Several effective ways to remove tint from car glass
It may be necessary to remove tint from car windows for various reasons. One of them is to increase the level of light transmission in accordance with legal requirements.
Various methods can be used to remove coating from glass, including heating and exposure to chemical reagents.
How to remove tint from the glass of a car, we will tell you in the article.
How to remove from the car?
Car owners decide to remove tint from car windows for various reasons. Most often, these are the requirements for the light transmission of glass in accordance with the current legislation.
Also, the following circumstances may serve as a reason to remove the cover:
Coating defects (flaking, blistering, etc.).
- Lack of driver comfort while driving due to impaired vision, even with slight dimming.
- Glass defects that can only be removed with the film removed.
- Unaesthetic appearance of tinting, etc.
To begin with, before using chemicals, you should try to remove the film in a less aggressive way.
With heating
It can be difficult to pick up and gently pull the film around the corner, especially in cases where the cover was glued long ago.
To remove the darkening film, you will need the following tools:
- hair dryer (household or industrial, which should be able to adjust the temperature);
- a rag or napkin;
- glass cleaner;
- knife.
The order of work:
- Turn on the hairdryer.
- Gently warm up a small section of the film, starting from the edge. In this case, the adhesive composition will begin to melt. The optimum heating temperature is about + 40 ° C, the distance to the glass is at least 15 cm.
- Pry off the edge with a knife.
- Continuing the heating of the surface, moving from one zone to another, gradually remove the entire coating.
- Wash the glass.
If the heating is insufficient, a lot of glue may remain on the glass, and the film itself will tear in your hands.
How to remove tint from glass with a hair dryer, the video will tell you:
Using tools
You can remove the coating in a cold way yourself, using for these purposes such tools:
- stationery knife;
- rubber scraper;
- rags;
- glass washing liquid;
- dish detergent or liquid soap;
- a nail polish remover with acetone, or another preparation that can be used as a solvent for the adhesive.
Using a knife, gently pry the film off the corner. To do this, you can moisten the edge with water and detergent.
- By pulling on the edge that has come off, begin to gradually remove the coating. In this case, you should continue to moisten the part of the glass freed from the coating so that the moisture gets under the film coating.
- Apply dishwashing detergent to the free of film glass.
- Leave for 5-10 minutes.
- Using a rubber scraper, try to clean off any adhesive remaining on the glass.
- If the adhesive layer cannot be removed completely, the surface must be treated with acetone or another solvent.
- Scrape off any remaining adhesive.
- Wipe the window with a rag.
- Apply a glass cleaner to the glass.
- Withstand a couple of minutes.
- Wash off the composition from the window with a soft cloth so that no streaks remain.
Chemical methods
In cases where the film cannot be removed with a cold or hot method, they are used with chemicals. An ammonia solution is used for this.
- The selected reagent is applied to the glass coating surface.
- A cellophane film is applied on top (you can use, for example, even a garbage bag) to prevent the applied liquid from quickly evaporating from the surface.
- Withstands 15 minutes.
- After softening the film - the appearance of bubbles, wrinkling, you can begin to remove it.
- The remaining glue is removed with a solvent and a plastic spatula.
- Wash with detergent.
Ammonia can damage surfaces close to glass, so they must be protected with cellophane wrap.
Features of removing old film
Old film has its own characteristics when removed... The complexity is added by the fact that it has been exposed for a long time:
- sun rays;
- temperature differences;
- fogging, etc.
As a result, its surface can become brittle, and the glue, on the contrary, can literally "weld" to the glass. The first problem that can be faced is the difficulty of prying off the edge. This situation is more often characteristic of a coating that has been in operation for at least 2 years.
The film must be properly moistened from the end of the glass... It is convenient to do this if you spray water with a spray bottle. A well-moistened film is left in this form for a quarter of an hour. After a while, it will be easier to pick up the free edge with a knife.
The inability to pick up the edge may be due to the characteristics of the used cheap glue (for example, construction). The chemical method will help to cope with the removal of such a coating.
How to wipe off glue residues?
If mistakes were made when removing the film, or if the film was old and of poor quality, a sticky layer may remain on the glass.
Depending on the condition of the glue spots and their size, one of the impact options is selected:
- For a soft glue mass, of which very little remains on the surface, you can cope by wetting the surface with soapy water and scrubbing with a spatula.
- Alcohol for technical needs or medicine, as well as refined gasoline, can be rubbed into the dried glue to soften it.
- The use of adhesive solvent requires careful handling. When choosing this method, it is important to exclude accidental contact with the paint and seals.
After applying any method, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and wipe the glasses so that they remain transparent.
Prohibitions when deleting
Removing the film from auto glass requires extreme care in carrying out work. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to take into account such restrictions and prohibitions:
It is possible to use sharp objects in the process of performing work only limitedly - to pry off the corner of the film covering. Do not use a knife on the glass as this can lead to scratches.
- Using too hot air in the area with seals is not permissible, as it can lead to their damage.
- It is impossible to scrape off the coating itself or traces of glue with force.
- You should not bring the heating to high temperatures, since the film may simply melt, which will only complicate the work with it.
- Do not be careless when handling solvents. If the reagent comes into contact with the paintwork or sealant, it may deteriorate.
13 recommendations
Tips from seasoned car enthusiasts to help cope with film removal without unpleasant consequences:
- You can remove the film by warming up even in winter, if it is possible to organize a positive temperature in the room where the car is serviced.
- It is not advisable to act quickly when removing the film, as there is a possibility of pieces coming off, which will slow down and complicate the work.
- When applying the tint film, it is recommended to contact trusted craftsmen who are guaranteed to carry out the work with high quality. This will make it easier in the future to remove it, if the need arises.
- Work with chemicals must be carried out with protective rubber gloves.
- Instead of a hair dryer, it is possible to use a steam generator.
- Special care should be taken when removing the rear window tint to avoid damaging the heating system. The best option is to use a hair dryer.
- Solvents can leave behind a specific smell, so it is advisable to ventilate the car after removing the toning.
- If it is problematic to remove the film from the glass, it is possible to dismantle it for the period of work, and then reinstall it.
- If you need to remove the film from the headlights, you can proceed in the same way as with the glass of a car.
- If the film breaks during removal, it is recommended to pry off the torn end and pull it together with the main part.
- Not every type of film can be removed by heating. The exception is athermal. It has a complex composition with the entry of a special layer from ultraviolet radiation.
- If you cannot cope with film removal on your own, or you are not confident in your abilities, you can contact the service for help.
- Only plastic or rags can be used to remove the remnants of film or glue.
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You can remove the tint from the car glass yourself, without contacting a service station. This can be done in several ways - efficiently and quickly enough.