Good advice on how to remove gum from the couch at home

foto22211-1Chewing gum is a popular culinary product. It contains elastomeric and rubber-containing substances that have the properties of viscous liquids.

Mixing with saliva, they become incredibly sticky, firmly attached to surfaces.

With timely and correct disposal of the mass, problems do not arise. But it is not uncommon for the hostess to discover with horror a characteristic spot in the most unexpected places.

Chewing gum sticking to the upholstery of the sofa is of particular concern. It is necessary to act immediately. How and what to remove the gum from the upholstery of the sofa, we will tell in the article.

How to remove folk remedies?

If professional means for dealing with sticky mass were not at hand, you can use budgetary and affordable methods at home.

Cold action

foto22211-2Synthesized synthetic polymers, which are the basis of chewing gum and give it elasticity, lose their properties and harden when frozen. This is a great chance to get rid of the sticky stain.

Special freezing aerosols can helpwhich are used:

  • with injuries;
  • for assembling parts;
  • to detect damage in microcircuits.

Instant coolers can be purchased at drugstores, sports stores, or hardware stores. If this is not possible, you can use ice cubes from the freezer.

Before the procedure, the ice must be placed in a plastic bag so that the liquid that forms during melting does not get onto the upholstery. Such contact is contraindicated in many tissues.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Remove the top layer of gum.
  2. Apply an ice pack to the remains of the stain.
  3. Wait 20-30 minutes.
  4. Gently scrape off the mass with a non-sharp object.

If the gum becomes soft during cleaning, the procedure must be repeated. Any stain that may remain on the fabric can be treated with nail polish remover. It is better to choose a product without acetone.

All pieces that have been peeled off must be collectedto avoid re-sticking.

This method is effective and versatile, but some tissues, for example, flock, are contraindicated in mechanical action. Scraping and brushing can damage the fabric.

How to remove gum from upholstered furniture, video advice:

Heating devices

Every housewife has an iron. It can be used to combat the chewing gum that has settled on your favorite couch.

Description of the iron cleaning process:

  1. foto22211-3Cover the stain with a cotton cloth or piece of paper. In terms of density, an ordinary notebook sheet is optimal.
  2. Heat the iron, the temperature should not be higher than 110 degrees.
  3. Iron the sheet so that the gum melts and is absorbed into the paper.
  4. Remove the sheet along with the mass.
  5. Repeat the procedure until completely removed, each time covering the clean ones with a piece of cloth or paper.

It is not recommended to hold the device in one place for more than 3-5 seconds and smooth the treated surface.

The method is rather risky, not all upholstery materials can withstand high temperatures. In addition, melting gum can penetrate even deeper into the surface, then it will be almost impossible to remove it. Professionals recommend using heating only in extreme cases.

A hair dryer is inferior in heating capacity to an iron, therefore it is recommended for delicate fabrics.


To get rid of chewing gum on the couch, you can use oils that neutralize its stickiness.

To do this, use:

  • olive;
  • eucalyptus;
  • peanut butter.

You can buy them at pharmacies, grocery and beauty stores.

foto22211-4Instructions for use:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with liquid and press it to the stain.
  2. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  3. Gently peel off the gum from the upholstery.
  4. Remove traces of sticky mass and oil from the surface with soapy water.

Some oils will affect the color of the coating, so it is necessary to first apply the liquid in an inconspicuous place for testing.

Cleaning in this way must be done carefully., otherwise greasy stains may appear on the sofa, which will also have to be removed.

Table vinegar

Solvents accelerate the breakdown of the polymers in the gum, reducing its stickiness. For these purposes, table vinegar is also suitable, which can be found in the kitchen of every housewife.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dampen a clean cloth, preferably a cotton cloth, with liquid.
  2. Apply to the stain for 8 minutes, being careful not to interact with the upholstery material.
  3. Scrape off the mass with a plastic spatula or wooden spatula. Movements are best done in one direction.
  4. Remove residues with soapy water or special foam for dry treatment.
The effect can be enhanced if the vinegar is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 45 degrees and the surface is treated with a warm liquid with a toothbrush.

The method is suitable only for some fabric upholstery... For natural, artificial leather, delicate fabrics, contact with vinegar is not recommended.

Steam treatment

foto22211-5A good result when removing gum from clothing is provided by the steam that comes out of the spout of the boiling kettle.

Similarly you can remove the adhering lump from the upholstery with a steam cleaner, which will cope with the task without special tools and compositions.

The device allows you to act with steam directly on the adhered substance. It is necessary to heat the device, install a thin nozzle, direct it to the surface at an angle of 30 degrees. After softening, it remains only to carefully remove it with a napkin, without smearing it on the surface.

The method is fundamentally unsuitable for leather and velor coverings.

How to wipe with household cleaning products?

In addition to organic solvents that are used for cleaning textiles (acetone, gasoline), the domestic market offers industrial sprays and emulsions.

They destroy the structure of the gum and do not pose a threat to the surface. There is a significant disadvantage - the relatively high price.

Experienced housewives recommend:

  1. Megam C - spray for removing chewing gum from textile surfaces. Able to remove even an old stain in 10 minutes. Requires preliminary testing for resistance to the action of the solvent included in the concentrate.The price is 280-340 rubles for 500 ml.
  2. Gumex Spray - refrigerant for removing gum. It destroys the structure instantly freezing, which allows you to effortlessly remove the mass from the textile surface. Price from 1100 to 1300 rubles for 0.5 ml.
  3. Taski tapi gum - a colorless aerosol that freezes the stain, thereby blocking the stickiness of the mass. Does not contain CFCs and is safe for surfaces. Acts instantly. Price from 1000 to 1200 rubles for 500 g.
Before surface treatment, it is necessary to read the manufacturer's recommendations for use and check the compatibility of the product with the upholstery material.

Removing chewing gum from various materials

Regardless of the material, it is recommended to remove the sticky mass from the sofa immediately, before it penetrates deep into the pores of the fabric or skin.

If possible, do not use sharp objects and nails for scraping chewing gum - the effect will be weak, and the coating may deteriorate. Tips on caring for different categories of sofas will help housewives to remove gum safely.

Economy upholstery fabric

Type of fabricCleaning methodTo avoid
Flock, cotton scotchguardDry or wet with soapy water topicallyAggressive cleaning agents with chlorine and alcohol, scraping
VeloursNeat with soapy or vinegar solutionHousehold chemicals, fiber rags, napkins.
Faux suedeDry onlyMechanical impact, water ingress
TapestryDryMoisture and solutions

Foam, an industrial furniture cleaner, is for dry stain removal. If you strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations, it can be used for silk, velor, velvet and tapestry upholstery.

Premium upholstery

Coating typeCleaning methodCan not use
Genuine LeatherDelicate cleansing with a solution of oils and 1 teaspoon of vinegar or hairspray, treatment with saddle soapChlorine substances, high temperatures
Artificial leatherThe sameAll of the above and mechanical scraping

The owners of expensive sofas should think about professional cleaning, the process of removing gum using folk methods can lead to the fact that the piece of furniture will become unusable. For more information on how to remove gum from leather goods, see this article.

What can't be used?

In addition to restrictions on the choice of means and type of cleaning for each furniture cover, there are general prohibitions.

foto22211-6Fundamentally not suitable to remove gum:

  • shower gels and shampoos;
  • perfumery (perfume, colognes);
  • laundry soap;
  • dishwashing liquid.

Self-prepared solutions should be used carefully. They are not always effective at removing gum and can ruin the upholstery, discolor, or damage the fill underneath.

It is safer to use industrial products that have been developed by specialists, taking into account contamination and types of materials. It should be understood that there is no universal remedy.

Professional advice

To avoid damaging the fabric or ruining the sofa when removing chewing gum from the upholstery of the sofa, you must adhere to the advice of professionals:

  • before cleaning, determine the type of coating, study the manufacturer's recommendations for caring for it;
  • test the product to be used on the least visible part of the sofa;
  • do not use chlorine-containing, alcoholic liquids (whiteness, vinegar), which can affect the color of the coating;
  • use white napkins to clean stains on a light coating, colored ones can stain the upholstery;
  • use only dry cleaning for delicate coatings.

Find the most important and useful information about removing chewing gum from various surfaces in this section.


The effectiveness of removing sticky gum depends on several factors. In order for the stain to leave the surface completely, you need to act immediately, without delaying cleaning.

Use tools and methods that are recommended by the manufacturer and professionals... Avoid aggressive solutions, sharp objects, wet surfaces.

To avoid the appearance of gum and other types of contamination, you must use a blanket or cover. This will help preserve the original look of the sofa for a long time.



