There are many ways to remove paint from walls. They differ in speed of execution, require certain knowledge and compliance with safety standards.
Having made the right choice, you can significantly facilitate the repair work and speed up their implementation.
In this article, we will look at all the known ways to remove paint from the walls yourself.
What you need: tools and fixtures
To clean the wall from the paint composition, the following tools and accessories may be required:
Roller and brushes.
- Rags and sponges.
- Tools: hammer, spatula, chisel, drill, grinder, ax, pickaxe.
- Building hair dryer and iron.
- Chemicals: paint thinners and thinners.
- Personal protective equipment: respirator, glasses, gloves.
- Bucket, spray bottle and water.
The set and method of action will differ depending on the chosen method of cleaning.
How to remove paint with a spatula?
A spatula is a plate with a handle. To remove paint from walls, choose a steel tool. Plastic or wooden plates will not cope with the task.
Mode of application:
- Make notches on the wall with a spatula.
- Moisten it abundantly with water.
- Wait 10-15 minutes.
- Work the wall by holding the trowel almost perpendicular to the wall. Tap her.
- Use a sharp spatula to pry off paint residues and tear them off the surface with sharp movements.
For work, it is better to purchase 2 spatulas: with a wide and narrow spatula.
How to remove with a chisel and hammer?
A chisel is a cutting tool that is used to carve various materials.... With its help, you can get rid of old paint on the walls.
However, it will be difficult to remove it from large areas. The works can take several months.
Mode of application:
- the chisel is placed against the wall at an acute angle;
- knock on its base with a hammer;
- systematically I process the entire surface of the wall.
You need to choose a tool with a wide blade. This will increase the speed of work.
With an ax or a pickaxe
You can use an ax and a pickaxe to remove the paint. Both of these tools are equipped with a handle and a pointed metal bar.
Mode of application:
- moisten the wall abundantly with water;
- make notches on it every 10 cm;
- clean the loose paint with the edge of an ax or pick.
You need to work with tools carefully, calculating each blow. If you apply them very hard to the wall, then dents will remain on it, which will have to be putty.
How to quickly remove with a drill with attachments?
A drill is an electric tool... With it, you can remove the paint if you use special nozzles.
As practice shows, it is most effective to use a chain, since brushes and abrasive wheels grind the coating, turning it into dust. The work is laborious and ineffective. The chain, on the other hand, knocks the paint down in large pieces.
Mode of application:
- The chain is secured with bolts.
- Connect the device to the network.
- Scrape off the cover by holding the drill at an angle to the wall.
With this method, paint is removed quickly and without physical effort. The downside is the significant noise that the tool makes and the appearance of a large amount of construction debris.
We clean with a grinder
You can deal with old paint on the walls with a grinder. To do this, you need to select the correct nozzle:
- Petal circle... It removes paint well, but it clogs up almost instantly and loses its functionality.
- Metal brushes... With their help, you can get rid of the paint, but the process will be lengthy. Brushes turn it into dust and remove it in layers.
- Grinding wheel with abrasive grain... This is the best option for renovation work. However, in large areas it may be necessary to change the nozzle several times.
Mode of application:
- install the selected nozzle;
- connect the device to the network;
- process the wall.
In hard-to-reach places and in corners, you will have to clean the coating with more maneuverable tools, for example, using a spatula.
We use an iron
It is recommended to use the iron only in extreme cases.
There are several reasons for this:
- The method is fire hazardous.
- When heated, the paint gives off corrosive substances.
- You need to clean it off quickly, and warm it up for a long time.
- It is inconvenient to work with the device.
- The iron cannot handle thick layers of paint.
Use the heating device only for cleaning a small wall surface.
Algorithm of actions:
- turn on the iron to the network, wait for it to heat up;
- work out a section of the wall through the foil;
- remove the melted paint with a spatula.
Construction hairdryer
You can get rid of old paint on the walls with a construction hair dryer.
Mode of application:
- Protect the respiratory system with a respirator.
- Turn on the building hair dryer.
- Heat the wall.
- Clean off the melted composition.
The process is lengthy, but its effect is tangible. Do not use a hair dryer on walls near outlets, switches, or other flammable elements.
A blowtorch is a heating device that uses a combustible substance:
- alcohol,
- gasoline,
- kerosene.
Some craftsmen use it to remove paint from walls. However, work with the tool must be extremely careful.
Features of its use:
- prepare the lamp for work;
- bring the flame to the paint, warm it up until bubbles appear;
- turn off the device;
- remove the softened coating with a spatula.
This method is laborious.During operation, poisonous vapors are released into the air. Therefore, it is permissible to use the blowtorch only in rooms with excellent ventilation. The respiratory organs are protected with a respirator.
Solvents and removers
You can remove the paint using special solutions. They are sold at hardware stores.
It is necessary to apply funds according to the existing instructions:
- Remove dust and dirt from the wall.
- Apply the composition to its surface.
- Leave for exposure.
- Clean off the paint with a spatula.
The holding time of the composition is different, depending on the aggressiveness of its components.
Top 3 best remedies
Best wall paint removers:
Gel Owatrol Marine D1... It is a powerful water-based solvent suitable for removing any paint. You can get rid of 8 layers of coating at a time.
The gel has a thick consistency. It is applied to the wall in a thick layer and left until the paint is completely dissolved. It remains to remove it with a brush and water. The cost of 1 liter of the product is 1320 rubles.
- Solvent 646... A roller or brush is moistened with a liquid, applied to the wall, left for 3-5 minutes, after which the softened paint is removed with a spatula. The cost of 1 liter is 200 rubles.
- Washing off Antikras... The product contains solvents that allow you to get rid of even old coatings. The liquid is applied to the wall in an even layer, left for 3-15 minutes, after which the paint is removed with a spatula. The cost of 1 kg of wash is 400 rubles. For 1 sq. m. it takes about 0.15 kg of funds.
Homemade composition
To prepare the wash yourself, you will need the following components:
- 2 parts ammonia.
- 1 part turpentine.
The resulting composition is applied to the wall and left for 20 minutes. When the coating begins to swell and fall off, it is removed with a spatula. Since the product has a pungent odor, you need to work in a respirator.
Which is the best way to choose and why?
In each specific situation, it is better to resort to a specific method, namely:
The safest way to remove oil paint is by mechanical means. Its heat treatment can lead to fire if the wall surface is heated for too long.
Professional repairmen do not recommend using a blowtorch and iron at all. If the choice still fell on the heat treatment of the walls, then you need to stop at the construction hairdryer.
- Chemical methods for removing old coatings are considered effective, but professional products should be chosen. It is recommended to use them in well-ventilated rooms and strictly according to the instructions.
- It is most convenient to clean water-based paint with the help of newspapers. To do this, they are glued to the wall. When the composition is dry, the paper is simply torn off with sharp movements. Together with it, the coloring composition will depart.
- When processing large areas, it is most rational to use electric tools: a drill with a chain or a grinder. Otherwise, the process of cleaning the paint will take several weeks.
- Corners and other hard-to-reach places are worked out with a spatula or chisel. You can also use solvents.
Removing different types of painting with your own hands
There are guidelines for removing different types of paint. The choice of the cleaning composition depends on this.
Paint type | Preferred cleaning method |
Oil | Mechanical or chemical cleaning method. |
Acrylic | Solvents containing acetone or alcohols, mechanical cleaning method. |
Water emulsion | Mechanical method: with a float or sandpaper. Professional wash, or glue and newspaper. |
Old | It is best to combine several methods: large areas are treated with power tools, and hard-to-reach areas with a wash or solvent. |
Cleaning different types of surfaces
Depending on the basis of the surface on which the coloring composition is applied, the methods of its removal will differ.
Wall type | Cleaning features |
Brick | You can use a drill with attachments. |
Concrete | It is recommended to remove the paint mechanically: with a spatula, ax or chisel. |
Cement | It is faster and safer to remove paint from a cement wall with a sander. Such surfaces are not afraid of mechanical cleaning. |
Plastered | It is not recommended to clean the plastered walls by mechanical methods. Better to use specialized chemistry. |
Wooden | Wood is soft and easily damaged. It is unacceptable to handle it with chemicals or rough tools such as an ax. The best option is to use a chisel and hammer. This will increase the accuracy of the work and will not damage the wall. |
Preparing for wallpaper
In order for the wallpaper to hold well, the layer on which it is attached must be stronger and heavier than it.... If they weigh more, then very soon they will simply move away from the wall. Therefore, all cracked paint must be cleaned off. Defects must be putty.
You can check whether the wallpaper will be securely fixed in a simple way: apply glue to the wall and leave it to dry completely. If it is securely fixed and does not come off in the form of a film, then you can start pasting.
Oil and alkyd paints are cleaned with sandpaper. The formed indentations will improve the adhesion of the adhesive to the surface.
Before you paste over the wall with wallpaper, you need to remove dust and other dirt from it, and then prime it... On such a surface, they will firmly adhere, even if the entire coloring composition is not cleaned off.
The most common mistakes
When performing work, inexperienced repairmen make the following mistakes:
Only manual labor is used to remove paint from large areas, for example, they wield a spatula. It takes a lot of time and effort. It is better to give preference to power tools.
- Remove paint with solvent in poorly ventilated areas. Inhalation of toxic fumes can cause poisoning.
- Overheat the walls with a hot air gun or blowtorch. Such carelessness can cause a fire.
- Excessively pushing the wall with an ax or similar tool. It will be difficult to cope with the resulting irregularities.
You cannot work without gloves, regardless of the chosen method of paint removal.
Important recommendations
Tips to take into account:
- If the paint is peeling and cracked, then dismantling it is mandatory. Walls can be left intact, on which the coating sits tightly and cannot be mechanically cleaned.
- You can warm up the wall only in those places where there are no wires and sockets.
- Always use personal protective equipment.
- When working with heating appliances, you should take care of your own safety and have a means of extinguishing the flame on hand.
Professional help
If you do not want to independently clean the paint off the walls, then you can turn to specialists for help. The cost of work is determined by its volume. For each square meter, you will have to pay at least 100 rubles.
Find professional repairmen through advertisements in newspapers, on the Internet or on TV.
Preference should be given to those teams that have their own office. The longer the company has been in operation, the better. Positive feedback is appreciated.
To check them, you can try to contact the people who left them.The speed of work execution depends on the area of the room. A standard kitchen or bathroom takes no more than 2-3 days.
You can learn more about how to remove paint from kitchen walls yourself. here, from the walls in the bathroom - here.
Before making a choice in favor of a particular method, you need to compare its advantages and disadvantages, evaluate the nature of the coating and the type of coloring matter. It is important to build on the time that a person is willing to spend on repairs and on his financial capabilities..