Easy ways to remove adhesive from a sticker from metal
Traces of glue from stickers are found in the most unexpected places: on the refrigerator door, on the sink, on the surface of the iron and more.
Dealing with the problem is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because the sticky layer is very strong. Therefore, it will not be possible to do with just ordinary water.
How remove glue from metal stickers, read the article.
How to wipe away the marks from the label from the metal surface?
The sooner you start to remove the adhesive after removing the sticker, the easier it is to deal with. Sometimes it is enough to simply wipe the stain with a cloth dampened with soapy water. If time is lost, you will have to use more aggressive formulations.
Fresh stains can be easily removed with soapy water. How to prepare it:
- Rub 72% laundry soap into shavings.
- Add warm water to the container.
- Stir the composition.
It is best to use the solution while it is still hot. It is applied to the stain with a sponge, abundantly wetting the glue trail. After 15-30 minutes, the metal is rubbed with a soft brush and wiped with a cloth to remove the remnants of the product.
If it was not possible to cope with the stain the first time, the procedure is repeated... The soap solution does not harm the metal surface, so you can use it as needed.
The main disadvantage of this method is its low efficiency in the fight against old traces.
Gasoline dissolves glue molecules well, making the bonds between them less strong. Thanks to this effect, it can be easily removed.
To treat the metal surface, use gasoline to refuel lighters. Mode of application:
- soak a cotton pad with gasoline;
- apply it to the glue stain;
- leave to act for 20 minutes;
- roll the softened glue with a plastic spatula or scraper;
- wipe the surface with alcohol to degrease it and remove unpleasant odors.
Dimexide is a drug for the treatment of inflammation and the destruction of microbes, it is sold in the pharmacy. Undiluted (99% concentration), the composition is very aggressive, therefore it copes even with old stains. Its cost is low - about 80 rubles per 100 ml.
Mode of application:
- Apply Dimexide to a cotton pad.
- Moisten the stain with it.
- Leave to act for 5-10 minutes.
- Remove glue and product residues with a paper towel.
- Wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth.
Dimexide does not harm the metal, but with prolonged contact it can provoke the destruction of its protective coating. Therefore, it should not be kept on the surface for more than 10 minutes. If during this time it was not possible to remove the trace, the processing can be repeated.
The product is capable of provoking skin irritation upon direct contact, therefore work with him only with gloves.
Alcohol is safe for metal and most coatings, so it is safe to use to remove glue. It does a good job on fresh stains. To do this, it is enough to wipe them several times with an alcohol-coated cotton pad.
If the glue has had time to firmly adhere to the surface and become covered with dust, additional actions will be required:
- for a start, the dried composition is cleaned with a hard, but not iron brush;
- soak a sponge with alcohol and apply it to the stain;
- leave to act for 30-60 minutes;
- remove the softened composition with a plastic spatula, wipe the treated area with a clean damp cloth.
It can be replaced with vodka, but it is less concentrated, so the exposure time is doubled.
Acetone is the most popular solvent. Most often it is used for removing paintwork, but it does a good job of removing glue stains.
Mode of application:
Apply the composition to a cotton or gauze swab.
- Rub the stain with it from the edge to the center.
- Continue processing until the glue is completely dissolved.
- As the disc becomes dirty, it needs to be replaced.
- Treat the surface with a clean, damp cloth.
Acetone is toxic to humans, inhalation of its vapors can provoke severe headaches. Therefore, you need to work with him in a respirator. So that the composition is not absorbed into the blood through the skin and does not damage the nails, hands are protected with gloves.
If the metal is lacquered or painted, you should first try to apply acetone on an inconspicuous area.
The glue easily leaves the surface during cooling, but for this, the temperature must drop below minus 25-30 degrees. This can be achieved by placing the item in the freezer.
Instructions for action:
- Wrap the product in polyethylene.
- Put in the freezer for 6-8 hours.
- Remove the item, carefully separate the frozen trace from the metal surface.
If it was not possible to remove the stain the first time, the procedure is repeated. Cold is not capable of harming metal, so the method is safe for the product.
Sticky footprints are afraid of high temperatures... When they are heated above 50 degrees, the bond strength decreases, so the stain can be easily removed from the surface.
Metal, on the other hand, is resistant to high temperatures, so there is no risk of damage to it. You can use a hair dryer to remove the glue.
Mode of application:
- turn on the hair dryer at medium power;
- bring it to the spot as close as possible, but not close;
- hold for some time so that the composition becomes soft;
- remove it with a plastic spatula or roll it up with a rubber roller;
- walk on the surface with alcohol for final cleaning.
In addition to a hair dryer, an iron can come to the rescue, but first you need to cover the stain with a sheet of cardboard.A hot sole is passed over it several times, after which the paper is removed along with the sticky composition.
For a complete cleansing, the area is treated with alcohol... The method is effective, but when heating painted surfaces, you need to be careful not to remove the protective layer with the glue.
Anticlee is a compound used to remove sticky marks from various surfaces. The gel is available in small 5 mg tubes. The product costs from 80 to 100 rubles.
Instructions for use:
- apply the gel to the stain;
- cover the surface with a napkin;
- leave for 10-12 hours;
- remove the softened composition with clean paper.
How to clean with professional cleaners?
In addition to improvised means, you can use professional removers to remove glue. Most popular brands:
Spray Prosept Duty Universal (350 rubles for 0.4 l). The solvent is sprayed onto the stain for 1-2 minutes (for 5-10 minutes for solidified formulations). The remains are removed with a cloth.
The tool is easy to apply, it is suitable for removing all types of glue, actively dissolving their base.
- HG to remove glue (360 rubles for 300 ml). The liquid is applied to the dirt, left to act for 15 minutes, and the residues are removed with a cloth. This composition is able to deal with both fresh and old stains.
- Spray cleaner Tesa 200 ml (520 rubles for 200 ml). The composition is sprayed onto the stain, left for 5 minutes, removed with a napkin. The spray is easy to apply, does not contain chlorine and silicone, is very economical and has a pleasant smell.
All formulations can be purchased at a household chemicals store or ordered online.
Helpful information
Tips to help deal with stains from glue without harm to the product:
- Metal should not be cleaned with other sharp-edged metal products such as a knife or putty knife. This will cause scratches.
- If the metal is covered with paint that is damaged, the use of solvents must be discarded. They will worsen the situation.
- After surface treatment with any substance, it must be wiped with a cloth soaked in clean water. Do not leave the solvent on the metal.
- It is necessary to apply the composition aimingly, trying not to get on a surface free of glue.
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Removing adhesive from metal stickers is not difficult if you choose the right product. The longer the stain is on the product, the more aggressive the composition must be to remove it. In addition to improvised substances, you can purchase professional removers, or resort to heat treatment.