How to wash a camel wool down jacket by hand and in an automatic washing machine?

foto563-1When purchasing a down jacket or jacket filled with camel hair, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is quite difficult to care for such a thing.

So a jacket, the filler of which contains less than 50% camel wool, can be washed (by hand or machine at a temperature of 30C °).

Down jacket, with a filler, in which six camels is more than 50%, can only be cleaned dry. Otherwise, the product loses its attractive appearance after the first wash.

You can maintain the shape and properties of a down jacket or camel wool jacket by following the tips described in this article.

Washing in a washing machine

Before you start washing down jacket, you need to read the information on the manufacturer's label... It is important to remember the temperature regime, the type of wash.

Expensive models of down jackets, the filler of which consists of the down of a young camel, cannot be washed. For such things, only professional steam cleaning is recommended.

Jackets of an inexpensive price segment, the filler of which consists of the wool of an adult camel (and sometimes in combination with synthetic additives) can be washed in an automatic machine.

Before you put your down jacket in the washing machine, it needs to be prepared:

  • foto563-2unfasten the hood and fur trim on the collar and sleeves (if they are removable);
  • clean pockets of foreign objects;
  • remove stains and clean heavily soiled areas;
  • zip up a down jacket or trigger.

So, how to wash a camel wool down jacket in a washing machine?

Washing in a typewriter requires the following rules:

  1. The machines put only one thing in the drum - a jacket. Nothing should prevent the jacket from moving freely in the drum.
  2. Together with the jacket, tennis balls are introduced into the washing machine (prevent fluff from knocking into lumps) or special balls for washing... If there are no balls, balls of thread tied in clean socks can be replaced.
  3. The temperature for washing a camel wool down jacket does not exceed 30C °, and the number of revolutions is 600.
  4. For cleaning use liquid products for delicate fabrics.
  5. The rinse mode is turned on several times in order to remove all the detergent foam from the filler.

Can and how to hand wash a filled trigger?

Before you start hand wash down jacket made of camel wool, it is necessary to study the manufacturer's label for temperature restrictions, the use of special detergents.

After making sure that the down jacket or jacket is allowed to be hand washed, we perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. foto563-3We fill the bath with warm water (temperature not higher than 30-40C °).
  2. Add liquid detergent for woollens and delicates to the water.
  3. Using a soft brush or sponge, gently clean the surface of the jacket, paying attention to particularly dirty areas (collar, sleeves, pockets, fabric around the fasteners).
  4. Rinse the jacket thoroughly in clean water (several times) until the detergent is completely removed from the fabric and filler.
  5. We take out a jacket or down jacket from the water, fasten it with a zipper and hang it on a hanger.
The camel wool jacket must not be twisted. In the process of drying, the thing must be shaken several times so that the fluff is evenly distributed and does not get lost in lumps.

How to avoid divorce?

Washable without streaks, it's easy. It is enough to know and apply in practice some recommendations:

  • a camel wool down jacket is not soaked before washing;
  • washing temperature is not higher than 30C °;
  • choose only liquid detergents (dry powder granules do not dissolve in cold water);
  • rinse the down jacket several times;
  • we do not use fabric softeners (they are poorly washed out of wool and down).

If after washing on a down jacket divorces remained, there are several ways to solve this problem:

  1. Yellow stains indicate poor filler quality and insufficient drying time for the trigger. Repeated washing or dry cleaning of outerwear will help to fix the problem.
  2. White stains on the jacket is the result of an incorrectly selected powder or the use of very large quantities of detergent. You can remove white streaks on clothes with a damp, clean cloth or running water.
  3. Dark stains appear in the case when the filler of a down jacket or jacket was not washed well. Laundry soap will help remove such stains. It is rubbed, and the gulf with cool water, foamed. The stain is treated with a sponge with soapy foam.

What to do if spots appear?

If on a down jacket filled with camel hair spots appeared, no need to rush, immediately soak the product in water.

Before starting the washing process, it is necessary to remove stubborn dirt from the clothes.

There are several known ways to quickly remove stains. with a camel wool jacket:

  1. foto563-4We use dishwashing detergent... In a glass of clean, warm water, dilute two tablespoons of liquid detergent. Stir the gel thoroughly, and gently apply the resulting soap solution using a sponge or soft brush to the stain. After twenty minutes, remove the remaining soap solution with a clean cloth. Experts advise using this method in the fight against grease stains on clothes.
  2. We use gasoline (refined)... With a napkin or rag soaked in gasoline, gently rub the stain on the jacket. This method is effective in combating oil stains. Before cleaning the dirt, you need to check on an inconspicuous area how the fabric of the trigger or down jacket reacts to contact with gasoline.
  3. We use ammonia... Add a few drops of ammonia to a small amount of liquid dishwashing liquid (2-3 spoons). With the obtained product, using a sponge, we treat the stain on the jacket.After five minutes, the remaining soap solution is thoroughly washed off under running water. This method helps to deal with stubborn stains on clothes.

Stains on a camel coat should be removed as soon as possible. The longer the stain remains on the fabric, the more difficult it is to remove.

If the product is trimmed with natural fur

There are several ways to clean a camel wool down jacket with natural fur on the hood and sleeves:

  1. foto563-5We use soapy water... This method is applicable when the fur edge is unfastened from a jacket or down jacket. A liquid product for delicate fabrics or a regular shampoo is lather and gently applied to the fur. After that, the fur edge is hung on a rope or hanger and dried away from heat sources. After the fur is completely dry, it is gently combed with a rare comb.
  2. We use semolina... The dry cleaning method is applicable when the fur edge is sewn onto a jacket or down jacket and cannot be peeled off. The semolina is gently rubbed into the fur, after which the grains are combed out with a comb. Semolina as a sorbent attracts dust and dirt, quickly cleaning fur trim.
Washing natural fur in a washing machine is very risky. There is a high probability of damage to the product.

Read about how to clean the fur details of a down jacket here.

Having decided to machine wash triggers with natural fur trim you need to follow some tips:

  1. Natural fur is washed only at low temperatures (no more than 30C °).
  2. For fur, special liquid products are used for woolen or delicate products.
  3. It is forbidden to twist natural fur. Dry the product away from heat sources and direct sunlight in unfolded form.

Drying properly

Improper drying of a jacket or down jacket filled with camel hair can damage the product.

Adhering to certain drying rules, you can avoid damage to things:

  1. foto563-6The camel wool down jacket must not be tumble dried. An aggressive mode will ruin the thing completely.
  2. After washing, the down jacket is gently shaken, zippers and other fasteners are fastened, hung on a hanger.
  3. Do not dry your jacket on an unfolded towel. The lack of air circulation leads to the fact that the down inside the jacket trigger is stale, acquires an unpleasant odor.
  4. Drying with a hair dryer, on a radiator or other heating device is prohibited. Exposure to high temperatures spoil the down jacket filler.
  5. Dry the camel hair trigger in a well-ventilated, darkened room, away from direct sunlight. A fan will help speed up the movement of air (and, accordingly, drying) in the room.
During the drying process, the down jacket must be periodically turned out and shaken gently.


Washing your camel wool jacket following the above tips will quickly restore the garment's attractive appearance.

In a situation where there is no confidence in one's own strengths and knowledge, it is better to entrust the process of cleaning things to experienced dry cleaning specialists.

  1. Vlad

    “Do not tumble dry. Do not dry clean. Do Not Iron. Do not bleach. Hand wash cold. -
    Do not tumble dry. Do not dry clean. Do not iron. Do not bleach. Hand wash cold. " - this is the inscription on the inside of my winter jacket of this model. I was going to wash it in a Samsung machine. I poured a liquid bio-gel for washing down jackets, bought in the Snowimage O'HARA store. I set the temperature regime to +30, spin to 400. And, as they say, in Russian I hoped for ABOS)) ... To my surprise, the jacket was washed just great, as if just from the store.Nothing was torn or torn off, the rivets and laces were in place, the wool did not crumple, everything was as it was and remained in its place. So wash safely in the machine at +30 degrees at 400 rpm!


