Tips on how to remove rust from a chrome surface

foto20432-1The appearance of rust on the chrome surface is an unpleasant but solvable problem.

Plumbing fixtures, rims and other chrome-plated products are cleaned with home remedies or special pastes designed to combat metal oxides.

To achieve the desired effect and not damage the coating, you must follow the instructions and remember the important nuances of cleaning.

In this article, we will tell you how you can remove rust from chrome surfaces and not damage them.

Folk recipes for home use

Handy solutions and materials found in almost any home can help remove rust stains quickly and efficiently. These funds do not require large financial expenditures, and their use is safe for human health and the thing itself.

To speed up and facilitate the removal of rusty deposits, before applying any recipe, the damaged surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust with a detergent and rinsed with water.


foto20432-2Used as a reagent:

  • dining room,
  • wine,
  • low concentration apple cider vinegar (6-9%).

It is not recommended to use concentrated vinegar essence for work due to its excessive aggressiveness.

Acetic acid is poured into a container and a rusty part is placed in it... If the size of the product does not allow using this method, wipe the damaged area with a cloth soaked in vinegar and cover the surface with it.

For protruding parts of an object (for example, a mixer spout), it is convenient to use a different technique. The vinegar is poured into a plastic bag and tied in such a way that the rusty area is submerged in the reagent.

The exposure time in the vinegar solution depends on the amount of rust. The thicker the layer, the longer it takes for the reaction.... On average, it is three to eight hours. After removing the vinegar application, the product is carefully wiped with a sponge, removing the remaining plaque and rinsed.

Work with the use of vinegar should be carried out with open windows and ventilation on, since the vapors of this substance irritate the respiratory tract of a person.

How to cleanse with citric acid?

foto20432-3The action of this reagent is similar to vinegar.... Citric acid or products containing citric acid (natural lemon juice) help to get rid of rust easily and effectively.

The acid interacts with metal oxides and hydroxides, converting them into salts.

A little water is added to the citric acid powder to make a gruel... It is applied in a thick layer to rusty areas and left for several hours. After that, wipe the surface with a soft cloth.

If the rust layer was thick and rusty marks remain after treatment, the cleaning procedure is repeated.

Coca Cola

Drinks containing organic acids (phosphoric, citric) are also suitable for removing rusty deposits. Instead of Coca-Cola, you can use analogues:

  • Fantou,
  • Pepsi,
  • Sprite.

The method is considered effective, simple and safe.

The way Coca-Cola is used depends on the area and location of the rust. Small items are dipped into a bowl filled with a drink. Leave for several hours and then rinse under running water.

Non-removable parts are covered with a napkin soaked in Coca-Cola... Reception with a plastic bag is also possible, which is used as a hanging container.

The exposure time in the cleaning liquid depends on the thickness of the rusty film. With a minimum layer, 2-3 hours are enough. For deeper damage, it is required to extend the holding time to 5-8 hours.

During cleaning, the wipes applied to the surface should not be allowed to dry out, as this delays the process and does not allow achieving the effect. Read more about Coca-Cola rust removal. here.

Aluminium foil

foto20432-4This method allows you to effectively clean products from oxides. Foil is a soft material, therefore it acts gently on hard chrome plating without scratching it and at the same time cleaning off rust particles.

For aluminum foil work, cut into several small pieces... It is enough to cut strips of 7-10 cm from the roll.

The damaged surface is moistened with water. A volumetric ball is made of foil and rubbed against a rusty area without strong pressure until a shine appears.

If necessary, take a new strip of foil, re-wet the product with water and repeat the cleaning... After completing the procedure, wash off the brown mass from the coating and rinse the chrome surface with water.

How To Remove With Toothpaste?

To fight rust, use regular tooth powder or paste. These products have a mild abrasive effect and delicately remove rusty deposits, so it is quite possible to achieve a positive result.

However, the use of toothpaste requires some physical effort, since cleansing is achieved through mechanical action.

A small amount of toothpaste or powder is applied to a flannel cloth or foam sponge... In the latter case, the sponge is preliminarily slightly moistened with water. The area with rust is rubbed until the rust stain disappears.

If necessary, during the cleaning process, add a new portion of the product and continue cleaning. After the procedure, the dry residue is removed with a brush or napkin. The product is washed and wiped dry.

Special cleaning agents for chrome parts

foto20432-5When choosing a chemical designed to remove rust, you must carefully read the accompanying information.

The liquid or paste must be approved for use on chrome plated finishes.

It also matters:

  • expiration date of the goods,
  • its cost,
  • Ease of use,
  • harmlessness to human health.


The drug was developed by the American company of the same name. WD-40 is an aerosol used in home and auto repair shops.

The tool is versatile and can be used to remove traces:

  • corrosion,
  • glue,
  • fat,
  • bitumen,
  • soot,
  • mud.
WD-40 does not leave oily and sticky stains, forms a water-repellent layer on the surface of parts.

The product includes:

  • White Spirit,
  • carbon dioxide
  • mineral oil,
  • inert additives.

To remove rust, the agent is sprayed onto the surface to be cleaned, left for a short time and wiped with a napkin. A 200 ml bottle can be bought for 200-300 rubles.


Doctor Wax

The product of a famous American brand is produced in the form of a polishing paste... It is suitable for cleaning not only chrome-plated surfaces, but also coatings from:

  • bronze,
  • aluminum,
  • gold,
  • silver,
  • become.
The composition contains no abrasive and aggressive substances, the polishing properties are based on vegetable wax. The polish removes scratches and traces of rust. It is in demand in workshops and at home.

Doctor Wax is applied to a rusty surface. After a while, when the paste dries up and turns into a matte coating, the coating is polished with a soft cloth. The cost of a can weighing 0.18 kg is on average 350 rubles. A 300 ml bottle is estimated at 380-400 rubles.


Metal Polish

The polish was developed by the German company Autosol. The product has a creamy consistency. Metal Polish is used for cleaning and polishing:

  • dishes,
  • plumbers,
  • car body,
  • industrial equipment.

It is allowed to use for:

  • chrome,
  • brass,
  • copper,
  • nickel,
  • become.
To clean the surface, apply Metal Polish to the rusted area and polish with a cloth in a circular motion to a shine. Then remove the remnants of the product, wipe the coating with a clean napkin.

The average price for a tube of 0.75 ml paste is 450 rubles, a large 0.75 liter jar costs from 2700 rubles (all prices are here).


In order to properly remove rust stains from chrome plating, you must follow the instructions and follow the noted safety rules.

What can't be used and why?

The shiny chrome finish is sensitive to many aggressive and harsh agents. Therefore, it is worth remembering about unwanted cleansers when choosing the right method.

The list includes:

  1. Steel wool... It spoils the gloss of the chrome finish and makes it look dull.
  2. Metal washcloths... These sponges can remove rust but leave marks on the surface.
  3. Strong acids... Sulfuric, hydrochloric and other acids destroy the protective coating.


In order for the result of the work to be 100% satisfied, you must adhere to the instructions attached to each product and remember about additional recommendations:

  1. foto20432-9Before applying reagent or using mechanical cleaning on a chrome-plated product, it is recommended to wash off the dirt to facilitate contact with rust.
  2. The soak time in the cleaning agent should be adjusted according to the degree of damage. Areas with a thicker rust layer require a longer treatment period.
  3. After cleaning, wipe the product with a dry cloth. It is undesirable to leave the coating to dry naturally, as unsightly water stains will remain on the glossy surface.
  4. For additional polishing of chromium, it is useful to use oily substances. Vegetable oils, wax polishes are suitable. They drip onto a microfiber cloth and rub the surface until it shines.

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It is not difficult to choose a method for cleaning the chrome-plated surface from rusty deposits. These can be inexpensive and affordable home remedies, as well as specialty polish pastes.

In any case, when removing rust, you must adhere to step-by-step technology. It is unacceptable to use products that can harm the glossy finish and negate all cleaning efforts.



