Effective methods and helpful tips on how to remove various odors from the sofa

foto2313-1Coziness in the house is cleanliness, warmth, pleasant smells. And if it is easy to maintain order in the house, then the smell that is embedded in the sofa can become a real problem.

How and how can you remove an unpleasant odor from the upholstery of a sofa at home?

You can get rid of the "aromas" emanating from the upholstery of upholstered furniture using a variety of folk methods and chemicals.

Folk ways and recipes

Top 5 Recipes to Get Rid of Sofa Smells:

  1. foto2313-2Black and green tea, ground coffee... Eliminate odors quickly:

    • tobacco,
    • animals,
    • fish,
    • beer

    tea bags laid out on the surface of the sofa, sachets with granules of freshly ground coffee will help.

    Within five hours after such treatment, there will be no trace of the smell on the upholstered furniture.

  2. Ammonia and soap... To prepare a solution for cleaning the sofa in warm water (1 liter), mix 4 tsp. liquid soap and 3 tsp. ammonia. In the resulting liquid, moisten a sponge and wipe the stain thoroughly. After the wet spot is blotted with a paper towel and the sofa is left to dry completely.
  3. Chlorine Is a universal remedy that helps to remove old odors, remove bacteria accumulated in the upholstery. The solution is prepared at the rate of 5 g. dry bleach per 1 liter of water.

    With the resulting product, using a sponge, treat the stain on the sofa, then blot it with a paper towel and leave to dry.

    Attention: only plain fabrics can be treated with bleach solution.
  4. Laundry soap... You can quickly remove the smell from the sofa by washing it off with laundry soap. After fifteen minutes, the soap is wiped off with a damp sponge. The upholstery is dried and then additionally cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Lemon... Freshly squeezed lemon juice will help not only remove the smell, but also give the upholstery a delicate, pleasant citrus scent. Lemon juice is sprayed over the stain with a spray bottle, after which the sofa is left to dry.

Universal chemicals

The chemical industry offers a wide range of various sprays, liquid products for removing unpleasant odors stuck in the sofa.

Top 3 most effective chemicals:

  • foto2313-3OdorGone Professional for Home - a universal remedy that removes odors of any intensity and type.

    Effective in combating musty, rot, tobacco, smoke and burning odors.

    Interacts at the molecular level with unpleasant odors. The average cost of the drug is 400 rubles. (volume 200 ml).

  • DuftaFresh... Natural composition of plant enzymes. The amazing effect of fast removal of odors is noted after the first application.

    For each product in the DuftaFresh line, specific enzymes are selected that naturally accelerate the breakdown of unpleasant odor molecules. The average cost of the spray is 1300 rubles (volume 250 ml).

  • Zoovorsin will help to quickly remove the odors of the presence of animals in the house from upholstered furniture and carpets. The drug is non-toxic. Its use indoors does not harm human and animal health. Can be used for washing vacuum cleaners. The cost of Zoovorsin varies between 380-400 rubles for a volume of 500 ml.

How to remove an unpleasant odor?

Depending on what caused the smell in the sofa, you can choose the right method to solve the problem. Let's take a closer look at the different scents and the best remedy for each case.

From new upholstered furniture

Smells of glue, varnishes and other materials used in the process of assembling upholstered furniture will not allow you to fully enjoy your purchase.

Solve the problem of unpleasant odors a few tips will help:

  1. foto2313-4In the first few days after the purchase, the room where the new furniture is installed is regularly ventilated.
  2. The upholstery of the new sofa is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner from dust and small particles of shavings. Additionally, the upholstery of upholstered furniture is covered with salt.

    After eight to nine hours, the salt will absorb all foreign aromas and can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

  3. Bags of tea, mint or lavender are placed in a laundry box (if there is one) or just under the sofa. They work as absorbents, absorbing all foreign odors.

From the old one that stinks

Over time (especially if the furniture was in an unheated, damp room), an unpleasant musty smell begins to emanate from the upholstery of upholstered furniture.

You can fix this problem by following a specific sequence of actions:

  1. The old sofa is put out on the street, where it is carefully knocked out. Then the upholstered furniture is left for several days (under a canopy, in a draft) for ventilation.
  2. The upholstery is thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to use a special nozzle for upholstered furniture, with which you can remove dust and dirt in the most difficult, inaccessible places.
  3. All surfaces of the sofa are moistened with diluted vinegar from a spray bottle (for four parts of water, you need to take one part of vinegar). After six hours, the upholstered furniture is vacuumed again.


Irregular ventilation, high humidity in the room sooner or later lead to the fact that an unpleasant smell of mustiness and dampness appears in the sofa.

A few tips will help you fix the problem:

  • foto2313-5Before proceeding with the removal of an unpleasant odor from the sofa, it must be well dried in the air (under a canopy, in a well-ventilated place).
  • The upholstery must be free of dust. Since spores of fungus and mold (and they are most likely present in a damp sofa) are volatile, it is necessary to clean upholstered furniture using a damp sheet.

    They cover the sofa with it and beat it well with a beater.

  • The cleaned upholstered furniture is wiped with a sponge dipped in an alcohol solution (denatured alcohol is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio).
  • Upholstered furniture remains in the sun for another five to six hours, for final drying.

Alternatively: spray with fungicides on a pre-cleaned sofa using a spray bottle. After that, the upholstered furniture is thoroughly dried in the sun and cleaned again with a vacuum cleaner.

Peel off beer

It is quite easy to remove the stain from the sofa from alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, which cannot be said about the smell that has entered the upholstery.

The following steps will help get rid of the amber beer:

  1. foto2313-6As soon as the foamy drink spills onto the sofa, blot the stain immediately with a paper towel.

    This will remove excess moisture and prevent penetration into the thickness of the soft filling of the sofa.

  2. Then the stain is treated with a vinegar solution prepared at the rate of six parts of water and one part of white, table vinegar. The solution is applied with a soft sponge, after which the upholstered furniture is left for six to eight hours.
  3. Any remaining subtle beer aroma will help remove the baking soda that is poured onto the stain. After two hours, soda is removed from the upholstery of upholstered furniture with a slightly damp sponge.
  4. The final steps are vacuuming the sofa. This removes the smallest soda particles.

From urine

Bad urine smell on the couch the following recommendations will help get rid of:

  • In warm water, dilute liquid soap or gel for dishes to a thick foam. Treat the stain on the sofa with a soft sponge.
  • There is a sofa made of fabric of dark shades, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. Several granules are added to the water (the color of the solution turns out to be light pink), after which a sponge is moistened in the resulting liquid and the stain is wiped.
  • On the cleaned and dried surface of upholstered furniture, they additionally pass with a vacuum cleaner.

Clear vomit

Remove vomit odor the following actions will help:

  1. foto2313-7Mix one part hot water and one part vinegar. The finished liquid is poured into a spray bottle, after which the contaminated place on the sofa is thoroughly treated.
  2. Additionally, the contaminated area is treated with a soft brush dipped in a liquid detergent.
  3. Sprinkle baking soda on the cleaned surface. It is left for twelve hours, after which it is removed with a vacuum cleaner or brush, and the upholstery is again wiped with a damp sponge.
If, after the performed manipulations, it was not possible to get rid of the vomiting smell, it is worth using the means of the chemical industry.


Removing unpleasant odors from upholstered furniture is not easy. It is important to respond to the problem in time and choose the right cleaning agent.

Read about ways and means for cleaning sofas from stains and odors. here.



