Several ways on how to quickly and accurately remove old paint from a radiator

foto6857-1Over time, the paint on the heating battery swells, cracks against the background of exposure to high temperatures.

To restore the original appearance, you must remove the old paintwork, then reapply it.

This process is time consuming and requires a certain skill. How to remove the old paint with a cast-iron, aluminum heating battery at home, we will tell in the article.

Preparatory activities

It is preferable to remove old enamel before starting repairs indoors, after preliminary preparatory work on the walls and floor.

foto6857-2Before starting the enamel cleaning procedure, it is recommended to prepare the following tools:

  • metal brush;
  • coarse sandpaper;
  • metal spatula;
  • electric drill, grinder equipped with a circle diameter of 150 mm;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • a simple rag.

Before removing the paint and varnish surface from the product, it is recommended to stock up on goggles, rubberized gloves, and a respirator.

If there was a need to clean old enamel after repair work in the room, to isolate the workplace from dust and dirt, film or high-strength paper is required.

It is better to remove enamel from the removed radiators on the street. Elimination of old paint is carried out only after turning off the heating system.

How to remove?

Today there are many ways to easily remove old paint from heating radiators.

foto6857-3The most effective are the following:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • thermal.

Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this regard, before starting the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with all the methods.

Chemical washes

With this method, the old enamel is removed by exposure to a chemical composition. In hardware stores, you can purchase a specialized composition, a wash... It comes in spray and gel form.


The most common type is gel washes. They consist of components whose action is aimed at destroying the facing layer.

After exposure to the gel, the process of peeling off the old layer of the paint and varnish surface occurs. As a result, the paint softens, becomes thin, flakes off and is easily removed with a spatula. For work, it is better to use a gel wash that does not drip from a vertical surface.

When cleaning the old coating with a chemical composition in the form of a gel, it is difficult to process the inside of the heating battery. The washing procedure is done with care. The composition must be in a special container made of a material with increased strength.

Instructions for cleaning a heating radiator with a gel chemical:

  1. foto6857-4The chemical is applied to the product using a brush from a factory container.
  2. The battery is processed with broad strokes.
  3. The composition is applied to the radiator for 5-15 minutes. The contact time depends on the condition of the surface and the aggressiveness of the wash.
  4. The old coating layer is removed with a metal spatula or brush. It is important to ensure that the composition does not dry out.
  5. The heating battery is washed with soapy water and dried.

If everything is done in accordance with the instructions for use, no traces of old paint remain on the product.

The cleaning procedure must be carried out with care. In order not to harm health with chemicals, you should use protective glasses, gloves, and a respirator.

Spray can

Aerosol washes are suitable for removing any paint and varnish coating, do not harm the product. It is necessary to use this type of product taking into account the following safety rules:

  • cleaning is carried out in a well-ventilated area;
  • flooring, furniture should be protected from aerosol;
  • work is carried out in rubber gloves, sealed goggles, respirator.

Removal instructions old paint from heating radiators using aerosol:

  1. Spray the product with an aerosol. One can is designed to handle a cast iron battery.
  2. After 15-30 minutes, the old paint swells.
  3. Further processing is done with a spatula.
It may not be possible to completely remove the old paint after the procedure. In this case, the treatment should be repeated after 2 hours.

How to remove old paint from a battery using a remover, the video will tell:

Mechanical method

The mechanical method is the most difficult, but does not require money.

To work, you need the following set of tools:

  • to eliminate large swellings, it is better to use a drill with a metal brush;
  • you can use a grinder with a brush, a drill with a nozzle or a sander with an abrasive wheel.

After processing, a small amount of paintwork remains. It can be easily removed with coarse-grained emery paper, a sharp spatula, a metal sponge, or a file.

How to remove it thermally?

foto6857-5You can thermally remove old paint from a cast iron battery. To carry out this procedure, you must prepare the following set of accessories:

  • blowtorch or hair dryer;
  • metal brush;
  • putty knife;
  • rags.

Before starting the impact with a building hairdryer, it is necessary to protect the walls with cardboard from thermal effects.

It is recommended to remove the heating batteries before thermal treatment.

Instructions for removing paintwork:

  1. Heat the surface to be treated so that old paint begins to flake off.
  2. While the coating is still hot, it should be removed with a spatula and a damp cloth.
  3. If a trace of paint remains on the radiator, the procedure should be repeated.

For your information, work with a blowtorch should be carried out outdoors.

How to clean from cast iron and other radiators?

The most unpretentious in choosing a method for removing old paint are cast iron radiators. For work, you can use all types of processing.

The joints of the heating battery sections are connected using rubber gaskets, which should not be cleaned with chemicals. Otherwise, the rubber will be damaged, resulting in battery leakage.

Old enamel is removed from aluminum products using special neutral washes... They are applied for 15 minutes. Then the coating is easily removed with a spatula. It is not recommended to use mechanical treatment for aluminum radiators in order to avoid scratching.

Removing the coating from a bimetal requires caution, since the product consists of aluminum and steel parts. In order to prevent deterioration in appearance, it is preferable to use chemical washes, to avoid serious mechanical stress.

General recommendations

Removing paint from a heating battery in any way are facilitated by the following general tips:

  1. foto6857-6The chemical remover must be kept in the original container throughout all work.
  2. Rubber joints should not be treated with chemicals.
  3. Machining should be done with good air circulation.
  4. It is prohibited to apply remover before machining.
  5. If the product is covered with three or more layers of paint, then the chemical method is not advisable. It is better to use a mechanical or thermal coating removal method.
  6. When using chemical compounds, protection with a respirator, fabric and rubber gloves, and sealed goggles is required. The room must be well ventilated.
Elimination of old coating in a hard-to-reach place is best done with a wooden lath with medium-grained sandpaper. This will allow processing the transverse ribs of the heating coil.


Despite the laboriousness, it is best to remove old paint from heating radiators mechanically.

If the product has only one coat of paintwork, you can use a chemical remover. The thermal method is carried out with the battery removed. Better to clean outside.



