Secrets of experienced housewives: how to clean the sofa from various types of stains at home
A sofa is not only a means of relaxation, it is also a place where guests are accommodated during noisy celebrations, pets like to gnaw a treat or small children to frolic.
Consequences: stains of red wine, coffee, Coca-Cola, urine, and sometimes blood. It is quite difficult to remove any of these stains, but it is possible. The main thing is not to waste time and act immediately.
About, how to clean the sofa from grease, water, ink, etc. at home, read below.
Vanish is a versatile remedy
Vanish is a versatile stain remover, which has many varieties and even removes such problematic drinks from the upholstery of the sofa as wine and coffee.
List of products Vanish stain remover:
Powders... Method of application: dilute in water, moisten a cloth in it and wipe the dirty area of the sofa.
- Gels... Like powders, gels work well on stains on sofa fabrics, but are quicker to work. Even old and ingrained stains are gently destroyed.
Method of application: apply a small amount of gel to the fabric upholstery and wipe thoroughly first with a dry cloth, then with a damp cloth.
- Spray... Helps to reduce the molecular force of food or liquids on the sofa. Vanish spray is practically useless on old stains, so it is immediately applied to the dirty area of the upholstery, within a few minutes.
When a stain appears, spray should be applied to it, let it brew for a few minutes, and then rinse off with a wet household cloth.
Folk recipes
If you don't have an effective Vanish gel or powder on hand, and a fresh stain has already spread over the surface of the sofa, then you can use folk remedies that everyone has at home at hand:
It is necessary to stir a tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water and apply to a rag, wipe the upholstery. Vinegar not only works well for tough stains, it also kills bad odors. Instead of vinegar, you can use potassium permanganate, but in smaller quantities.
- A fresh stain should be soaped with high quality soap, preferably with household soap, let the solution soak up the dirt for a couple of minutes, then wash it off with a soft cloth or household sponge.
- A good combination in the fight against fat and wine: soda, salt, starch. It is enough to mix one spoon of each ingredient, and sprinkle the resulting formulations on the stain. Let it brew, then rinse with a wet cloth.
If the upholstery is light, then citric acid will be the best helper., which must be diluted in water (a third of a teaspoon per 250 ml of water will be enough) and treat problem areas on the sofa.
How to remove greasy stain from fabric without streaks?
After the next greasy "decoration" on the sofa, you should act immediately. First, remove excess fat by blotting it with a clean cloth. Secondly, sprinkle table salt on the dirty area.
Leave the salt to absorb the fat for several hours... Then you can brush off the salt or walk over the entire surface of the sofa with a vacuum cleaner. The brush must be placed on the vacuum cleaner hard for better cleaning.
Ideal for removing grease stains - "Fairy" dishwashing detergent. Instead of dishes, you can use it in the struggle for a clean upholstery of the sofa.
"Fairy" must be applied quite a bit, in a thin layer and left for only 15 minutes, and then wash off with a damp cloth. The product can be replaced with any other anti-grease dish solution.
How can you clean the felt-tip pen and ink?
Felt-tip and ink stains fall under the "extreme hazard" category. And if the ink can be removed with simple acetone or nail polish remover, then other means will be required to combat the felt-tip pen.
On sofas with fabric cover can be used:
- hydrogen peroxide,
- vegetable oil,
- laundry soap.
The procedure is the same as for the leather surface: apply, wait, rinse.
Read more about how to remove handle stains from a leather sofa. here, from fabric upholstery, from leatherette and eco-leather - here.
How to Clean Ink From Sofa Upholstery Video Tip:
How to remove a trace from the iron?
Hot iron marks on the sofa are not standard stains - this is a serious and not always possible problem.
The sequence for removing iron stains from upholstery is as follows:
Apply a little hydrogen peroxide to a rag or household napkin and wipe the stain thoroughly. If peroxide doesn't work, try ammonia. You should not be too zealous - a couple of drops are enough.
- Didn't peroxide and acetone help? An old folk method is whey. It should be applied in a thick layer, after which it should be allowed to absorb, at least 2-3 hours. Wash off with plain water.
- If the above methods do not bring results, then you can try to rub the stain with a freshly cut onion, and then wipe the affected area with a rag.
- And the last resort is lemon and table salt. The principle of application is standard: rub with lemon, sprinkle with salt, let it brew, rinse with water or a wet cloth.
If all else fails, then there are two ways out: sew a patch on the burned-out place or give the sofa to a special dry-cleaner for furniture. The first method will be much cheaper.
From red wine
Wine is a very persistent product, and if a cheap wine, then it will still contain a certain amount of dye, which will only complicate the task.
For example, HG Extra Strong Stain Spray... The tool has proven itself from the best side.Its formula is dominated by active oxygen, which penetrates the pores of stains and quickly breaks them down into smaller components.
If iodine gets on the upholstery of the sofa, many home experts advise ... do nothing.
Yes, yes, just do nothing, since iodine is a volatile compound and should evaporate completely from the upholstery over time sofa.
To speed up the process, try a freshly cut green apple or a simple soapy solution. Only laundry soap should be used.
The situation is standard: a girl paints her nails, sitting comfortably on the couch. One awkward movement - nail polish is on the upholstery of the sofa. And immediately they start throwing all over the apartment in search of an improvised stain remover.
Do not worry and rush things, let even the varnish dry up... In this case, improvised means cannot be used - they are definitely ineffective against varnish!
Water stains
Water spilled on the upholstery of the sofa leaves its consequences - ugly, constantly catching the eye stains, which are caused by improper wiping.
The most practical way to get rid of such stains is consistently and methodically, thoroughly wipe the entire upholstery sofa with a wet cloth. Rinse the rag or household sponge as often as possible.
If streaks still remain, you can add a pinch of citric acid to the water. Do not just use starch or borax - there will be much more stains.
Spilled oil is serious. It dries quickly, absorbs deeply, it will take a lot of time and effort to completely get rid of the oil stain.
It is better to remove dried oil sequentially by several means. For example, first soften it with a stain remover gel, then taste freshly cut lemon, and then walk several times over the upholstery surface with laundry soap.
Melted chocolate cannot be wiped off the upholstery immediately - it is necessary to wait until it dries, then carefully scrape it off with a knife.
The stain will remain, but a simple shaving foam should be used to combat it. Apply lather to the stain, rub in and rinse with water. The process must be repeated several times until the upholstery is clean.
To remove fresh chocolate stain you can spray it with a stain removerif available. But the spray will not completely remove the chocolate; for the best effect, the stain should then be covered with powder or household gel.
Coca Cola
Many people know about the dangers of Coca-Cola, but everyone still continues to drink it. And they often spill it on the sofa, for example, while watching your favorite movie.
First, apply borax to the stain, then treat the affected area on the sofa with citric acid diluted in water. The last step is to rinse off the remaining borax and citric acid with a damp cloth.
Summing up
Even problematic marks from Coca-Cola, chocolate, red wine, blood or urine can be wiped off using folk remedies:
- soda,
- ammonia,
- hydrogen peroxide,
- boers,
- citric acid.
If the desired result is not achieved, you should try household products such as Vanish, HG or Frosch.
When removing stains from the sofa all means are good, both folk and household... If all else fails, then you can always sew a beautiful patch on the upholstery or give the sofa to specialists for dry cleaning.
It will cost more, but much cheaper than buying a new sofa.