Varieties and features of the use of rust paints for a car

foto21653-1Rust doesn't just ruin the vehicle's appearance. It destroys metal, leads to damage to parts. The older the corrosion, the higher the likelihood of a through hole.

You can protect your car from rust and prevent its further spread by using a special paint.

How to choose the right paint composition for rust for a car and how to use it correctly, read the article.

How to choose the right one?

There are several types of paints that can be used on a rusty car. When choosing, you need to pay attention to their composition:

  1. foto21653-2Alkyd. They are used to treat surfaces that are not exposed to strong heat. The metal on which the alkyd paint is applied must be galvanized.
  2. Hammerheads. These compounds are of choice for drivers seeking a rough, metallic finish. The basis of hammer paints are alkyds, epoxies, acrid, aluminum powder.

    Using hammer paint, you can refuse to use a primer, but for this you need to apply it in 3 layers.

  3. Epoxy. Such paints are toxic, so they are used with caution. They contain synthetic resins that protect the metal from damage and high temperatures.
  4. Acrylic. Such dyes appeared on the market recently, but car owners have already fallen in love. They have a high degree of metal corrosion protection. They can be used for interior and finishing work.
  5. Oil. These are inexpensive formulations based on drying oil. Oil paints are not able to provide the car with the necessary protection. They are used when you need to save money and quickly complete painting work.

Depending on the method of application, aerosol paints and compositions for manual application are distinguished.

Means in spray cans are used to paint hard-to-reach areas. They are easy to use, so even a beginner can cope with the task. Hand-painted paints are poured into various containers, most often cans. You will need a spray bottle or paint brush to paint your car.

Rust paint types:

  1. foto21653-3Tread. It is an economical paint that dries quickly and has a high anti-corrosion activity.

    After drying, it forms a high-quality metallized coating. This paint can be used in high humidity conditions.

  2. Isolate, for example, a primer enamel for metal. Such compositions dry in 3 hours.
  3. Passivating. This type of primer will slow down the corrosion process.
  4. Two-component phosphating... Helps to dissolve rust and prevents its reappearance.
  5. Converters... They not only dissolve corrosion, but also partially restore damaged areas of the metal.
  6. Inhibitory. It is an effective stain that adheres tightly to the surface, but it can only be applied to a small layer of rust.

Top 3 best metal compositions for cars

There are many paints on sale from various manufacturers. However, only some formulations are in high demand among consumers.

Enamel KUDO

KUDO enamel for rust. This is a hammer paint with an alkyd base. It gives a semi-gloss effect, suitable for interior and exterior use.

The composition is available in cans equipped with a spray... A palette of 10 colors is on sale. The cost is 250 rubles.


Vixen 4 in 1 primer enamel

Vixen enamel and primer is suitable for all metal surfaces.

It can be used for interior and exterior work. The composition dries quickly, is not afraid of sunlight, does not crack and does not peel off in the cold.

It successfully combines 4 properties at once:

  • acts as an anti-corrosion agent;
  • has the properties of a primer;
  • works like enamel;
  • varnishes the metal surface.

The price for a 520 ml can is 174 rubles.


Plain dyed

It is a versatile compound suitable for overpainting rusted coatings., the thickness of corrosion on which does not exceed 100 microns. After drying, a glossy shine will appear on the surface of the car. The primer-enamel is produced in cans.

Full drying time is 12 hours for each layer. The composition combines the properties of a rust converter, primer and decorative enamel.

The price for a can of 1.9 kg is 320 rubles.


How to use car dye?

Application rules paints for rust:

  1. Before applying the composition to the metal surface, it must be brushed off. Do not paint over areas with a thick layer of rust.
  2. Those elements that do not need painting are dismantled. If this is not possible, then they are sealed with paper tape.
  3. The cleaned body is washed, wiped with a cloth and allowed to dry.
  4. If an enamel-primer has been chosen for processing, then a preliminary primer is not required.
  5. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers. The spray gun is kept at a distance of 15 cm from the surface.
  6. When the procedure is completed, the machine is left to dry.
The average time for the paint to dry on rust is 14 hours. Finish the treatment with polishing.

How to paint rust on a car from a spray can, the video will tell you:

Safety engineering

Safety rules that must be followed when painting car:

  • foto21653-7you need to start work in special clothing made of dense fabric;
  • protect eyes with glasses, and hands with rubber or cotton gloves;
  • fire extinguishing equipment should always be freely available;
  • smoking in the room where the painting work is performed is prohibited;
  • wash hands after working with paints and varnishes;
  • hair should be hidden under a headdress;
  • work only in a well-ventilated area.

Helpful information

Painting tips car:

  1. It is not necessary to apply the composition on a loose layer of rust, it must be cleaned off.
  2. If the paint contains a primer, then it is used as a mono-agent. The number of layers must be at least 3.
  3. The coating can only be applied to dry surfaces.
  4. When painting a large area, the paint is applied in stripes. Moreover, each line must go to the previous one.

You can learn a lot of important and useful information about the ways and methods of removing rust from a car. here.


Rust paint for a car can solve several problems at once. With its help, the vehicle will look aesthetically pleasing and will not corrode. The use of enamels containing a primer significantly speeds up the process of painting the car.



