Effective ways, how and how you can quickly remove gum from jeans at home

foto22561-1Chewing gum on jeans is not a cause for frustration. This problem can be solved with special stain removers.

Simple home remedies compete with them. However, when using them, you must strictly follow the instructions for using folk recipes and household chemicals.

How to remove chewing gum, even well-dried or smeared, from jeans at home, we will tell in the article.

How to get rid of chewing gum with folk remedies?

foto22561-2Before proceeding with gum removal from denim, you should be familiar with the characteristics of effective and safe home remedies.

Wherein such criterion as the distinctive features of denim fibers is essential and the nuances of the influence of the methods used on them.

The increased durability of denim material allows the use of various methods, sometimes completely opposite effects. An example of this is the use of cold or high temperatures.

It should be noted that it is useless to try to remove gum from denim with even the most versatile detergents. Whereas under the influence of ice or boiling water, the gum leaves without much effort and negative consequences for the appearance of the fabric.

Peel off with cold

Chewing gum composition is susceptible to low temperatures... Under their influence, the structure of the adhesive changes. The gum becomes brittle and can be peeled off easily from denim.

Below are several options for treatments using cold. They provide for the preliminary removal of as much Velcro as possible with tweezers or simply with your fingers.


The method differs not only in originality, but also in efficiency. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. foto22561-3Fold jeans neatly into a plastic bag. It is important that the adhered mass is on top, but not in contact with the bag.
  2. Place the bag with jeans in the freezer so that it does not come into contact with the walls of the freezer.
  3. Leave the jeans in the chamber for 30 minutes.
  4. Once the gum freezes, it can be easily removed from the tissue.
  5. Clean the remaining fragments with a stiff-bristled brush.

The procedure can be repeated if necessary. After removing the remnants of chewing gum, the jeans are washed in the usual way by hand or in an automatic machine.

Wipe away traces with ice water

The method is applicable provided it is possible to maintain a low water temperature for a long time... Therefore, it is recommended to use it in winter, when the container with water can be taken out to the balcony or just outside.

The essence of the method is to immerse the damaged area of ​​the jeans in ice water. In it, the tissue is kept for at least 30 minutes, that is, until the gum is completely hardened.

The fragile gum crumbs are then removed with a brush. The product is washed with any washing powder, followed by a thorough rinse.

Easier to use a stream of ice water from the tap. It is enough to direct it to the gum. Remove hardened fragments with the blunt side of a knife.

Ice compress

If it is not possible to load jeans into the freezer, it is enough to use ice. This is a more gentle method, during which the freezing acts on a small area without affecting the condition of all the clothes.

The removal technique involves the following steps:

  1. foto22561-4Pre-freeze ice cubes.
  2. An ice cube wrapped in gauze or napkin is applied to the affected area. For convenience, you can hold it with tweezers.
  3. Place a piece of cardboard or a small plate under the fabric from the inside out. In addition to convenience, this will prevent the penetration of the elastic into other layers of clothing.
  4. As the ice melts, the cubes are changed until the gum is completely hardened.

Further actions are performed similarly to the previous recipe. The procedure is effective when processing jeans immediately after the stain is detected.

Peel off using a freezing spray

Extremely fast method - freezing with a spray used to cool areas of the body... It can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The spray is sprayed directly onto the gum, which is easily scraped off with a spatula or scraper as it freezes.

Cold cleaning treatments are effective provided the described steps are taken as early as possible after the gum has adhered.

Peel off using high temperatures

The exact opposite method is highly effective in removing contamination. The sticky mass is removed quickly and without traces.

Wash with boiling water

Most of the chewing gum should be removed from trousers before cooking.... This will prevent the penetration of the components of the stain into the deep layers of the fabric during softening.

The use of boiling water requires special care during work. It is more convenient and safer to carry out the procedure together.

foto22561-5Working process:

  • install a colander on an empty large saucepan;
  • place a piece of fabric with a stain in a colander;
  • bring water to a boil (preferably in a kettle);
  • one participant pours hot water onto the chewing gum with a thin stream;
  • the second cleans it with a brush.

If there is no partner, another method will work. You will have to dip your jeans in hot water and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then peel off the gum as described above.


It is possible to soften the sticky consistency with the help of an ironing board and an iron. Instead, you can place a wooden cutting board under a hard-to-reach area.

Thermal procedure algorithm:

  1. Position the jeans so that the gum is on the board.
  2. On both sides, protect the damaged tissue with a napkin, paper, pieces of rags.
  3. Apply a hot iron to the gum covered with paper, hold until the gum softens.
  4. Remove sticky substance from jeans with tweezers.
After such treatment, the item should be washed immediately in hot water and dishwashing detergent.This step is necessary to remove the greasy gum residue.

Hair dryer

A hot air jet has a similar effect on pollution. There are some nuances of hair dryer processing:

  • foto22561-6the air with the highest possible temperature must be directed to the fabric from the inside out;
  • as the gum softens, it should be immediately removed from the denim material, first with tweezers, then with a blunt knife;
  • repeat heating, and then scrape off the remains with a chewing hard brush.

Thermal treatments are best done before cold treatments. Freezing and ice curing works well if the gum is not completely cleaned from the fabric after using boiling water, an iron and a hair dryer.

Other methods

Chewing gum is characterized by its ability to firmly adhere to tissue, penetrating into its structure. The most difficult thing to remove is chronic tissue damage with chewing gum. In such a situation, you have to use more aggressive methods of influence.

Remove with vinegar

The method differs not only in the aggressiveness of the effect on the tissue, but also in the probability of harm to health.... Vinegar vapors can negatively affect the respiratory system, the product itself is dangerous to the skin of the hands.

Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in a ventilated area and with the observance of precautions, using rubber gloves, a respirator or mask.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. foto22561-7Pour 0.5 L of table vinegar into a small ceramic or glass dish.
  2. Steam or microwave.
  3. Soak a napkin or a piece of rag in vinegar, having previously tested its reaction to the reagent.
  4. If the color of the material used is stable, wet it in the composition and rub the damaged area.
  5. After moistening the napkin again, leave it on the chewing gum for 1 - 2 minutes. The vinegar resistance test should also be done on denim.
  6. Remove the dissolved gum fragments with the tip of a knife or nail file, brush the surface with a brush.

Wash jeans as usual. It is important to wash immediately after removing the gum.

Clean with solvents

Acetone, gasoline, alcohol are excellent solvents for sticky mass... However, their use can negatively affect the condition of the denim material. Therefore, it is not dangerous to use them without preliminary testing.

It is easy to test the resistance of a fabric to chemical compounds. To do this, rub an inconspicuous area of ​​the jeans with a cotton pad soaked in the solution.

In addition to the test, you should strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Removing the stain with acetone... The damaged area is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in acetone. It is important not to go beyond the boundaries of the treated area. Otherwise, streaks appear on the fabric. After softening the gum, remove its remains with a brush or coarse material.
  2. foto22561-8Gasoline use... This method should be used last when other methods have not helped.

    With all its effectiveness, in addition to the likelihood of staining after removing the stain, a pungent smell remains on the jeans, which is difficult to get rid of.

    It is very easy to remove the elastic from the fabric. It is enough to drip a few drops of gasoline on it and after a couple of minutes it is removed simply with tweezers or fingers.

  3. Using ammonia... The popularity of the method is due to its simplicity and effectiveness. A napkin or a cosmetic disc moistened with ammonia is applied to the gum. After half an hour, it is easily removed by rubbing with a toothbrush.

When using chemicals, the likelihood of a negative effect on the fabric must be taken into account. In addition, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to them is high.

The simplest but equally effective way to remove chewing gum from denim is with chewing gum. After chewing on a new gum, you need to stick it on the one that has dried to your jeans and quickly pull it back. A similar method is using scotch tape... The manipulations with the tape are repeated until the final removal of the gum.

Each method is good in itself.However, with old pollution, you have to resort to several of the methods considered.

How to remove stains with special compounds?

Among the variety of household chemicals, you can find preparations designed specifically for removing gum from tissue. In the ranking of the best squads, a worthy place is taken by:

  1. foto22561-9Chewing Gum Removers (England)... The gel is applied to the dirt and, after hardening (after 5 seconds), is removed from the tissue. 300 ml of the drug at the price of 150 rubles.
  2. Chewing gum remover MEGAM S (Russia)... Quite a large volume - 0.5 liters, the cost is 730 rubles.
  3. Gum remover Premiere Break Up (England)... The bottle is equipped with a spray that facilitates application of the product. One tube (100 ml) costs 1130 rubles.

All chemical reagents provide high efficiency due to instant freezing of the gum. Its subsequent removal is carried out with a spatula or scraper. Use spraying agents with great care to avoid contact with skin and eyes.

What not to do and why?

Removing stains from fabric always carries a high risk of permanent damage to the product. Therefore, the use of improvised means, as well as special stain removers, presupposes strict adherence to precautions.

Among the illegal actions:

  • violation of instructions for the use of home remedies and household chemicals;
  • careless use of chemical ingredients;
  • carelessness of using boiling water, vinegar and other aggressive components;
  • ignoring recommendations on the need to use a respirator and rubber gloves in contact with household chemicals and improvised materials that can cause burns, suffocation or an allergic reaction;
  • exclusion of the use of sharp objects for removing gum, as well as intense mechanical impact on tissue.
Violation of the listed aspects leads at least to a violation of the structure of the fabric, its discoloration, and sometimes - to the final damage of the thing.

Ignoring the rules for the use of methods and methods of processing jeans can cause burns to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract. Some substances can cause allergies.

Useful Tips

Observance of simple rules will help to achieve a positive result. When starting to process denim materials from gum, you should take into account their features.

For instance:

  • foto22561-10the freezing method is suitable for woolen and synthetic products;
  • you can remove the velcro from dense jeans with organic solvents, aggressive substances and intense mechanical stress;
  • if there is no result from one method, you can try another;
  • preliminary testing of the fabric will prevent possible changes in the structure of the fabric and discoloration during hot processing and freezing.

Observance of precautions and useful recommendations will allow you to avoid mistakes when removing the sticky substance. And also eliminates the need to go to dry cleaning.

Find the most important and useful information about removing chewing gum from various surfaces in this section.

Related videos

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Finding chewing gum on your jeans is no reason to despair. A favorite thing can be fixed using simple and effective means.

The main thing is to carefully read the recommendations for the use of improvised means and special stain removers, as well as strictly comply with them. The result of painstaking work will be the return of the original freshness of jeans without damaging the fabric.



