How to quickly and effectively remove watercolor paint from clothing?

foto6581-1Watercolor stains on clothes are common, especially in a home with children.

In comparison with other types of goods for creativity, watercolor can be considered quite harmless, since sometimes it turns out to be removed by regular washing.

But in some cases, you will have to work hard on the stain, putting the thing in order. Let's figure out how to wash a watercolor paint with clothes at home.

Watercolors removal features

Watercolor paint is intended for creativity of adults and children. It is based on natural pigments of very fine grinding, giving the necessary shade, water and additional components. The latter serve for better transfer and fixing of color on the surface, as well as the preservation of the paint.

These include the following substances:

NameAppointmentThe substance used
PlasticizerSoftening painthoney, glycerin, inverted sugar
MucilageStabilize inkgum arabic, thorny (or cherry) gum, dextrin
AntisepticPrevent paint damage and mold growthPhenol
Anti-curdling componentEasy ink distribution on paperBovine bile

The aqueous base of the coloring composition, despite the complex set of components, allows dissolve a fresh stain quickly and easily with plain water... To do this, the thing is carefully turned inside out and a stream of water is sent to the place where the paint gets into. This method is only suitable if the paint has not dried.

If the stain is not found immediately, then you can deal with it with the help of home recipes and household chemicals. The effectiveness of removing watercolor stains from fabrics depends on the composition of the paints.

Using homemade recipes

If you notice a stain on your clothes, you need to start removing stains as soon as possible. If time has been lost, then to remove paint you will have to use one of the home recipes or special tools.

Art paint cannot be washed off with hot water.

Laundry soap

You can use regular laundry soap to remove watercolor stains on clothes.

This requires:

  1. foto6581-3Moisten the stain with water.
  2. Lather with laundry soap.
  3. Set aside the item for 2-3 hours.
  4. From time to time, the affected area of ​​clothing is still moistened to prevent it from drying out.
  5. The place of contamination should be rubbed a little.
  6. The thing is washed and dried.

Do not even use hot water to moisten the stain.

Soap and soda

Boiled cotton items are washed using the following recipe:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into an enamel bowl.
  2. Add baking soda (1 tsp) and grated laundry soap.
  3. Boil the solution.
  4. Submerge a thing in hot water.
  5. Withstand 10 seconds.
  6. Get the thing.
  7. Repeat until the paint is completely gone.

How to remove with glycerin?

You can use pure glycerin to remove watercolor stains. The product is easy to apply with a sponge.

foto6581-4Carefully treat the stain with glycerin and leave for a quarter of an hour... During this time, glycerin will soften the oily base of dried paint, so it will be easy to remove it from your clothes.

Removal of paint is carried out using a composition of glycerin mixed in half with medical alcohol. Using a napkin or sponge, the prepared composition is applied to the stain and left for another quarter of an hour.

After that, the item is rinsed under water and washed as usual.... The addition of oxygen bleach to the used washing powder will help to enhance the effect of washing.

Washing powder

High-quality washing powders, gels and capsules contain active ingredients that fight various types of dirt.

For the best processing quality, especially with old dirt, it is recommended:

  • carry out preliminary soaking of the soiled thing;
  • do preliminary treatment of the stain.
The washing itself takes place as usual. Bleach may be added to the washing powder to enhance its effect.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda

To prepare the cleaning composition, the following ingredients are used:

  • hydrogen peroxide (100 ml);
  • hot water (1/2 cup);
  • baking soda (1/2 cup)

All three components are mixed until uniform and applied to the stain. Withstand a quarter of an hour, and wash off with plenty of water.


Pure table vinegar is suitable for removing watercolor stains.

Work order:

  1. foto6581-5Pour ½ cup of vinegar into a small bowl or saucepan and put on the stove.
  2. Warm up to a hot state.
  3. A sponge or cotton swab is moistened in hot liquid and gently treated the spot where the paint gets into.

    Large blots are processed from the edges to the middle of the pollution.

Vinegar should not be used for cleaning delicate materials or those with unstable coatings.

Stain removers and bleaches

Oxygenated stain removers and bleaches can be great for removing stains... A cleaning agent (for example, Vanish) is sprayed over the place of contamination and left for 15 minutes. After that, the product is washed with washing powder by hand or in a machine.

Removing stains from white items

White clothing requires even more effort to remove stains from fabric.

To solve the problem, you can use the above recipe for hydrogen peroxide and soda. For white clothes, the period of exposure of the product to the material can be extended to half an hour.

If the fabric has a high density and natural cotton composition, then you can use a recipe designed specifically for white things.

To prepare the solution, you will need the following ingredients:

  • water (1 liter);
  • soda ash (20 grams);
  • ammonia (1 tbsp. l.);
  • hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp. l.);
  • laundry soap, grated (1 tbsp. l.).

Since the solution is intended for soaking stained clothes, then if the item is large, it is necessary to proportionally increase the amount of ingredients used.

The procedure for preparing the mixture:

  1. foto6581-6Dissolve the shavings of laundry soap in water.
  2. Add the baking soda first, and then the other ingredients.
  3. Immerse the soiled product in the solution and put it on the stove for boiling.
  4. Set the smallest fire.
  5. Boil for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Leave to cool.
  7. Get your clothes out.
  8. Rinse with fabric softener.

This method is applicable only for those things that can be boiled.

For thin fabrics, the boiling method is not suitable... In this case, it is recommended to use commercially available oxygenated stain removers, such as Vanish. To enhance the effect of household chemicals, it is better to apply them to a moistened material.

When using household cleaning products, it is advisable to give preference to stain removers and bleaches that are designed for white clothes. They will be more effective than universal ones.

Type of fabric and ways to remove dirt: selection of the best option

The stain removal method is selected depending on the type of fabric. After using any of the products, clothes are washed in the usual way.

Fabric typeStain removal approach
Cotton (including jeans) and LenCotton fabric allows for a variety of methods to remove watercolor stains. One of the most effective is based on laundry soap and soda, the other is based on hydrogen peroxide.
Carpet or upholsterySpecial shampoos designed for cleaning carpets, in their absence - liquid soap whipped with water into a foam
SyntheticsRubbing the surface of the stain with ammonia and rinsing clothes in salted water
Natural silk, woolTreatment with a solution of laundry soap, the place of contact with paint, leave to dry and rinse in water.

Top 3 household chemicals

Since watercolor paint is water-soluble, there are no special solvents that are designed specifically to remove it from clothing. If the stains are dry and cannot be completely removed by simple washing, it is recommended to use oxygenated stain removers.


It is convenient to use a stain remover in a gel form or spray to treat clothes. It is produced in two forms for colored clothes and white clothes.

Application advantages:

  • efficiency with old pollution;
  • can be used for pretreating stains and as a means of enhancing the action of the detergent powder during the main washing phase.

Application procedure:

  1. Apply the product.
  2. Rub it.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Rub it.
  5. Wash the item by hand or in the washing machine by adding a Vanish measuring cover.

The price of the spray is from 500 rubles, the stain remover in a gel form with a volume of 0.45 liters - from 200 rubles.


Amway SA8

The stain remover comes in a spray bottle. The product can be used on fabrics with persistent colors. The cost of a 0.4 liter bottle is from 700 rubles.

Application procedure:

  1. From a distance of about 15 cm, the product is sprayed onto the blot of paint.
  2. Withstand a quarter of an hour.
  3. Washed as usual.
  4. Rinse.

Advantages of the tool:

  • the ability to use on any kind of fabric;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • has a slight odor;
  • does not contain chlorine;
  • after application, streaks and traces do not remain.

Amway stain remover can be used on delicate fabrics.

Stork Stop Spot

To remove stains from the clothes of children and adults, a product from the domestic manufacturer Aistenok is suitable. The volume of the bottle is 0.9 liters - from 110 rubles.

Advantages of Aistenok:

  • suitable for all types of fabric;
  • can be used for washing clothes of children of the first year of life;
  • suitable for people with sensitive skin;
  • contains soap nut extract;
  • comfortable gel form;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • can be used on white and colored items.


Old and Withered: How to Deal with a Difficult Challenge?

Old spots are those that were placed more than 3 hours ago and have already dried. The exact setting time depends on the following factors:

  • quality of watercolors;
  • room temperature.
After the dye composition has dried on the surface of the garment, removing the stain can damage the structure of the fabric itself and discolor prints.

For old stains, these options are suitable:

  • the use of hot vinegar (the acid in the composition eats away the frozen mass);
  • using a recipe based on soda, hydrogen peroxide and warm water;
  • store-bought stain removers and bleaches.

The stain remover must be chosen based on the shade of the clothing. Powder forms of such funds require preliminary dilution with water to a state of gruel.

When using a commercially available cleaner, it is important to follow the instructions for the product.

Expert recommendations

The following tips will help make your work easier and enhance the effect:

  1. foto6581-2If after wiping off the stain, stains remain on the fabric, wash the item in hot soda solution.
  2. Before using a new recipe, it is advisable to check its effect on an inconspicuous area.
  3. Wipe off stains with rubber gloves.
  4. After treating the stains, it is imperative to wash the thing in order to remove the remnants of the product from the fabric, eliminate the specific smell and eliminate the likelihood of irritation and an allergic reaction from wearing clothes with traces of solvent.
  5. You can try to scrape off the old stain from dense fabrics in separate fragments.
The best way to deal with a stain is to prevent it from forming. For kids doing creative work, a waterproof apron and special oversleeves may come in handy.


Watercolors can be easily removed from fabrics if stains are noticed immediately. When removing dried stains you can face the fact that pollution is not removed immediately... In this case, you may need to use several methods of removing stains and re-washing.



