Recipes and methods on how to clean a toilet cistern from rust inside at home
Poor tap water, old metal or cast iron pipes can cause rusty deposits to build up in the tank.
As a result, after a while, rusty water leaves a red bloom on its walls, which is quite difficult to get rid of.
Keeping the inside of the toilet cistern clean will help prevent such problems, and will also extend the life of the flush mechanism.
We will tell you how to clean the toilet cistern from rust inside in the article.
Preparing for cleaning
So that the work on cleaning the toilet cistern from rust goes quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:
- Shut off the water supply.
- Press the flush button several times to empty the toilet cistern.
- Prepare the necessary equipment for work (brush with stiff bristles, sponge, rags, respirator and protective gloves).
- Remove the cover. At this stage, it is important to know the features of parsing the tank:
so the lids are not fixed on the cast-iron containers, the top panel must be pry off with a thin metal object (for example, with a knife blade), removed and moved away from the toilet (so as not to interfere);
- the covers of the plastic cisterns are fixed with side fasteners (they are simply unscrewed with a screwdriver);
- the earthenware lids are fixed with the drain button, in order to dismantle the top panel, you must unscrew the button together with the ring surrounding it (rotate counterclockwise).
After the cover is dismantled, the drain mechanism and the filter are carefully inspected for suitability for further use. Perhaps the mechanisms are worn out to such an extent that replacing them with new ones will be a better decision than starting cleaning.
How to remove plaque?
Compliance with a clear sequence of actions will help to clean quickly and efficiently:
- Preparing the tank for cleaning (drain the water, remove the lid).
- We take out the drain fittings and thoroughly rinse it under running warm water (in case of heavy dirt, it can be additionally treated with soapy water).
- We clean the inner surface using the chosen method.
- We mount the drain mechanism in a clean tank, mount the lid, fill the container with water.
Folk remedies for cleaning
It is possible to clean the tank from rust without using store products. There are a sufficient number of folk recipes, the ingredients for which can be found in any home.
Citric acid
Citric acid powder will not only dissolve lime deposits and traces of rust, but also disinfect the inner surface.
Algorithm of actions:
- dry powder of citric acid is diluted with warm water to a thick slurry;
- the resulting product is liberally smeared with the walls of the tank and left for at least twelve hours;
- the dried layer of the cleaning composition is removed along with the rust spots with a stiff brush;
- wipe the cleaned surface with a clean, damp sponge.
Citric acid destroys rubber seals and cuffs. When processing the inner surface, the rubber elements are left intact. Read more about the use of citric acid to fight rust. here.
The video will tell you how to clean the toilet cistern inside from rust:
How to remove plaque with ammonia?
A drug that is in every first-aid kit - ammonia will perfectly cope with rust stains.
Algorithm of actions:
- Ammonia (in pure form) is applied to the inner surface of the drain tank.
- After twenty minutes, the treated surface is wiped with a soft, damp sponge.
Coca Cola
The effectiveness of the Coca-Cola drink in the fight against rust stains can be easily explained: the composition of carbonated water contains orthophosphoric acid without residue destroying not only traces of rust, but also lime deposits.
Algorithm of actions:
- Coca-Cola is poured into an empty cistern (almost to the brim) and left overnight;
- in the morning the carbonated drink is poured off, and the inner surface is thoroughly wiped with a stiff brush;
- the cleaned walls are wiped with a clean soft sponge.
This method can be used for prevention purposes, and then you can forget about rust and limescale in the toilet cistern for a long time. More about using cola - in this article.
Washing powder with whitening effect
A soapy solution of washing powder will perfectly cope with a slight ginger bloom.
Algorithm of actions:
- 4 liters of hot water are poured into the tank, 5 tablespoons are added. washing powder. The mixture is stirred until the powder is completely dissolved.
- The solution is left in the tank for six hours, after which it is drained.
- Residual dirt is removed with a sponge or stiff brush.
- An already clean inner surface is wiped with a clean cloth.
How to get rid of with battery electrolyte?
In a situation where it is necessary to clean a very dirty tank with stubborn rust and limescale stains, you can use a battery electrolyte (available from an auto parts store).
Algorithm of actions:
- the product is applied to the contaminated surface and left for a maximum of six minutes;
- using a brush or a coarse brush, the remains of the cleaning agent together with rust and limescale are removed from the inner surface of the tank.
The alkaline composition of the electrolyte is harmful to the skin and mucous membranes. You can work with this product only with protective gloves and a respirator.
Special means
Special gels and liquids will help speed up and facilitate the cleaning process... The TOP-3 rating of the best anti-rust remedies for flush cisterns will help you not to get lost among the huge assortment of household chemicals presented on the windows of the household departments of supermarkets. So, what to fill inside the tank:
Sanita Anti-rust
Sanita sanitary ware Anti-rust is an ideal tool for housewives who want to get rid of red plaque quickly and effortlessly. The unique composition, including several acids, will help to remove not only traces of rust, but also limescale and mold.
The average cost is 140 rubles. (500 ml bottle).
Sarma Gel
Gel for toilet bowls Sarma sanitary ware anti-rust. Due to the fact that oxalic acid is a part of the gel, removing traces of rust from the walls of the cistern will not take much time and effort. From special products from other manufacturers Sarma anti-rust gel is distinguished by the absence of a sharp chemical odor and an affordable price.
Average cost - 85 rubles. (750 ml bottle).
Sanfor universal
Sanfor Universal gel cleaner is specially designed for cleaning sanitary ware, ceramic tiles and other surfaces.
The gel helps to quickly remove:
- traces of rust,
- gray bloom,
- lime deposits.
In addition, the gel disinfects surfaces, removes 99% of germs and mold.
Average cost - 130 rubles. (750 ml bottle).
Work with household chemicals is carried out only in a well-ventilated area, using protective gloves.
What can't be used and why?
The choice of a method for removing rust stains is largely determined by the material from which the tank is made:
- For ceramic containers completely useless soap and detergent. In order to properly clean rust from ceramics, it is better to use acid-based compounds.
- Plastic the tanks cannot be cleaned with aggressive acid-based detergents; for them it is better to choose alkaline agents that are neutral to plastic and rubber seals.
A few tips from experienced housewives to help you stay clean drain tank:
- Regular cleaning will eliminate the painful process of removing stubborn rust stains.
- Monitoring the condition of the water supply system in the house will not only improve the quality of the supplied water, but also prevent the appearance of rusty deposits on the inner walls of the tank.
- Special anti-plaque and rust tablets placed inside the tank will keep surfaces from premature contamination.
If the desired effect of purity was not achieved the first time, then it is better to repeat the procedure again.
You will find all the most important about the methods and means for cleaning the toilet bowl from rust here.
Regular cleaning with the right product will allow you to forget about traces of rust on the inner surface of the cistern for a long time.