Means and methods of how to clean the caliper from rust
The brake caliper is part of the vehicle's braking system, so it should work properly.
If corrosion appears on a part, this negatively affects the functioning of the brakes in general.
Read about how to clean the calipers from rust and how to prevent it from reappearing in the article.
When and why should you clean?
You need to clean the calipers from rust as soon as it appears. You need to start the procedure as soon as the first signs of corrosion appear.
What you need to pay attention to:
- divergence of brakes of 2 wheels by 20% or more;
- the appearance of a squeak during braking;
- car skidding when you press the brake;
- the appearance of vibration during braking.
If rust is ignored, the caliper will wedge, which will affect speed and braking power. As a result, the system will start to overheat and fail.
therefore preventive cleaning is carried out at least once a yearand every time the brake pads are changed.
Cleaning rules
There are two ways to get rid of corrosion.... The first is to remove the part and clean it, and the second is to remove oxides without disassembling the brake system. Corrosion can be dealt with with improvised means and with the help of specialized formulations.
How do I clean the removed ones?
To remove oxides from removed parts, you can use folk remedies. The easiest and cheapest way to remove plaque is to use vinegar... The acid is excellent at dissolving rust.
Procedure for the procedure:
Remove the caliper from the machine.
- Pour warm water into a bucket, dissolve vinegar 9% in it. 10 liters of water will require 0.3-0.5 liters of acid. The larger the layer of rust, the more concentrated the solution should be.
- Remove loose rust with sandpaper.
- Immerse the part in the solution.
- After 15-30 minutes, remove it and inspect it. If the rust has not gone away, then the product is soaked for another 1-2 hours.
- After completing the cleaning, the caliper is rinsed with water, dried and treated with any anti-corrosion compound.
By analogy with vinegar, use citric acid... For 10 liters, 2 sachets of powder 80 g each are enough.
- fill a plastic bowl with soda water;
- completely immerse the part in the drink;
- leave for 12 hours;
- remove the caliper, rinse with clean water and dry.
Cola allows you to cope even with a thick layer of rust, but for this, the exposure time needs to be doubled.
How to remove corrosion without removing the part?
If you do not plan to remove the calipers, then it will be more convenient to use a professional rust cleaner in the form of a spray. Top 3 store products:
Rust Remover 0.5 L... The spray is sprayed over the surface of the part. After the completion of the chemical reaction, a film forms on the metal, which will protect it from rust. The price of the composition is 250 rubles.
- Autoprofi Converter... The agent is sprayed on the part, left for 15 minutes, the formed layer is cleaned off with a rag and the procedure is repeated again.
After completion of the reaction, the surface is treated with a non-metallic stiff bristled brush. Price - 225 rubles.
- Hi-Gear Converter... It is applied to the metal cleaned from rust, left for 20 minutes, rubbed with a non-metallic brush, after which the procedure is repeated 1-2 more times. It is not necessary to wash off the composition. Price - 400 rubles.
All of the above means not only clean the calipers from rust, but also prevent its reappearance, since they form a protective film on the metal.
Prevention of rusty deposits
To prevent rust from appearing on the calipers, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- regularly operate the car, do not allow it to idle;
- monitor the humidity level in the garage;
- carry out preventive cleaning at least once a year;
- if a long downtime is planned, all parts of the brake system are treated with anti-corrosion compounds.
Before proceeding with processing, the calipers must be cleaned. To do this, use a stiff brush or sandpaper. Do not apply converters to peeling rust.
Helpful information
To make the cleaning procedure as effective and safe as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
All work must be carried out outdoors, or in a room with good ventilation.
- Only plastic or glass containers can be used to soak parts. Metal basins are not suitable for this purpose.
- Blackening of the metal or liquid in which it is soaked is a normal reaction. It indicates that the cleaning process is active.
- To speed up cleaning, you can heat the solution by lowering the boiler into it. In this case, vapors must not be inhaled.
- If it was not possible to get rid of the rust the first time, the procedure is repeated 1-2 more times. If necessary, you can increase the exposure time.
You can find out about the ways and methods of removing rust from a car here.
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