7 ways to remove adhesive from bottle labels
Glass bottles are reusable. Juices of our own preparation are poured into them, wines are insisted, oil is stored.
To make the recycled container look attractive, you need to remove the label from it, under which there is always a thick layer of glue.
Read about how to quickly and thoroughly clean the bottle from sticky traces of glue from the label in the article.
How to wipe off the marks?
There are many tools available to help you deal with the problem. If no one is surprised by the process of wiping off the glue with acetone, then few people know that the WD-40 automobile grease copes with the composition.
WD-40 is a liquid lubricant, which can be found on sale in any store for car enthusiasts.
The tool is used to remove rust, it is enough to process old bolts with it once and after a few minutes they will easily unscrew. Therefore, you can find such a can in the garage of every driver.
In everyday life, the composition has found wide application. Resourceful housewives actively use it to remove glue stains.
- Aim sprayer at adhesive marks.
- Press the button.
- Leave the composition to work for 10 minutes.
- Remove residue with a clean, damp cloth.
- Rinse the bottle with water.
The composition is flammable, it can be sprayed only away from sources of fire. Its cost is low, the price is about 180 rubles for a bottle of 0.42 liters.
How to remove with soapy water?
You can use soapy water to remove the glue. Prepare it as follows:
- grind half of a new bar on a grater;
- a small amount of hot water is poured into the basin;
- stir the soap until complete dissolution, add water until the required volume is obtained.
It is better to use 72% laundry soap to remove the glue. It contains caustic soda and fatty acids to help cleanse sticky residues quickly. Scented soaps do less well for stains.
Mode of application:
- Soak the bottle in the prepared solution.
- To prevent it from floating, you can fill it with water.
- After an hour, remove the glue with a brush.
You can do without immersing the bottle in water by applying a soapy solution to the glue with a sponge. In this case, you will have to ensure that the surface remains moist all the time.
You can remove traces of glue from the glass surface with soda. For cleaning with minimal effort, observe the following procedure:
fill a suitable container with water, dissolve soda in it at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of liquid;
- pour warm water into a bottle and dip it into the prepared solution;
- leave for an hour;
- remove the softened glue with the hard side of the sponge.
If necessary, soda can be poured directly onto the bottle. This will increase the quality and speed of cleaning. Soaking in a soda solution allows you to quickly and effortlessly remove the adhesive from the glass surface.
You need to start removing the glue from the bottle after removing the top paper layer. The label is torn off by hand and the residue is removed with warm water. When only sticky stripes remain on the surface, proceed to the main procedure.
- Moisten a cloth or cotton pad liberally with acetone.
- Apply the cloth to the bottle in the form of a compress.
- Leave to work for 10-15 minutes. If the layer is thin, you can do without pre-soaking.
- Squeeze out excess liquid, remove glue residues.
- Rinse the container with clean water.
If acetone was not found at home in its pure form, it can be replaced with a nail polish remover. The concentration of the main substance in it is not so high, therefore, the exposure time to the glue is increased to half an hour.
How to remove with rubbing alcohol?
You can get rid of the glue from the bottle using any alcohol-containing liquid. It can be vodka, cologne, glass cleaner. They all contain a certain percentage of alcohol.
You need to act as follows:
- soak a sponge with a cleaner;
- apply liquid to glass, abundantly moistening problem areas;
- if the layer is thick and old, it is covered with a cloth dipped in alcohol;
- after 30 minutes, start the cleaning procedure, after completing it you need to rinse the bottle with warm water.
Pure medical alcohol is most effective, but you can buy it at the pharmacy only with a prescription.
As the cotton pad gets dirty with glue, it needs to be changed... Otherwise, the softened sticky composition will simply smear over the glass surface. Each new disc is re-soaked in alcohol.
You can use paint strippers to remove the adhesive. They will help you quickly deal with tough spots.
As a solvent, substances such as:
- Petrol.
- Kerosene.
- White Spirit.
- Turpentine.
- Solvent R-4, 647, 646 and others.
All substances are used according to the same scheme:
The selected composition is moistened with a cotton pad.
- With its help, wipe the glue from the bottle. If it does not come off badly, the product is left on the spot to take effect. Typically, the solvent will take 10-15 minutes to soften the sticky base.
- Remove glue residues with a dry paper towel.
- Rinse the bottle with clean water.
Another available solvent is vinegar essence. The high concentration of acids breaks down the adhesive molecules quickly. The surface of the bottle can be cleaned easily in a few minutes. If there is no essence in the house, use table vinegar, but you will have to rub the bottle for at least 10 minutes.
Vegetable oil
When looking for an effective glue remover from a bottle, you can forget about an affordable product that is in every home. To deal with sticky marks, you can use regular vegetable oil. Any variety of it is suitable: sunflower, olive, linseed, etc.
Mode of application:
- apply oil to a cotton pad;
- moisten a bottle with it, leave for 15 minutes;
- remove softened glue;
- rinse the container with warm water and dishwashing detergent.
Helpful information
To make it easier to remove the glue from the bottle, the following tips should be taken into account:
If, after exposure to the solvent, the glue rolls down and does not rub off, then the composition did not have enough time to soak the base. In this case, the procedure is repeated once more.
- Putting hot water inside the bottle will make it easier to get rid of the glue. The heat will soften it from the inside out.
- You need to start removing sticky marks immediately after removing the sticker. After a while, the glue will harden, dust and other dirt will settle on it. Therefore, it will be more difficult to deal with stains.
- Do not try to remove the adhesive with fire. Direct contact with the glass will cause it to burst.
- After processing, the bottle must be rinsed not only outside, but also inside to completely remove the remaining cleaning agent. This is especially important if the container will be used to store food.
You will find a lot of useful information on removing adhesive in this section.
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5 ways to wash the bottle from the glue from the label in the video:
It is not difficult to clean the bottle of glue if you choose the right composition for this purpose. You can deal with stains with the help of available tools, one of which is sure to be found in the house or in the garage.