Several effective methods on how to wash clothes from slime

foto13667-1Slime (slime) has been one of the most beloved and popular children's toys for several years now. This unusual, bright little thing is crumpled in hands, thrown into walls, glued to various surfaces.

During such active games, slime often gets on clothes, as a result of which stains remain on the fabric that are difficult to remove.

But do not despair right away, there are ways to quickly and effectively wash clothes from slime and save your favorite thing. So, how to wash clothes, bedspreads and other fabric products from slime, read the article.

When can you handle it at home and when do you need dry cleaning?

foto13667-2You should not experiment and try to remove the slime stain at home when it comes to:

  • expensive designer things,
  • clothes made from fur,
  • from delicate thin fabrics (silk, satin, chiffon, lace).

Stale, dried stains are also difficult to remove. If a slime has left its mark on clothes a week ago or more, it is better to seek help from specialists who, using special means and techniques, will return things to their original appearance.

In all other cases, it is quite possible to cope with slime stains on clothes on your own at home.

The stain is dry and fresh - what is the difference in washing rules?

Dried slime stains that are deeply embedded in the fabric are difficult to remove... Therefore, before proceeding with washing and other manipulations, it is recommended to scrape the remnants of the slime with a knife or other sharp object, and already at the next stage we use cleaning agents.

Fresh slime stains are much easier to wash off, so the mechanical removal step can be skipped.

Step-by-step instruction

There are a number of ways to remove slime stains from clothing. Most of the techniques presented are universal and suitable for all types of fabrics, except for materials that are too thin and delicate.

Exposure to temperature conditions

foto13667-3Thermal cleansing is suitable for:

  • denim,
  • linseed,
  • terry,
  • cotton fabrics.

It is enough to soak the item at a temperature of about 80-90 ° C and leave for 2-3 hours.After that, the clothes are washed in the usual way using any powder, stain remover.

For delicate fabrics (silk, knitwear, synthetics, wool), exposure to low temperatures is ideal... To get the result, the thing with slime stains must be placed in the freezer, after putting it in a plastic bag.

After 3-4 hours, the jelly-like mass will harden and all that remains is to remove it with a knife or scissors. The main thing here is to act very carefully so as not to pierce the fabric.

If the stain is small, you can simply put a few ice cubes on the soiled area, wait for them to melt, mechanically remove the slime residue and start washing.

Folk remedies

Handy household tools will also help to cope with slime stains on clothes:

  1. Lemon juice, ammonia and salt... The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and rubbed into the stain area with a stiff clothing brush, trying to penetrate as deeply into the fabric as possible. The optimal exposure time is from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the age of the stain.
  2. foto13667-4Laundry soap Is perhaps the most economical and effective method, and also suitable for all types of fabric. To remove the slime, grind the soap with a fine grater, add a little water to make a mushy mixture.

    The resulting composition is applied to the place of pollution. After half an hour, the clothes are washed by hand in the usual way.

    This method is very effective, but with old stains, the procedure will have to be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.

  3. Ethanol - some of the easiest ways to remove slime marks. It is enough to apply the product in the amount of 2-3 tbsp. on the stain, then wash in warm water.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide... Treat a cotton swab in peroxide and press firmly to the stain. The active ingredients of this product have the ability to dissolve even deeply ingrained particles of the polymer from which the slime is made. Half an hour will be enough to remove even the most difficult old stains.

    Caution! This method is only suitable for cleaning light, white fabrics due to the bleaching effect of peroxide.

  5. Acetone - excellent for cleaning fluffy fabrics, except for natural fur. In order to eliminate traces of slime, it is enough to process the material with a napkin soaked in acetone and leave for 5-10 minutes.

    This method is not applicable to things that have direct contact with the body, because potent acetone particles are also difficult to wash off and on contact with the skin, it is possible that the remaining substances can cause irritation.

  6. Dish detergent good for removing fresh slime stains. It is necessary to slightly dampen the cloth, apply a dishwashing compound to it and wait about 20 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, wash the item in cool water.
  7. Petrol characterized by the presence of pronounced dissolving properties. This tool is able to remove any stain, regardless of its limitation period. Please note: gasoline negatively affects the quality of the fabric, so this method is recommended only in exceptional cases and for processing not too expensive things.

    Before the procedure, it is worth conducting a test by applying a little gasoline to a piece of cloth and leaving it for a while. The method of application is extremely simple: the stain from the slime is treated with a cotton swab moistened with gasoline and washed off after 10 minutes.

  8. Wine or apple cider vinegar applied to the place of pollution. The optimal exposure time is 15-30 minutes. Suitable for light colored polyester, cotton fabric.
Folk remedies are most effective at removing fresh slime stains. If the trail left by the toy is old, then the procedure will have to be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.


A good way of cleaning clothes from traces of slime is detergents, stain removers. It is recommended to give preference to strong preparations designed to remove paint and varnish stains, glue or gum residues.

The following tools have proven themselves well:

  1. foto13667-5Vanish. Used to remove dyes remaining after slime.
  2. Dr. Beckmann. An effective product designed to remove stains from paint, glue and chewing gum.
  3. Runway RW-40... Universal automotive grease for all types of contamination.

    The agent is applied to the stain for no more than 5 minutes, after which it is thoroughly wiped off with a dry cloth, and washed in a mode suitable for the fabric.

  4. Amway LOC... First, you need to soak your clothes in warm water for 10-14 minutes. Next, apply a stain remover to the stained area and rub the stain a little. After half an hour, the item will need to be washed in a washing machine with the addition of powder and stain remover.

Strong household chemicals are not suitable for all types of fabrics; they can change the color of the product or completely corrode the product. Therefore, test the substance first on a small piece of fabric on the inside of the garment.

Processing fabrics in a washing machine

Clothes should be washed after the initial cleaning by selecting the intensive wash mode. Choose the washing temperature based on the type of fabric:

  • lace items, delicate linen, as well as wool and silk clothes should be washed at a temperature of 30 degrees;
  • jeans and down jackets from synthetic winterizer - 30-40 degrees;
  • synthetics, nylon, lycra must be washed at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees;
  • non-fading cotton, and Kids' things wash at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • at high temperatures - up to 95 degrees, it is permissible to wash only heavily soiled items from flax or cotton.

To achieve the maximum positive result, in addition to powder and stain remover, it is recommended to add a few drops of ammonia to the water.

What is the most effective method?

Feedback from users who have tried various methods of dealing with slime stains indicate the high effectiveness of the effect of temperature conditions.

To achieve the maximum effect, specialists of cleaning companies and experienced housewives recommend combining several methods at once.

For example, initially a thing can be soaked in boiling water (or kept in the freezer), then process with any folk remedy. Next, you need to rinse the clothes in warm water, apply a stain remover or other cleaning agent to the stain and finish the procedure with a machine wash.

If you are interested in how to remove slime from carpet, read this article.

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Slime stains are very difficult to remove, so you should avoid contact of this toy with clothes. If an unpleasant situation still happened, then you should not be upset, as you can remove the stain.

For this purpose, use the tools at hand, household chemicals at home or consult a specialist.



