Proven ways to remove toilet odor

foto28454-1An unpleasant odor in the toilet must be eliminated. It affects the comfort of being in the washroom and can spread to other areas.

It is not always possible to solve the problem only by using an air freshener. Depending on the cause of the unpleasant odors, a suitable method of solving the problem is selected.

How to remove an unpleasant smell from the toilet, we will tell in the article.

Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor

A bad smell in the toilet can be attributed to various reasons. There are several main ones among them.

Violations in the care of plumbing

foto28454-2With improper or irregular plumbing maintenance, an unpleasant smell from the toilet can be present in the toilet.

This is the most common reason for a repulsive scent.... Good care should include the use of disinfectants and the cleaning and washing of the toilet itself.

With this treatment, dirt, bacteria, microbes, and also an unpleasant odor in the room are eliminated. Solution to the problem: proper timely care of the toilet.


Sewer blockages can occur when food leftovers are poured into the toilet, and even the garbage is flushed away.

Rags, personal hygiene products, bags and other items must not be thrown down the toilet.

Piling up in a pipe such garbage becomes a good breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, reproduction of bacteria and fungus. As a result, the patency of pipes is disrupted and an unpleasant odor is emitted.

The solution to the problem is to clean the pipes and further keep the plumbing clean.

Installation errors, leakage, wear

Over time, cracks can form on the sewer pipes, and the joints of parts can lose their tightness. Sometimes such situations arise even with new equipment, if it is improperly mounted or poor quality parts are used.

Problem Solving - Troubleshooting, if necessary - replacement of elements or the entire system.

Ventilation problems

An improperly organized ventilation system can also lead to stagnation of stench. Or its blockage, which disrupts normal air exchange. The solution to the problem is to troubleshoot the system.

Control methods

foto28454-3It is quite possible to cope with smells from the toilet in various ways. Good performance can be given by:

  • folk recipes;
  • fresheners;
  • purchased cleaning products;
  • the use of acids, alkalis, chlorine.

Complex processing may require a combination of several options. For example, the use of cleaning products and the use of air fresheners.

How to eliminate folk remedies?

Simple ways to deal with unpleasant odors allow you to use the means and substances that are already in the household to achieve the effect.


Soda powder tends to absorb odors... In order to refresh the space of the toilet room, you can put a bowl of soda in the room.


In cases where the odor needs to be eliminated quickly, a vinegar-based recipe is suitable. For this, an arbitrary amount of vinegar must be poured into a container with hot water.

The hot solution will evaporate, causing the vinegar smell to drown out the unpleasant odor from the toilet. The effect of this method is not long-term.


Some types of cosmetic soaps have such a strong scent that they can be used as a scenting agent. A few bars of this soap will solve the problem if you spread them out in the washroom.It is desirable to use soap with the same scent..


Coffee beans have the property of emitting a fairly strong characteristic odor. You can take advantage of this by pouring some grains into a decorative bowl. You will have to change the flavoring every 1-2 days.

Essential oils

foto28454-4Natural essential oils have a fairly strong aroma. Their smell is best revealed when heated.

If pipes with hot water pass through the room, then you can drip a few drops of oil onto a damp handkerchiefto be placed on the hot pipe.

An alternative is to apply oil (a few drops) to a switched off light bulb. When the lights are on, the oil will evaporate, freshening the room.

Acid and alkali

Caustic soda can be used to clean the toilet and remove odors. In essence, it is alkali.

Application procedure:

  1. Drain the toilet bowl.
  2. Pour in alkali solution.
  3. Withstand several hours.
  4. Treat with a brush.
  5. Wash off with plenty of water.

Instead of alkali, you can use products with acid - vinegar, citric acid (it must first be diluted in water), etc.

Such funds are simply poured into the toilet and left for several hours. After that, clean the surface and rinse with water. For stubborn dirt, re-treatment may be necessary.

Chlorine preparations

Chlorine products such as whiteness allow you to clean the toilet bowl surface, disinfect it and eliminate unpleasant odors. The downside of this use is the specific aroma of chlorine itself and the fact that the substance is toxic.

You can use the whiteness of the gel by applying it under the rim. It is possible to use chlorine-based preparations as a last resort, using personal protective equipment, and only with good ventilation.

Air fresheners

All air fresheners can be divided into three main groups:

  1. foto28454-5Deodorizing air. These fresheners neutralize molecules that cause unpleasant odors.
  2. Masking unpleasant odors. The aromatization of the toilet allows you to hide an unpleasant smell, drowning out a pleasant one, with a pronounced fragrance.
  3. Combined funds. They combine the first two options.

Fresheners are available in different forms:

  • sticks,
  • gel,
  • spray can.

How to get rid of using special sewer cleaning products?

Purchased products help to maintain the hygiene of the toilet - they eliminate not only unpleasant odors, but also limescale and other organic pollutants. The rating of toilet and bathroom cleaning products is presented in this article.


Means of the Domestos series are designed for high-quality care and cleaning of the toilet, disinfection of plumbing and removal of blockages. A cleaning solution is produced in a gel form, which is well distributed over the surface. The main active ingredient is sodium hypochlorite.

If the state of the toilet is neglected, it is recommended to leave the applied agent for several hours to act. With regular use, Domestos acts faster. After exposure, wash off the drug with water using a brush.

Pros of using:

  • elimination of specific toilet odors;
  • disinfection;
  • removal of lime and urinary stones;
  • Ease of use;
  • economical consumption.

The downside is the price. The cost is up to 200 rubles.



The product is based on sodium hypochlorite. It is produced in a gel form, which allows high-quality surface treatment.


  • low price;
  • elimination of odor;
  • suitable for all types of pipes;
  • removal of organic deposits.


  • acrid odor;
  • reprocessing may be necessary;
  • does not remove lime.

The price is about 70 rubles.


Cilit bang

The drug is a fairly aggressive gel based on oxalic acid. It is very effective in cleaning plumbing and removing odors.


  • elimination of plaque;
  • removal of odors;
  • whitening;
  • disinfection.


  • high price;
  • toxicity;
  • not suitable for metal processing.

The price is about 170 rubles.


Toilet cleaning rules

To keep the toilet clean and prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors, a quality cleaning will help. It should be carried out with good ventilation and using personal protective equipment.

Toilet washing rules:

  1. After wetting a cloth with hot water, wipe the entire outside of the toilet bowl.
  2. Using the cleaning agent of your choice, apply it in a circle under the rim so that it flows over the entire surface of the toilet.
  3. Leave the drug to act for the time indicated by the instructions.
  4. Carry out the treatment of the inner surface of the toilet bowl with a brush. Be sure to pay attention to the bottom and the area near the rim.
  5. Flush the toilet bowl and brush. To do this, flush the water down the toilet several times in a row.
  6. Once again, more thoroughly, rinse the outside of the toilet bowl.
  7. Disinfect the seat.
  8. Rinse with clean water.
  9. Wipe the exterior and seat dry with paper towels.

Keeping the air clean

Keep the air in the toilet clean an integrated approach will help:

  1. foto28454-9Timely regular cleaning, and periodically - general.
  2. Compliance with the rules for using the toilet - using a brush, rinsing, etc.
  3. Organization of good ventilation in the room.
  4. In case of breakdowns (leaks) - timely elimination.
  5. The use of flavoring agents.

A ban on smoking in this room will also help maintain fresh air in the toilet.

The plumbing problem: what to do?

If the source of the unpleasant smell in the toilet is deteriorated equipment or its improper installation, professional help may be needed. To do this, they call a plumber, who will inspect the state of the sewer system, and give an opinion on what work will need to be done.

If the cause of the smell is a blockage in the drain pipes, then you can try to eliminate it yourself or with the assistance of a specialist. For this, one of the mechanical methods can be used, for example, a special plumbing cable.

If the system is old, pipes and plumbing are worn out, then you may need to replace plumbing equipment... The cost will depend on the volume and complexity of the work required.

Eliminate tobacco stink

The smell of tobacco after smoking in the toilet can persist for a long time. Turning on the hood, organizing good ventilation, and using odor absorbers will help to cope with it.

Hanging out wet terry towels will help you solve the problem well as placing a saucer with a sliced ​​fresh apple.

To remove the aroma after smoking, if it is not old, special household chemicals from the smell of tobacco will help. To cope with the smell of cigarettes in the toilet, tips from this articles.


Coping with toilet odor the following tips will help:

  1. foto28454-10The toilet seat also needs to be cleaned and replaced in time, as it can also serve as a source of unpleasant odors and a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. You can freshen up the air in the toilet with a car hanging device. It can, for example, be attached to an air vent.
  3. Using iron scourers can damage the toilet.
  4. A tank malfunction is one of the most common problems that can lead to poor-quality flushing of the toilet and, as a result, provoke an unpleasant odor.

Rags, buckets of water, dirty brushes, and other cleaning products can themselves produce unpleasant odors.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

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Removing the smell from the toilet is a solvable task... Simple folk recipes and special means will come to the rescue. If you take the issue seriously, maintaining cleanliness constantly and using preventive measures, the problem with the smell will not arise at all.



