Proven Ways And Means To Get A Gel Pen Out Of Clothes

foto26236-1Not all stains are removed by hand or machine wash. Tough stains include gel ink marks.

To save on dry cleaning, you can try to remove the gel pen from your clothes yourself.

How to do this in the most effective and safe way for the fabric will be discussed in the article.

Stain removal rules

A positive result can be achieved only if several rules are followed:

  1. foto26236-2Before cleaning, the blot must be washed in cold water, wiped with ethyl alcohol or vinegar.
  2. Under the place that will be cleaned, you need to put a sheet of paper, sprinkling it with starch. This will prevent the ink from absorbing into the fabric.
  3. Removing the stain should start from the edges, gradually moving towards the center.
  4. Immediately after the blot appears, quickly wipe off the remaining ink from the surface of the fabric with a towel. This must be done carefully so as not to snag clean areas.
  5. Delicate fabrics should be cleaned with gentle cleaning agents.
  6. Before starting to remove dirt, you need to determine the type of fabric to select an effective cleaner.

How to wash off different types of fabric?

When choosing a product, you need to consider the type of fabric. It is important to choose a method that will not harm the material.

Silk and satin

You can use sour milk to remove ink... Cleaning steps:

  • take a plastic container, place a dirty thing in it;
  • heat the required amount of yogurt or kefir;
  • pour the stain so that it disappears under the fermented milk product;
  • leave for 3 hours;
  • Do a normal wash with detergents suitable for the materials.
A light-colored item can be cleaned with a mixture based on gasoline, kerosene, laundry soap (shavings).


  1. Connect the components (1: 1: 1).
  2. Apply the product.
  3. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  4. Treat the fabric with 2% hydrochloric acid.
  5. Rinse.

Wool and cotton

foto26236-3Cotton can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol:

  • combine the components to make 1 tbsp. l. cleaning agent (1: 1);
  • pour the solution into a glass of water (250 ml);
  • apply the mixture;
  • leave the thing for 10 minutes;
  • extend.

For wool, a product based on kefir, yogurt is suitable.


Flax is well cleaned with milk... Stages:

  1. Soak a thing in milk.
  2. Refrigerate bowl overnight.
  3. Carry out a wash as usual.
As an alternative to milk, a mixture of white vinegar and dish soap is suitable.

Withdrawal process:

  • mix 1 tbsp. l. vinegar with 1/2 tsp. detergent;
  • pour the resulting liquid into 1 liter of clean water;
  • mix;
  • soak a thing;
  • wait 30 minutes;
  • rinse.

Suede and leather

foto26236-4Salt can be used to clean these fabrics:

  1. Apply salt in a thick layer.
  2. Leave the item for 2 days.
  3. Shake off the grains of salt, wash off their remains with a damp washcloth, having previously moistened it in turpentine.

Movements should be slow.


There are two ways to clean jeans:

  1. Soak the item with alcohol, sprinkle with coarse salt. Rub the stain with a brush.
  2. If the first method does not help, you can mix 2 parts of glycerin with 5 parts of alcohol. Apply the product. After half an hour, wash off the remnants of the product.

He will tell you how to remove pen marks from jeans this article.

How to remove ink using folk recipes?

The table below shows the most effective remedies for removing gel pen marks from fabrics:

MeansWhat types of fabric is suitable for?Application and features
Hot milkFor natural fabricsWarm up to 90 ° C, apply to dirty area. Hold for 20 minutes, rinse.
ParaffinFor all fabricsMelt and drip along the edges of the dirt. It will help to mark the borders of spots. Prevents the ink from creeping.
TalcFor all fabricsPour in, let the ink absorb. Shake off leftovers. Prevents ink bleeding.
Baking sodaFor delicate fabricsAdd 1 tbsp in 100 ml of cool water. l. sodium bicarbonate. Rub on the stain and leave for 30 minutes.
Mustard powderFor delicate fabricsDilute with water. Apply the substance, leave to dry. Peel off the hardened mustard.
Hair sprayFor natural fabricsSpray onto dirt. Wait for the ink to disappear.
Solvents with acetoneFor natural fabricsApply the composition, leave for 10 minutes, rinse. With the help of this liquid, any contamination can be destroyed, but powerful compounds damage delicate fabrics, leaving marks.
Lemon juiceFor delicate fabricsSqueeze the juice onto the blot, wait 60 minutes. Rinse.
Turpentine and ammoniaFor natural fabricsCombine ingredients (1: 1). Apply the composition.
Micellar waterFor delicate fabricsSoak a cotton pad in a cosmetic product, wipe the blot.
Shaving foamFor all fabricsApply the composition, wait 4 hours. You cannot rub the blot, as the ink will penetrate even deeper into the fabric.
Nail polish removerFor natural fabricsMoisten a bandage or cotton pad, treat the ink stain. Rub the material with light effort.
Gasoline and small sawdustFor natural fabricsSoak a cloth in gasoline. Sprinkle the blot with a thin layer of sawdust. Allow the material to dry, shake off the remains of bulk material.
Hand creamFor all fabricsSpread thickly. Wait until the product is absorbed into the fabric. Remove residues with a damp cloth or tissue. Only fatty compositions are suitable.
ToothpasteFor all fabricsMassage the paste into the ink. It is better to choose white compounds, since colored ones are less washed off.

How to wipe off using household chemicals?

The table below shows a list of household chemicals for removing gel pen traces from fabrics:

Alcohol antisepticsTeflex (from 130 rubles), Klovin II Septon (from 150 rubles), Glavstyrka (from 125 rubles)Used to remove stains.
Spotting sprays, foamsOxygen (from 500 rubles), Wine Away (from 500 rubles), Sonett (from 500 rubles)When using such means, oxygen is released, which helps to remove ink from the fibers of the fabric. Chlorine free.
Stain removersWide Haiter (from 300 rubles), Vanish Oxi Action (from 140 rubles), Dr. Beckmann (from 280 rubles), "Persol O2" (from 20 rubles)The components penetrate the fibers of the fabric, pushing the ink out. Chlorine free.
Chlorine bleaches"Whiteness" (from 50 rubles)The components penetrate the fibers and destroy the ink molecules. They act as a good disinfectant.

Principles of washing fresh and old dirt

Tips for cleaning fresh stains:

  1. foto26236-5Initially, you need to cover the pollution with talcum powder.
  2. Treat the item with dishwashing detergent or laundry soap. Apply the selected composition, wait 30 minutes, rinse with water.
  3. If the soap does not work, you can use table salt or rock salt.
  4. The last recommended option is ammonia soap. It is necessary to add 3 tbsp in 250 ml of water. l. alcohol and 1 tbsp. l. crushed soap. Sponge the stain and wait until it turns pale. You just have to wash it.

Removing an old stain is more difficult... First, it is recommended to soak the item in water. After that, you can use one of the proposed methods:

  1. Mix glycerin, soda and ammonia (1: 1: 1). Stir until smooth. Cover the ink with the finished paste. Wait 30 minutes. Wash off the paste.
  2. Add 1 tsp to a glass of clean water. oxalic acid. Apply the product. Wash the thing by adding 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad with gasoline, blot the blot. Wipe with ammonia.

Removing traces from white and colored items

Means for white clothes:

  • milk, kefir, yogurt;
  • acetic acid;
  • bleach;
  • peroxide and ammonia.

For colored clothes:

  • dish detergent;
  • laundry soap;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • petrol.

Combinations of funds are allowed.

foto26236-6Purification of white matter:

  1. Expand the thing. Sprinkle chalk on ink, cover with a paper towel. Press down with any heavy object and leave for two hours. Brush off.
  2. Ammonium and acetone. Connect the components (1: 1). Heat up to 60 ° C. Apply to ink stain. Lay gauze, iron the thing with an iron.

Learn how to remove a pen from a white shirt. here... Read about removing ink marks from white clothing. here.

Compositions for washing in a washing machine

Washing in a typewriter is not as useless as it might seem. Use an effective detergent to remove the stain. Proven options:

Vanish (from 140 rubles)Saturate the stain. Soak the item in water for 30 minutes, adding 1 more cap of stain remover.
"Whiteness" (from 50 rubles)Add a cap of the product to the water. Immerse the item in liquid, hold for an hour. Suitable for linen, cotton.

Proven ways and means for removing gel and ballpoint pen marks can be found in this section.


Various methods and means can be used to remove the gel paste from the fabric. In order not to be mistaken when choosing a cleaning composition, it is necessary to determine the type of fabric. To remove ink without a trace, you need to start cleaning immediately after setting the blot.



