with a sponge. Price - 300 rubles.
Available in gel form... In addition to its high detergency, it has an antibacterial effect and perfectly neutralizes foreign odors. Price - 420 rubles.
How to get rid of burning?
To cope with the burning smell, you will need a high-quality cleaning of the entire device, since it is absorbed into all walls and parts.
First you need to dilute dishwashing liquid in water... One teaspoon of the product is enough for a glass. In the finished solution, a sponge is impregnated and the device is treated with it from the inside. After 30 minutes, wipe it with a clean damp cloth and repeat the procedure again.
In the morning, the charcoal is removed, and the device is wiped from the inside with a damp cloth. In addition to thorough washing, it is necessary to ventilate the device for a long time.
How can I neutralize the fish aroma inside the appliance?
The fishy smell is very strong and persistent, and it is the most difficult to get rid of it. If detergents do not help, you can try to neutralize it with acid. Table vinegar removes amber and disinfects the microwave surface.
Use it as follows:
Add a teaspoon of vinegar 9% to a plate with a little water.
- Put the container in the oven and turn it on at full power for 5 minutes.
- Then allow the composition to cool.
- An hour later, the door is opened, a rag is moistened in a vinegar solution and passed over the entire surface of the device, the walls are allowed to dry and washed with clean water.
After such treatment, the device must remain open for 8 hours. It is not recommended to use this method too often, so as not to spoil the protective coating of the walls.
Helpful information
Tips for Getting Rid of Unpleasant Microwave Odor:
- you can start washing the device only when it is disconnected from the network;
- before using the detergent, the microwave must be treated with a clean cloth dipped in plain water;
- all formulations must be washed off after application;
- after finishing washing, let the appliance dry naturally - the longer the door stays open, the better.
After using the appliance, the door does not need to be closed tightly. It is left ajar to provide additional ventilation.
It's easy to get rid of odors in the microwave... To do this, you can use the tools at hand or purchase specialized formulations.
You should also remember to regularly clean the device. Even if it does not smell of anything, you need to wipe the microwave with a damp cloth after each use.