Effective and inexpensive ways to remove the smell of new furniture in the room

foto28615-1Buying new furniture allows you to update the interior and evokes a lot of positive emotions.

Replacing the furniture is a pleasant event, which often leads to the need to solve the problem - to eliminate the specific smell from the new headset.

Special tools, folk recipes and household appliances will help to cope with the task. We will tell you more about how to wipe the new furniture and remove the smell from the apartment in the article.

Preparing to remove an unpleasant odor in the apartment

Before proceeding with the removal of odors, the furniture must be prepared, and good ventilation must be organized in the room itself.

If possible, it is better to open the windows completely and leave them in this state, if possible, for several hours. But in the cold season or in case of precipitation, this should not be done.

Preparatory activities also include:

  • unpacking a furniture set;
  • installation of all items away from heating devices;
  • opening of all doors;
  • pulling out drawers;
  • cabinet furniture should not be filled.

At the preparatory stage, you should not use bedspreads, furniture covers and other accessories that can impair air access to the furniture surface.

The video will tell you why the new furniture smells unpleasant:

Traditional methods

Folk recipes for removing odor from new furniture are budget alternatives for solving the problem. They are based on affordable funds that can be found in the household.


Linen bags with salt can not only eliminate odors, but also absorb excess moisture. For these purposes they are recommended to be laid out inside the cabinet furniture... If the problem persists in a day, the room needs to be ventilated, and the bags need to be replaced with new ones.

Orange peel

foto28615-2Citrus zest, and especially oranges, has the ability to remove unpleasant odors, including from furniture.

The crusts are laid on the inside and on top of the furnitureas well as around. After a few hours, the room can be ventilated and the zest removed.

Natural flavoring should not be used if family members are allergic to citrus fruits.

Salt and tea

Both salt and tea have the ability to remove odors. For a more effective effect, both of these components must be mixed in equal proportions and placed in small containers around the room. The best effect is obtained by using large leaf tea.

How to remove the smell of new furniture with tea and salt, video recipe:


Table vinegar contains acetic acid - a substance that is effective in eliminating various odors. To obtain the result, it is enough to put a bowl of undiluted table vinegar in the room and leave it for several hours.

After such exposure, high-quality ventilation of the room will be necessary in order to weather the smell of the neutralizer itself - vinegar.

It is also necessary to ensure that there are no people and pets in the room during processing.

Aromatic oils

foto28615-3Essential oils can be used to eliminate odors. The application can be different:

  1. Put a few drops on the off light bulb, and then turn it on.
  2. Apply 7-9 drops to a damp handkerchief or kitchen towel and place them on the radiator.
  3. Carry out processing using an aroma lamp.

An alternative option is to use incense sticks.


Natural coffee (ground or beans) can serve as a reliable natural flavor. This option is suitable for coffee drink lovers.

Coffee is poured into several containers and placed around the room... Grains are replaced with fresh ones as needed.

Instant coffee is not used to flavor the room, as it contains an insufficient amount of aromatic substances.

Special means

Special household chemicals against unpleasant odors have a convenient form of release and give a noticeable effect.

When choosing a specific product, it is imperative to read the instructions and act strictly according to the rules specified on the packaging.

OdorGone Professional

A versatile odor remover. Can be used by applying to:

  • plastic,
  • tree,
  • vinyl,
  • carpets,
  • upholstery,
  • leather (natural and artificial), etc.

The drug is safe for people, pets and indoor plants. OdorGone inhibits the development of fungi and disease-causing bacteria. Price - from 700 rubles for a container of 0.5 liters.


Pro-Brite for Lenot upholstery

The preparation is intended for cleaning upholstery of upholstered furniture and removing odors. The composition contains APAS and NSAS. The cleaning agent can be applied directly to the fabric... Does not leave stains behind. Price - from 120 rubles.



Universal absorber absorbs even strong odors... The drug is not harmful to people and animals, it can be used in living quarters, a car and even in a refrigerator. Installed anywhere. Price - from 20 rubles per piece.


Use of household appliances

In order to freshen the air in a room with new furniture, you can use technical devices. Most often they come to the rescue:

  • air conditioning;
  • ionizer;
  • ozonizer;
  • fan;
  • air purifier.


This household appliance proves to be effective in eliminating unpleasant odors. The application is very simple. The ozonizer is plugged into an outlet and easily copes with the task in just a few hours.

The device allows not only to remove odors, but also to disinfect and eliminate harmful compounds from the air. The disadvantage of using the ozonizer is the high cost of the device.

Air purifier

foto28615-7Indoor air purification devices can be divided into 2 groups, taking into account the type of filter. They are wet and dry..

In addition to smell, cleaners also cope with other problems - eliminate allergens. The quality of cleaning depends on the capabilities of the filter.The best results are obtained by adsorption-catalytic.

Cons of using:

  • high cost of the device,
  • noise during operation,
  • Energy consumption.

Fan, air conditioner, ionizer

The efficiency of the air conditioner, ionizer and fan in solving the issue of air purification is lower than that of a purifier and ozonizer. Their use can improve the situation, but may not help to cope with the problem completely.

Features of getting rid of amber, taking into account the material of manufacture

Depending on the material of manufacture of the furniture set, the surface treatment is different. Adsorbents are universal in this respect, they can be used without restriction.


Chipboard is an inexpensive material often used to create furniture... It contains wood chips, as well as phenol and formaldehyde.

These volatile toxic substances evaporate into the air. In high concentrations, they can cause an attack of bronchial asthma and cause poor health.

When buying new furniture made of chipboard, it is important to ensure that there are no chips, other damage, or untreated places on its surface. It is through these areas that evaporation is especially intense.

In order for the specific smell to go away, you can organize ventilation, use aroma neutralizers and technical devices. In this case, the furniture should already be unpacked.

Varnish, paint

foto28615-8Varnish used to coat furniture can also give off an unpleasant odor... In order not to increase the release of toxic substances, such furniture should not be placed near heating devices immediately after purchase.

In some cases, furniture is covered with paint, stain or other compounds. As long as they are fresh, just applied, the smell can be quite strong.

The easiest way to cope with the task is to organize the ventilation of the room. Adsorbents and odor neutralizers are also suitable.


MDF profile is practically odorless and does not pose a threat to the health of family members. It will be much easier to remove a light aroma from such a surface than with chipboard.

The MDF profile is non-toxic; natural substances are used in its processing. Almost any odor removal method can be used.

Upholstered furniture

The stuffing of armchairs, sofas and other upholstered furniture goes a long way to the consumer. During storage, the filler can absorb foreign odors. If there was high humidity in the storage area, then the furniture may smell musty.

The upholstered furniture must be vacuumed. If possible, it is better to put bags with spicy or fragrant dry herbs with a pleasant aroma inside the sofa, with coffee beans.

Household chemicals can only be used that is designed for processing upholstered furniture.


foto28615-9Genuine leather used to create furniture is pre-processed... After purchase, such a sofa or armchair may emit a specific aroma of chemicals with which the upholstery was treated.

Regular baking soda or flavored sea salt can help. It can be poured onto the upholstery for a while, and after a few hours - collected with a vacuum cleaner.

You can also contact cleaning specialists who will help you process expensive items.You can't wash new skin.

Expert recommendations

The advice of furniture specialists and cleaning specialists will help to solve the problem efficiently and without unpleasant consequences.

These recommendations include:

  1. If the room in which the new furniture was installed does not live, long-term good ventilation can be organized.
  2. Purchased odor removers can trigger allergies. Allergy sufferers should choose such drugs especially carefully.
  3. Not all odor removers are suitable for all surfaces. Information about this must be indicated by manufacturers of household chemicals on the packaging.
  4. Whichever method, or a combination of several, is chosen, it will take time to solve the problem.
If the unpleasant smell cannot be overcome in any way, and there is a danger of ruining the expensive headset, you can contact a cleaning company for help.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.


You can remove the smell of new furniture in the best way for yourself. These can be simple homemade recipes, expensive special-purpose household appliances, or household chemicals.



