A particularly careful choice, or what detergents can be used for a septic tank
Many modern sewage treatment systems for private houses are organized on the basis of aerobic and anaerobic processing with the participation of bacteria.
At the same time, there is a high-quality purification of wastewater under the influence of natural biological processes.
In order not to harm the home sewage system based on septic tanks, you should know exactly which washing powders can be used in this case and which cannot.
Which detergent is best for your laundry?
Uncontrolled use of household chemicals for cleaning and washing can lead to the death of bacteria, and the loss of the septic tank of its functions.
Harmful substances
The sensitivity of the septic tank bacteria to aggressive chemicals imposes severe restrictions on the choice of detergents.
One of the most undesirable components of laundry detergent is chlorine and its derivatives.
It is a toxic substance that kills bacteria. May contain chlorine in bleach and laundry detergents white things.
In addition, as part of washing powders must not be:
- phosphates;
- phenols.
Discharge of a small amount of banned substances can pass for a septic tank without unpleasant consequences. But with large amounts of drugs harmful to bacteria, a long recovery period will be required.
With the death of all or the predominant number of bacteria in the septic tank, the wastewater will no longer be processed normally. Without proper purification, an unpleasant odor characteristic of the sewage system will appear and contaminated waste water will enter the system uncleaned.
Substances that do not harm the septic tank include natural remedies:
- soap and soda;
- lemon acid;
- ammonia;
- peroxide.
The rating of eco-powders is presented in this article.
How to choose the safe one?
Before buying a laundry detergent for a home in which a septic tank is installed, it is necessary to carefully study the information provided by the manufacturer:
- The product must be biodegradable.
- There should be no entry of substances harmful to the bacteria of the septic tank (chlorine, etc.).
The use of household chemicals that do not decompose in natural conditions increases the load on the bioseptic at times. As a result, its performance decreases.
Partially compensate for this state of affairs helps a more powerful and more expensive septic tank... But even this does not solve the problem completely, so the choice of a suitable detergent becomes very important.
Many detergents marked "bio" have a higher cost compared to synthetic counterparts.
Top 5 best manufacturers
For use in systems with a septic tank, it is necessary to choose eco-friendly preparations for washing that do not contain aggressive components. The more natural biodegradable composition is used, the better the septic tank treatment system will work.
Garden Eco
Garden is a versatile eco-friendly powder in concentrate format... It is designed for manual and automatic processing. Suitable for various types of fabrics, including wool, copes well with fresh stains, worse - with old ones.
A package weighing 1 kg 350 g costs around 450-550 rubles.
Pure water
Pure Water washing powder is produced in Russia. This is a concentrated product based on natural soap and soda.
The powder can be used for manual and automatic processing in the presence of a septic tank. The product is biodegradable, complete neutralization of the composition is achieved in a day.
Pure Water is available in packages of various sizes. The price for 1 kg is about 400 rubles, for 300 grams - up to 200 rubles.
BioMio is an eco-friendly hypoallergenic powder that can be used for washing clothes of allergy sufferers and children. The composition of the powder is predominantly natural, which allows it to be used when organizing a sewage system with the participation of a septic tank.
The list of products contains several items:
- for colored linen,
- for white things,
- gel for delicate processing.
Packing price - about 500 rubles.
Ecover laundry detergents are products of a Belgian company. Powders are available in liquid and dry form, do not harm health and the environment, as they are biodegradable.
As part of Ecover - plant-based surfactants, soap and other componentswhich dissolve quickly in water and do not harm the bacteria in the septic tank. Even the packaging of the powder itself is biodegradable.
The price for a package of 1 kg costs around 700 rubles.
Washing powder Nordland - environmentally friendly product, does not contain fragrances, even suitable for washing wool... Manufacturer - Spain.
Powder is economical in its consumption. The cost of a pack weighing 1 kg 800 g - around 1,000 rubles.
Dangerous household chemicals
In addition to washing powders, many other household chemicals are used in homes. When it gets to the septic tank with drains, it can disrupt its operation and damage beneficial bacteria.
All categories of synthetic products are dangerous., including sanitary and hygienic and disinfectants:
- toilet bowl cleaners;
- shampoos for cleaning carpets;
- cleaning powders and gels for baths and sinks;
- glass washing liquid, etc.
5 recommendations
Expert advice will help you cope with the issue of high-quality washing and preserving the bacteria of the septic tank:
- When choosing a washing preparation, taking into account the requirements of a septic tank, it is also necessary to take into account the composition and safety of related household chemicals - fabric softeners, detergents for cleaning the washing machine from scale, etc.
If a synthetic detergent powder with a composition unsuitable for a septic tank is used, then it does not matter in what proportion it is diluted in water - harm will still be done.
- Eco-formulations of washing powders are not harmful to health, therefore they can be used by almost all categories of consumers.
- It is not advisable to exceed the consumption rates for washing preparations, even when it comes to eco-powders.
- Even when using biodegradable washing powders, it is recommended not to run several wash cycles in a row, but to distribute them evenly over time. This will allow the bacteria to recover.
A lot of useful and important information about washing powder is presented in given section of the site.
Washing powders for a septic tank must be selected especially carefully, since with regular washing, the drug gets into the bacteria with drains and reacts.
Corrosive synthetic compounds can greatly disrupt the performance of a septic tank and even completely destroy it. To eliminate such a situation, it is important to select only environmentally friendly preparations used for caring for things.