The breath of antiquity, or how to remove a specific senile smell from an apartment
In houses where old people live, over time, a persistent smell of old age appears. It is almost impossible to immediately move into such housing.
How to remove the senile smell from the apartment? Special purchased products, household appliances and even simple folk recipes, which will be discussed in the article, will help to solve the problem.
Preparing to remove unpleasant odors
Before proceeding directly to the removal of the smell of an old person, it is advisable to analyze how much the unpleasant aroma has permeated the environment. And what interior items will remain in the room in the future.
Preparatory activities include:
Removing from the premises those items that will no longer be there.
- General cleaning.
- Airing the room.
- Release from things of cabinets and bedside tables.
- Carpets and carpets must be thrown away or dry cleaned.
- Airing chairs, carpets, clothes, etc.
- It is advisable to treat floors, doors, windows and other surfaces with disinfectants.
Traditional methods
Lack of good ventilation, high humidity and stagnant air in closets only aggravate the situation with an unpleasant odor in the apartment.
It is possible to remove odors of a different nature, including senile, with the use of table vinegar.
Processing is carried out:
- shelves,
- inner space of cabinets,
- boxes, etc.
The same processing, if the material of the furniture allows, is done from the outside. If the furniture is collapsible, then the final drying is best done in the fresh air.
Potassium permanganate solution
For surface treatment indoors, it is necessary to prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
The liquid should turn a light pink shade... Surface treatment is carried out in the same way as in the vinegar recipe.
The method is not suitable for processing light-colored surfaces, as they may become stained.
Vinegar and essential oils
In advanced cases, when there is not only an old smell, but there is mold, the processing should be even more thorough.
A concentrated vinegar solution is prepared for processing - it is bred in half with water and a few drops of fir, lemon or pine essential oil are added.
Wax candles
In order to remove unpleasant odors, you can use regular wax candles. Flavored ones are also suitable. The best effect is obtained by lighting several candles and placing them in the corners of the room. Using the candle method, the procedure will have to be repeated several times.
It is possible to remove odors from the room by setting fire to paper... For these purposes, writing paper, newsprint and even toilet paper are suitable. A fireproof container (for example, a large ashtray) is installed in the room and crumpled paper is set on fire.
To scent the room, you need a few bars of scented toilet soap. Each bar should be cut into several pieces.
The resulting soap cubes need to be decomposed:
- in wardrobes and bedside tables,
- put on the sofa,
- on the mezzanine,
- on the windowsill.
Special formulations
At home, special household chemicals can be used to remove unpleasant odors of biological origin. They are effective, easy to use, but expensive.
OdorGone Мed
The drug is intended for professional processing. The spray, acting at the molecular level, removes odors:
- sweat,
- feces,
- vomiting
- urine,
- mustiness,
- dampness, etc.
OdorGone can be used on any surface:
- the cloth;
- plastic;
- wood, etc.
The tool is multifunctional, suitable for complex treatment of the room. When cleaning, the drug can be applied by spraying to the surface, or added to the solution for cleaning floors, walls. It contains natural herbal ingredients and purified water. The price for a 0.5 liter bottle is from 800 rubles.
Helmetex Med
The drug is designed to eliminate specific odors from various surfaces that are in contact with sedentary people.
The smell is eliminated:
- delights,
- sweat,
- urine, etc.
In addition, surfaces are disinfected. The product is suitable for processing cabinet and upholstered furniture, textiles. Has a fresh mint scent. Price for 100 ml - from 400 rubles.
SmellOFF for solving delicate problems
The product is designed to eliminate stubborn odors typical for the elderly and bedridden patients.
The product is applied by spraying onto the surface to be treated, or directly into the air. On average, 5 sprays are sufficient for an area of up to 15 m²... The price is about 700 rubles per bottle.
Use of household appliances
To cope with unpleasant senile odors, household appliances can be used.
Air conditioning
To eliminate the stench, an air conditioner with an air purification function can be used. If there is such an opportunity, it is worth taking advantage of it. This option is not available in all models of split systems. Less use - additional functions increase the cost of the device itself.
Using a fan with open windows helps to improve air exchange in the room... In this case, unpleasant odors disappear faster. But the fan alone does not radically solve the problem.
Air purifier
Air purifiers can solve the problem of indoor odors. When choosing a device, it is necessary to take into account the type and principle of the filter.The disadvantages of the application include noise during operation and the cost of equipment.
The use of this device gives a tangible effect in a short time.... In addition to eliminating odors, the ozonizer disinfects the premises. The disadvantage of using is the price of the device itself.
Disinfection and odor control using an ionizer is quite possible. In terms of efficiency and effectiveness, this tool is inferior to ozonizers and filter systems.
We eliminate the smell from old furniture in the house
Upholstered furniture absorbs and retains various odors well. You can remove fragrances with a commercial spray or home remedy.
To prepare a cleaning solution you will need the following components:
- Liquid soap (20 ml.).
- Water (2 tbsp.).
- Vinegar (1 tbsp. L.).
- Citric acid (1 tbsp. L.).
All ingredients are mixed. The solution is poured into a bottle and shaken until foam is formed. The prepared solution can be used to clean upholstered furniture with a sponge.
After the surface has dried, it is necessary to walk on it with a brush and vacuum it. The covers and bedspreads that were used to cover the seats would be better replaced.
5 recommendations
The advice of experts is able to help with the solution of the issue:
- Ventilation should be repeated as often as possible in conjunction with other odor control techniques.
- Wallpaper and floors are the surfaces from which the smell of old age is most difficult to erase. If all simple methods did not help with the solution of the issue completely, it is recommended to carry out repairs. The minimum is to replace the wallpaper and refresh the floors.
- You should not immediately bring new furniture into an apartment with a smell. First you need to get rid of unpleasant odors.
- Elimination of high humidity in the room is a prerequisite in the struggle for cleanliness and freshness of the air.
- It is advisable to entrust antique items with traces of an old-fashioned smell, which require especially careful treatment, to professionals. They are able to carry out high-quality restoration.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.
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Senile smell in secondary housing apartments is a common phenomenon. But the problem is quite solvable if you take on its elimination purposefully. Using progressive and folk techniques, an unpleasant odor can be removed completely.