Secrets of experienced housewives: how and how to wash a pen from jeans and not ruin them completely

foto24397-1It is not so easy to remove stains on jeans left by the handle. To remove them, you can use chemicals or folk methods.

The result depends on the age of contamination, the type of ink and the quality of the clothing. We will tell you about how and how to remove the marks from the pen from jeans in the article.

General rules

foto24397-2The ink is quickly absorbed into the fabrictherefore, to eliminate contamination, you must immediately start cleaning.

Old marks will have to be removed in several stages, each time rinsing and drying the jeans.

When choosing funds, you need to build on how long ago the stain was put and what size it is. It is best to start with less aggressive ingredients... If they prove to be powerless, you can apply more effective ones.

In order not to spoil your favorite thing, you must first test the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. If the color does not come off, you can use it on the problem area.

How to remove traces from a ballpoint?

First, let's look at how to remove ballpoint pen marks from jeans.

Improvised means

The use of improvised means helps out in cases where there are no special stain removers. If you find a trace of a ballpoint pen on clothes, you can use:

  • salt,
  • alcohol,
  • acetone,
  • laundry soap,
  • soda or ammonia.
The main thing is to choose the right proportions so as not to irrevocably ruin your clothes.

Acetone and alcohol

foto24397-3To eliminate the trace of the paste, it is necessary to mix the two components in equal parts. Then you can start removing the contamination:

  1. Using a toothbrush, apply the mixture to the stain.
  2. Grind from edges to center.
  3. Leave on for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Wash the product.

If the stain is old, it is recommended to iron the problem area before applying the alcohol-acetone mixture so that the stain is hot during processing.

Alcohol and salt

If there are no stain removers in the house, you can use a mixture of alcohol and salt:

  • apply a little alcohol on the trail of the pen;
  • pour salt on the moistened area (fine);
  • leave until the salt crystals are completely dry;
  • brush the surface;
  • wash your denim item in the usual way.

After drying, you can repeat the procedure.

Ammonium and glycerin

foto24397-4A mixture of glycerin and ammonia can be used on any shade of the product. For cleaning you need:

  1. Mix glycerin with ammonia in a 2 to 1 ratio.
  2. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area.
  3. Leave on for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash the product.

For white things, you can add hydrogen peroxide to the mixture at the rate of 0.5 parts to one part of the total finished mass.

Soda and ammonia

If there is a slight trace of the paste on your jeans, you can remove it with a mixture of ammonia and baking soda. This requires:

  • make a gruel from the components (1 teaspoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of ammonia);
  • process the problem area;
  • leave for 20-25 minutes;
  • rinse with cold water;
  • wash.

You need to apply pointwise. A whitening effect is possible.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap (you can take dishwashing detergent) grate and soak. You should get the consistency of sour cream.

Use this mixture to treat the stain by rubbing the mixture into the jeans with a brush. Wash at 30 degrees.

Hydrogen peroxide

foto24397-5It is better to use hydrogen peroxide to remove marks on white jeans. For this you need:

  1. Spread the stained product on a hard surface.
  2. Place a piece of white cloth under the stain.
  3. Pour some peroxide on the trail of the pen.
  4. Wait 2-3 minutes.
  5. Wash off with water.
  6. Wash.

If the stain is old, it is better to apply the peroxide on a cotton swab and apply to the problem area, wait for the disc to dry, and wash the jeans.

How to remove with chemicals?

Chemicals formulated to deal with different types of stains on different fabrics and colors. therefore they need to be selected taking into account the characteristics of the spoiled thing.


The manufacturer produces compounds that remove stains on white and colored things. Detailed instructions for use are indicated on each of these funds. It must be strictly adhered to so as not to spoil the product.

The principle of application and impact of these funds is similar:

  1. Apply liquid or powder diluted to a gruel to the stain.
  2. Leave on for 15 minutes.
  3. Soak your denim in cold water.
  4. Wash at 30-40 degrees.


  • concentrate with a spray for colored and white things - from 490 rubles;
  • oxygen powder for all colors - from 500 rubles;
  • oxygen gel - from 200 rubles;
  • gel for white - from 170 rubles.

When using a stain remover, do not lengthen the time. The tool will continue to work at the time of soaking and washing.



To remove traces of a ballpoint pen, you need to apply the selected composition to the stain and wait for the time indicated on the package. The manufacturer recommends using several products at the same time. for removing stubborn dirt:

  1. It is necessary to apply a spray to the problem area for preliminary removal of stains. Send to wash.
  2. Add concentrated liquid detergent to the machine. Wash at a suitable temperature.

The cost of the Amway spray is 740 rubles, the liquid agent is 1465 rubles.


Whiteness copes well with ballpoint pen marks. But it can only be used on white products... To remove dirt, you need to treat it with a small amount of whiteness, leave for 5-7 minutes and wash.


How to wipe off gel stains?

Let's take a look at how to remove gel pen marks from jeans.

Folk recipes

Gel pen stains are more resistant. therefore more effective means will be needed to eliminate them.

Glycerin, ammonia, denatured alcohol

A small trace of the handle will be handled by simple glycerin, which is applied to the stain and washed off after 30 minutes.

A mixture of glycerin with components such as denatured alcohol and ammonia will cope with bulky or old stains:

  • mix the components (1 part each alcohol and denatured alcohol, 4 parts glycerin);
  • apply the mixture to the trace of the gel pen;
  • wash the item with powder after 15 minutes.
A test is recommended before use on colored items. High-quality painted items will withstand the effects of the stain remover.

Vinegar essence

foto24397-9The fastest way to remove acids is gel paste... On light items, you can use undiluted vinegar essence, on dark items, the acid must be diluted with water in a 1 to 1 ratio:

  1. Heat the liquid.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in it.
  3. Wipe the problem area.

If the stain is large, hot liquid can be poured over it, wash the item immediately after the reaction occurs.


Dairy products handle gel pen paste on all surfaces. This requires:

  • heat milk (can be replaced with kefir);
  • pour on the problem area (you can soak the stain in a container with milk);
  • leave for 2 hours;
  • wash with powder.
The color and structure of the fabric will not be affected by dairy products. Therefore, this method is the safest and most effective.

Lemon juice

Citrus contains acids that quickly remove gel paste stains... It is necessary to squeeze the juice onto the treated area and wash the product after 20 minutes.

Hair spray

To remove a small trace from a gel pen with hairspray, you just need to spray it on the stain and blot it. Repeat the procedure several times until the problem is eliminated.

Household chemicals

You can get rid of a thing from gel painting with special means:

  • Antipyatin;
  • Vanish;
  • Amway;
  • Cillit Bang.

It is enough to apply the selected composition to the stain, wait about 15 minutes, soak in cold water and wash the product.

Getting rid of old dirt

Kerosene is able to eliminate old bulky traces of a gel or ballpoint pen. Before using it, you need to test on an inconspicuous area. Poorly dyed products can lose color.

foto24397-10Cleaning procedure:

  1. Wet a cotton swab or disc with kerosene.
  2. Wipe off traces of paste.
  3. Wash the item with the addition of powder at a low temperature.

For best results, kerosene can be left on the stain for 10-15 minutes. It is important to monitor the condition of the fabric and paint.

Rinsing and drying

If the trail from the paste has successfully disappeared after using non-aggressive methods, then you need to do the following:

  • collect warm, almost cold water in a basin;
  • add dishwashing detergent or powder;
  • dip the stain in water;
  • rub off;
  • change water to cold;
  • rinse the product.

If the handle had to be removed with aggressive substances, then you will additionally need a full cycle of washing in a washing machine with a double portion of powder and repeated rinsing. This will remove particles of corrosive substances from the fabric and remove possible unpleasant odors after using products such as kerosene.

You can dry denim in any convenient way. The more evenly it dries, the better the product will remain.

What can’t be done?

In order not to spoil your favorite wardrobe item, you must strictly follow the specified recommendations, without violating the dosage of the selected funds. If a trace remains on the product from improvised or professional means, it will be difficult to fix the problem.

Also not worth it:

  1. foto24397-11Soak things in hot water. So the paste is absorbed even more into the structure of the fabric.
  2. Apply several products at once. Dry the stain completely after each method you try.
  3. Leave acid on the stain for longer than 5 minutes. Otherwise, paint may come off with the stain.
  4. Pre-wash the product. If a trace of the paste was found on jeans, then you should not hope that it will disappear without preliminary treatment. After washing with regular powder, the stain will only set.
  5. Remove stain with nail polish remover. It does not contain acetone, but it does contain oils that will help the paste to stick to your jeans.

When using chemicals, you must follow the instructions. It is not worth increasing the exposure time of the stain remover.

Proven ways and means to remove gel and ballpoint pen marks can be found in this section.

Related videos

How to remove ink stains from clothes will be shown in the video:


There are several ways to remove traces from a ballpoint or gel pen. Kerosene will remove old stains, milk will cope with fresh stains.

The final result of the work depends on how quickly the contamination is noticed.



