Effective ways to remove gum from leather goods

foto21850-1Sticky gum can ruin expensive leather couches, car seats, jackets, skirts, gloves, and other items.

There are some tricks to gently remove the gum without ruining the material.

How to remove gum from leather products, we will tell you in the article.

How and how to remove chewing gum?

If you need to remove gum from genuine leather, there is no point in purchasing expensive products. Simple homemade methods are enough to remove chewing gum from leather material.


Chewing gum is a flexible and soft mass that adheres quickly to hard surfaces, as well as to tissues and skin. However, by freezing the gum, cleaning of the product can be greatly simplified.

If you need to clean a small item, such as a clutch or a glove, you should:

  1. foto21850-2Wrap the item with a plastic bag and put it in this form in the freezer.
  2. Remove the product in an hour.
  3. Then you need to take an unnecessary plastic card or metal spoon and gently wipe the gum from the material.
  4. To permanently remove the stain, you should take saddle soap, rub it on a damp cloth and wipe the soiled area of ​​the product with it. Saddle soap contains ingredients that effectively remove gum residues.

To remove chewing gum from a large leather product, such as a raincoat, armchair, or sofa, you need a few pieces of ice.

They need to be wrapped in polyethylene, and then start rubbing the gum with ice. It will gradually harden, allowing you to gently remove it with a plastic card or butter knife.

The stain, as in the first method, is removed with saddle soap.... At the end of the procedure, you need to carefully wash off the remnants of the product with water and rub the skin with a special conditioner.

Do not use too sharp objects to remove the gum, such as kitchen knives, which can ruin the material.


foto21850-3The high temperature helps to significantly soften the rubber mass and safely separate it from the surface of the leather item.

Use dry heat at home., the source of which will be a hairdryer.

The appliance should be turned on at full power and a warm stream should be directed to the chewing gum. The heat will effectively soften the gum, which can then be removed with a plastic spatula.

Residues can be removed with a dry soft clothperforming circular motions. You need to finish the procedure by applying a special product to remove fat from the skin. To return the product to its original appearance, you can wipe the material with a special polish.

How to scrub with soap suds?

Saddle soap can be used to effectively remove traces of chewing gum. This is a special product that is used to care for leather goods.

First you need to slightly moisten the contaminated area with water. After it should be gently rubbed in a circular motion with a bar of soap.

Loose gum should be brushed off with a soft toothbrush. Then wash off the soap with water. Finish with a leather conditioner.

Scotch tape

foto21850-4Scotch tape will help to separate the chewing gum from the skin without harm to the material.

How to use:

  1. Cut off a small piece of duct tape and stick it onto the gum.
  2. Take the end of the fragment and rip it off with a sharp movement. The procedure is repeated several times until the chewing gum is completely removed.
  3. Apply conditioner.

What not to do and why?

Despite its strength and durability, leather is a material that can be hopelessly damaged when exposed to strong chemicals and abrasives.

What not to use to remove gum:

  • chlorine-containing products;
  • abrasive powders;
  • acetone based solvents.
The products listed above are especially harmful for colored leather, as they spoil the paint with which the material is painted.

Valuable recommendations

If the owner of a leather thing is going to independently remove chewing gum from it, he you need to consider the following rules:

  1. When using ice to remove the chewing gum, prevent melt water from entering the material.
  2. Using a piece of dry cloth at the final stage of removal, choose a lint-free material.
  3. foto21850-5Any cleaning of leather goods of exotic animals (snake, crocodile) should be trusted by specialists.
  4. Before using the conditioner, you need to make sure that the selected product does not have a toning effect.
  5. It is undesirable to use any natural oils as they can leave greasy stains on the leather upholstery.
  6. If after cleaning a stain has formed, the shade of which is 1-2 shades lighter than the shade of the material, you can use nitro paint. The product must be sprayed strictly on the clarified area.
  7. Remove the gum immediately after it has adhered to the material. This will increase the chances of a quick and effective skin cleansing.

Find the most important and useful information about removing chewing gum from various surfaces in this section.


The above methods will help you quickly and easily get rid of chewing gum stuck to leather or furniture.



