Several proven ways to quickly dry your shoes after washing or rain

foto7992-1After washing, shoes require proper drying. The preservation of its shape, appearance and functionality largely depends on this.

Home drying skills will also help if your shoes get wet in the rain.

In this article, we'll show you how to dry your shoes quickly after washing and what actions to avoid so as not to spoil your favorite pair.

General rules

Drying fabric or leather shoes is not difficult if you know the basic rules and apply them in practice.

These include:

  1. foto7992-2Wet leather upper is easily exposed to external influences. Because of this, special attention should be paid to drying, even when slightly wet. If her feet are wet in the rain, then she should try to take off her shoes as quickly as possible.
  2. Moisture is removed with a soft cloth outside and inside, if there is water inside, it is drained.
  3. Drying should be done in a well ventilated area.
  4. It is necessary to take into account the materials that were used for the manufacture.

The sooner you start drying wet shoes, the better the result will be.

Drying methods at home

Drying your shoes at home is effective and easy. Available materials and devices will come to the rescuethat are in the household.


Using paper is one of the easiest ways. Lumps are formed from soft sheets that absorb moisture well. They carefully, tamping, stuff the shoes.

As the paper becomes saturated with moisture, it is changed to dry... Drying is carried out at room temperature in a dry place.

Newsprint is suitable for such work in its composition, but printing ink is capable of staining materials in contact with it. Including the inner surface of the shoe.


Rice groats have the ability to absorb moisture. This quality will come into play when drying washed or just wet steam.


  1. foto7992-3You need to prepare a tray or plastic box large enough to fit your shoes.
  2. Pour rice groats into the prepared container so that it covers the bottom by at least 30-50 mm.
  3. Put wet shoes on the rice with the soles up.
  4. Keep in this position for at least 4 hours.

Silica gel

Silica Gel Toilet Fillers are highly absorbent. For drying, you need the filler itself and regular socks.


  • pour silica gel into each sock;
  • tie the top edge of the sock;
  • put socks inside;
  • withstand the time required for drying.
The filler can be used for several pairs without loss of drying quality, if after each use it is well dried, for example, on a battery.

Cat litter

A good substitute for silica gel is cat litter.... Gel can be used similarly to the previous version, and mineral or woody must first be put in two socks, and only then used.

This precaution is due to the presence of small particles of the substance that may remain after drying.

Hair dryer

foto7992-4As one of the home drying options, a regular hair dryer will do.

You need to apply it according to the instructions:

  1. Set the setting to cool.
  2. Turn on the hairdryer.
  3. Blow air into the shoe from a distance of approx. 0.3 m.

The use of a household hand-held hair dryer is not a very convenient way, since it takes up to 3 hours of almost continuous blowing to dry completely.

Vacuum cleaner

If it is not possible to apply other more convenient options, you can use a conventional vacuum cleaner.

In this case, the hose must be connected to the blow-out port and the device must be turned on. This method also cannot be classified as optimal, since control over the position of the hose, and the process itself, is still needed.

Another option is to substitute the wet steam closer to the vacuum cleaner so that the heated air hits it.... It will not be possible to completely dry completely wet shoes in 15-20 minutes, you can only dry them a little.


foto7992-5The fan heater will help in drying. To do this, sneakers or another pair should be placed in such a way that air flows freely through the inside.

In this case, the distance from the shoe to the fan must be at least 0.2 m. In this case, the fan speed must be set to maximum. And the shoes themselves should be unbuttoned so that the air blows freely on the inside.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • Difficulty arranging shoe placement in a suitable way
  • long drying process;
  • low efficiency.

Warm floor

You can also take advantage of the warm floor for drying shoes. This method is gentle, but poorly effective due to the fact that it takes a lot of time to completely dry.

Electric dryers

Electric dryers are special devices designed for home use or the use of the service industry.

They are of several types, which differ in a number of parameters:

  • appearance;
  • principle of operation;
  • cost, etc.

Principles for choosing an electric dryer:

  1. foto7992-6The quality of the material.
  2. No damage to the case and power cord.
  3. The size of the working part, which allows it to easily fit inside any pair of shoes.
  4. The longer the cord, the easier it will be to use the appliance.
  5. It is desirable that the warm-up time be about a quarter of an hour. A longer heating period will take a longer time for the vapor to dry.
  6. The heating temperature must be up to +50 or + 60 ° С. A higher heating rate is not desirable, as it can lead to damage to shoes, and weak heating is ineffective.

Professional industrial shoe dryers are designed for use in laundry plants. And they are rarely used at home.

They are quite bulky, have a high cost, consume a lot of electricity.... For children's shoes, separate models are produced, designed for a small size.

Models with flexible heating loops or two blocks

The cheapest option is electric dryers with simple organization. Many of these are flexible, insulated loop that fits comfortably inside the shoe.

They are universal, suitable for drying a wide variety of models, making this process as gentle as possible - with the help of heat. There are also more complex designs and designs that work in a similar way.

The advantages of this choice:

  • simplicity of the device;
  • the ability to use on the road, on business trips, etc.;
  • compactness;
  • soft effect on the shoes themselves;
  • small cost (from 130 rubles).


  • takes a long time to dry completely;
  • very cheap designs can be fragile.


Wooden stand-heaters

Wooden stands are made from moisture resistant plywood. They are used not only for drying shoes, but also for warming up the sill zone, heating feet, etc.

To dry, the shoes are placed on plywood and the device is turned on. It takes several hours for the steam to dry completely. The cost is over 1,000 rubles.


  1. Ease of operation.
  2. Multifunctionality, allowing you to use the device for other purposes, not only drying shoes.
  3. Ease of use.

Cons of using:

  1. It takes a long time to dry the shoes after washing.
  2. Stand dimensions.
  3. Inconvenience of transportation.
  4. Relatively high cost.

The action of such a local electrical appliance is similar to a warm floor.

UV Dryers

A shoe dryer with ultraviolet radiation allows not only drying, but also antibacterial treatment. During the operation of such a device, an unpleasant odor and microorganisms that cause fungus are eliminated.

For example, the Shine ECB-12 / 220k 12 W model, according to the manufacturer, can, in a few hours of work (from 3 to 6), cope with almost all common fungi and many bacteria, including staphylococcus aureus.


  • efficiency;
  • suitable even for delicate shoes;
  • the presence of a timer (for many models);
  • prevention of fungus.

The disadvantage is the high cost (about 900 rubles for a model with a timer).



The supply of fresh ozonized air removes odors and moisture from shoes, imparting freshness. An example of such a device is the Zenit xj-300, which provides 1000 ions per 1 cm³.


  1. Efficiency.
  2. Silent operation.
  3. Light weight (about 0.2 kg).
  4. Elimination of odors.


  1. It takes time to dry.
  2. I need batteries.
  3. High price (about 1,500 rubles).

The presence of additional functions leads to an increase in the cost of models.


Drying features depending on the material

It is necessary to take into account what material the shoes are made of, which require drying. This will affect the choice of a particular method.

Before starting drying, regardless of the material of the top, preparatory measures should be taken:

  • if the steam is too wet, drain the water and blot with a well-absorbing cloth;
  • pull out the laces and insoles.

the cloth

Sneakers, canvas trainers and some types of indoor shoes can be washed at home.

It is advisable to dry them at room temperature, avoiding heating and exposure to sunlight. Ignoring these points can provoke the appearance of spots and stains on the surface, which are difficult to remove later.

Suitable drying methods:

  • natural conditions;
  • use of absorbents.

Do not use electrical appliances to dry fabric shoes.

A natural skin

foto7992-11Drying natural leather requires adherence to the following rules:

  1. Prohibition of heating near the radiator.
  2. Natural absorbents can be used.
  3. Choose a well-ventilated place to dry.

After drying the shoes, it must be treated with special agents (impregnation, cream).

Suede leather

Suede is also a demanding material to care for.Such shoes cannot be washed in an automatic washing machine. But if you had to clean it or it got wet after the rain, then you should use the following drying methods:

  • apply an absorbent;
  • put in a dry place;
  • if necessary, it is permissible to use a hair dryer to dry without bringing it close to the surface.

The drying process of a suede pair according to all the rules is long, taking about a day.


Like suede, nubuck requires delicate handling, strict adherence to the rules of care... It is impossible to completely wash such shoes, as well as to expose them to excessive, let alone prolonged wetting.

The most suitable drying method for nubuck is to stuff it with paper and put it in a well-ventilated area.


Boots and other rubber footwear can be dried in almost any way you can. The only limitation is a ban on being near a source of high temperature.


A modern material, membrane fabric, is often used by sports shoe makers. You should not stimulate the drying process of such a pair. Experts recommend simply stuffing the socks of such sneakers with paper or using an absorbent.

How can you not dry?

In an effort to speed up the process of drying your beloved pair, you should remember some tough prohibitions, ignoring which can lead to damage to your shoes.

These points include:

  • foto7992-12do not dry near open fire;
  • do not postpone drying until later;
  • the location of wet steam on a heating radiator or other heating device can lead to damage (unsticking, loss of functional characteristics of modern materials, for example, membranes, etc.);
  • you should not try to speed up the process by acting on too high temperatures;
  • you cannot use the "drying" mode of the washing machine;
  • do not expose wet steam to the open sun.

Ignoring the recommendations and breaking the rules can lead to damage to shoes.

8 recommendations

How to dry your shoes after washing quickly and efficiently? Professional advice will come to the rescue:

  1. If saving space is not a harsh cost, and financial costs are not limited, then the best option is a professional shoe dryer.
  2. The compact size of electric dryers is a convenient option for home use.
  3. To speed up the drying process, it is recommended to use any homemade method available for implementation.
  4. The laces and insoles of wet shoes are dried separately, and only then returned to their place.
  5. Exposure to high temperatures is undesirable, regardless of the model and material of manufacture.
  6. For shoes to last longer, they must be cared for regularly, including drying the insoles.
  7. Completely wet steam should dry for at least 24 hours after washing.
  8. When shoe washing and drying should avoid temperature contrast.
Only high-quality, carefully made shoes can survive cleaning and drying, maintaining their performance for a long time.

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There are many different ways to dry your shoes. To get a good result, you can use one of the homemade recipes or use specially designed electrical appliances.



