The best ways to remove oil paint from walls
Cleansing walls from old oil paint is a rather complicated and time-consuming process.
In some areas, the coating swells and falls off, but in some places it holds very tightly and does not always lend itself to the action of an iron brush or scraper.
How to remove old oil paint from walls at home? The best ways to do this are discussed in the article.
How to clean at home?
The amount of time and effort spent on removing the composition from the surface directly depends on the selected dismantling method. The large number of superimposed layers makes cleaning much easier.
Exist several ways to remove paint from walls. You can clean the surface with:
Construction tools such as ax, chisel and trowel. However, this method requires a lot of time and physical effort.
- Special chemicals. The paint softens, peels off the walls and is easily removed with a scraper or stiff brush.
- Heating the composition by means of a hair dryer. Under the influence of temperature, the paint applied to the wall becomes soft. After that, it can be removed without much effort with a spatula or brush.
- Drill or grinder with special attachments.
Mechanical impact
The process of cleaning walls from oil paint by means of a mechanical method is the longest and most labor-intensive, but does not require any financial costs.
The essence of the mechanical method of cleaning walls is to scrape and chop paint off the surface of the walls.
How to remove with an ax?
To clean the walls with this method, the main tool is an ordinary ax.
The cleansing process takes place in several stages:
first, frequent small notches are knocked out with an ax along the entire surface to be treated;
- then the wall is impregnated with water by means of a wet rag or spray;
- after the water has been absorbed, a more thorough cleaning of the walls occurs using the same tools;
- the final step in cleaning the walls is sandpapering them.
To prevent the water from drying out, it is better to moisten and clean the surface in small areas.
How to clean with a spatula or chisel?
This method is suitable for removing paint in hard-to-reach places and corners, as well as with a lagging oil composition from the walls. To facilitate the work, you can use a hammer, which should be hit on the handle of a chisel or spatula... The surface to be treated must also be moistened with water.
When working in this way, the tool should be sharpened periodically, as it quickly becomes dull during such work.
Thermal method
The oil composition applied to the walls softens significantly under the influence of high temperatures. If the surface is thoroughly heated, the paint can be removed with an ordinary spatula.
For thermal cleansing, a building hairdryer is used.... Simultaneously expose a small area of the surface to high temperatures and remove the paint until it hardens again.
In the absence of a special tool, a regular iron can be used. The surface should be heated through a sheet of foil.
The thermal method is not recommended for use in areas with electrical wiring, on surfaces made of plastic and PVC... Wall treatment should be carried out in rooms with good ventilation, using protective equipment for the respiratory system. Under the influence of high temperatures, the paint releases harmful substances.
The principle of this method of paint removal is similar to the mechanical one. Instead of an ax or chisel, they use a power tool, which greatly facilitates the work.
The oil composition is removed with a drill, perforator or grinder with special attachments: an abrasive wheel, a metal brush, a brick crown.
The procedure for using the electromechanical method:
Attach the required accessory firmly to the tool being used.
- Wear the necessary personal protective equipment (mask, goggles and gloves).
- Cover the floor and furniture with plastic.
- Switch on the tool and remove layers of paint from the surface one by one.
- Use a vacuum cleaner to reduce dust in the air.
- Clean off remaining paint particles with sandpaper or a spatula.
The advantages of this method are quick cleaning of large surfaces, minimal expenditure of physical strength.
The disadvantages of the electromechanical method include:
- loud noise when working with the tool;
- a large amount of small debris and dust;
- inability to remove paint in hard-to-reach places;
- the need for an adequate supply of nozzles, as they wear out quickly.
How to wash off with chemical compounds?
Removing the old finishing material with chemical solutions is much easier and easier than scraping with construction tools.
The removal process assumes strict adherence to technology:
the surface is treated with the selected preparation using a roller or brush in one direction;
- after the time indicated on the package of the preparation, the paint is removed along with the applied composition by means of any convenient tool (spatula, scraper, brush).
Sometimes you have to resort to re-washing. Painted walls in multiple layers may not be easy to clean the first time.
After completion of work, the removed paint with a chemical composition should be disposed of. Do not allow the mixture to enter the domestic sewer or ground.
The big disadvantage of using the chemical method is:
- danger of getting poisoned by volatile substances,
- get a burn of the mucous membrane, skin.
It is necessary to carry out work using special washes for oil paint in protective goggles and gloves. Chemicals should be used only in rooms with good ventilation. The smell from drugs may not disappear for a long time, so you should not be in the repaired room for a long time.
Another significant disadvantage of the chemical method for removing the oil composition is the high price of the drug that is applied to the surface. Especially if it is necessary to process large areas.
Features of removing old paint
In order for the process of removing the old composition to be easy, it is necessary to choose the correct methods of cleaning. With a competent approach to work, the paint will lag behind the walls quickly, and the surface will not be damaged. Always take into account the type of surface to which the paint is applied.
The choice of cleaning method depends on the presence of a layer of plaster under the composition... If not the wall itself is painted, but the bonding layer, then the removal process will be much faster. If there is plaster on the wall, a mechanical method of removing paint from the surface is best. Before starting new wall decoration, they should be leveled.
Frequent mistakes in the cleaning process
With the wrong approach to removing oil paint from the walls, you can harm your own health, as well as spoil the surface to be cleaned.
In no case should open sources of fire be used in the thermal method. dismantling paint.
When using a chemical cleaner, the room must be well ventilated or well ventilated. Improperly selected paint scraping tools can damage the surface to be treated.
Do not neglect protective equipment in the process of performing work:
- glasses,
- gloves,
- respirators.
Subject to all safety rules, the likelihood of harm to your health is excluded.
Useful Tips
When using the thermal method, heating the wall from the bottom up will be most effective.... A well-heated strip can be easily removed with a spatula. The composition will melt under the influence of high temperatures, therefore, a cloth should be used to clean the spatula.
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Chemical and thermal methods for dismantling the old oil composition from the walls are less laborious, do not damage the surface to be cleaned, which subsequently allows you to save on putties and other mixtures.
However, such methods are the most dangerous for human health. therefore before starting work, you should carefully consider which method will be most acceptable.