Helpful tips on how to remove wax from apples and why you need to do it

foto22548-1A wax or paraffin coating on apples protects the pulp from spoilage, drying out and prolongs the shelf life of the fruit.

However, this thin invisible coating, once in the human body, can cause harm. Routine washing with water does not remove the wax, so special methods are recommended to remove it.

We will tell you how and what to remove wax from apples in the article.

Why is a wax coating dangerous?

foto22548-2Wax is a natural product of beekeeping and in small quantities does not harm human health. But due to its high cost, it is rarely used for processing mass plant products.

Imported fruits in the vast majority of cases are coated with synthetic paraffin, which is a mixture of hydrocarbons.

An artificial analogue of wax is obtained by distilling petroleum products. In the human gastrointestinal tract, paraffinic substances are not broken down into components and are not absorbed into the blood. Their harm can be expressed in disruption of the activity of the stomach and intestines.

The second danger is that the waxy shell may contain special preservative substances, as well as residues of insecticides, which are used to treat apple trees until harvest.

These substances, dangerous to humans, in large quantities contribute to:

  • fluid retention in tissues;
  • the occurrence of intoxication;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • headaches.

How to delete?

The paraffin coating is very tight on the apple peel. It cannot be washed off with any detergent.

Laundry soaps, powders, dishwashing detergents are powerless against wax substances. Several methods are used to effectively remove wax from the surface of apples.

Hot water

foto22548-3This method is based on the ability of wax and paraffin substances to melt under the influence of heat. The melting point of synthetic paraffin is 40-45 degrees.

The waxed apple is dipped in very hot water for 8-10 seconds. Take out the fruit and immediately wash the exfoliated paraffin with a cotton cloth or paper napkin.

Since the holding time of the apple in hot water is short, all vitamins in the peel remain unchanged.

Lemon juice and soda

The product of the interaction of organic acids and sodium bicarbonate corrodes the wax, as a result of which it is easily removed from the surface of apples.

The purification algorithm is as follows:

  1. The apples are placed in a small container.
  2. Sprinkle the fruit with baking soda.
  3. Squeeze juice from lemon.
  4. Pour fresh juice over the fruit.
  5. Rub the fruits with the resulting mixture.
  6. Pour hot water into the container.
  7. Clean the skin with a soft brush.
  8. The apples are washed under running water.

Peel off

foto22548-4Attempts to scrape off plaque with a knife end in zero, since wax particles penetrate into the pores of the peel and are securely fixed there.

An alternative and most radical way is the complete removal of paraffin along with the skin.... However, it should only be used as a last resort.

The peel, regardless of color, contains up to 70% of all biologically active substances of an apple.

If the fruit covered with wax is intended for feeding a small child, it is recommended to peel it off.


To avoid the wax problem, it is recommended to choose environmentally friendly products... Almost all imported fruit consignments arriving at domestic counters are treated with paraffin substances. Therefore, it is advisable to choose apples from local producers.

When choosing apples, you should pay attention to their appearance. The ripe fruit has a natural protective coating of light waxes on its surface.

It looks like a matte bloom, and if you rub the peel with your hand, the bloom disappears. Artificially processed fruits are glossy and shiny, which are not removed by rubbing.

For helpful information on how to remove wax from various surfaces, see this section.

Related videos

The video will tell you how to clean apples from wax and paraffin:


To maintain health, it is recommended to eat apples untreated with artificial wax. Fruits covered with a protective layer must be washed in hot water or in a lemon-soda solution.

In some cases, complete peeling of the fruit is acceptable. If you have a choice, then you should prefer environmentally friendly apples, which are not covered with a special protective layer of wax or paraffin.



