Gently and quickly, or is it possible to wash suede in a typewriter and by hand
Soft, elastic, velvety to the touch suede is an excellent basis for creating amazingly beautiful, stylish things.
Clothes, footwear, suede accessories will delight you for more than one year, subject to proper care.
How to care for suede products, can they be washed in a washing machine? How to soften and restore suede items?
The answers to these questions will help to keep the original appearance of your favorite things as long as possible.
Should I wash it?
Suede is a rather capricious material that requires special care. The thing is that manufacturers very often cover the velvety surface of suede with a special impregnation that keeps the material from excessive moisture absorption.
Before you start washing, it is very important to carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the product tag.
How to wash?
The choice of washing method is determined by several factors:
- manufacturer's recommendations;
- the degree of soiling (hand washing only helps to refresh the thing);
- type of suede (synthetic material is less resistant to moisture, therefore it is better to use a manual washing method for it).
By hands
Strict adherence to certain rules for hand washing will help clean things, while maintaining their shape and color.
Algorithm of actions:
A bath or a large basin is filled with warm water (temperature no more than 35C).
- A certain amount of liquid detergent for wool or suede is added to the water (the exact dosage is indicated by the manufacturer on the package).
- The suede product is gently immersed in a soapy solution for five minutes, after which the velvety surface is wiped with a soft sponge.
- The washed item is rinsed thoroughly under running water (using a shower head will help prevent streaks).
- Avoiding aggressive twisting and push-ups, the product is laid out on a horizontal surface for drying.
In the washing machine
Machine wash greatly facilitates the care of suede products (the main thing is that such actions are allowed by the manufacturer).
Algorithm of actions:
- Set the water temperature to no higher than 35, wash mode - delicate or manual, turn off the spin function.
- Liquid detergent is poured into a special compartment.
- The washing process is started, at the end of which the product is immediately taken out of the drum and laid out on a horizontal surface to dry.
Before loading the product into the washing machine drum, rub especially dirty places with laundry soap.
Dry cleaning
A dry cleaning method will help to quickly remove minor dirt and dust.
Algorithm of actions:
- a suede product is carefully cleaned of dust with a special brush;
- traces of bruises and creases are additionally brushed along the villi;
- spots of dried dirt are gently removed with a soft foam sponge.
You can quickly remove a dry stain of dirt with an ordinary stationery eraser. It is enough to go over the stain with an elastic band and there will be no trace of it.
Steaming will help soften the product
To quickly return suede velvety and softness, the steaming method will help to remove stubborn stains.
Algorithm of actions:
- The water in a saucepan or kettle is brought to a boil.
- The suede product is kept over steam for at least two to three minutes.
- The suede, wet after steam, is carefully cleaned with a special brush (movements only in one direction).
- Already clean suede is gently blotted with a towel, removing excess moisture.
Removing stains
Depending on the nature of the origin of the stain, various methods of removing dirt are used:
The talc and starch will help remove grease stains. It is enough to pour absorbent powder over the stain and wait twenty to thirty minutes, after which the stain is gently cleaned with a brush.
- Food stains must be washed off as quickly as possible with clean running water, and then treated with a soft sponge dipped in soapy water.
- Traces of alcoholic beverages (wine, champagne) will help remove hair shampoo. Initially, the stain is blotted with a paper towel, after which the trail on the suede is treated with a foam of whipped hair shampoo.
- A vinegar solution will help to clear the suede from white salt stains (an actual problem for the owners of suede shoes). To do this, moisten the sponge with vinegar and wipe the contaminated area. After the suede is still wet, wipe it with a clean cloth and leave to dry at room temperature.
- A crust of brown bread will help cleanse the suede from dirty stains. It is enough to sprinkle a crust of bread with salt and gently rub the dirty area on the suede product.
Features of cleansing artificial material
If the manufacturer does not prohibit machine washing (you must carefully study the product tag), then cleaning takes place according to the following algorithm:
- Set the permissible water temperature (no more than 30C), wash mode - delicate or manual, turn off the spin function.
- A liquid detergent for wool or suede is poured into a special compartment.
- Having previously placed the suede product in a special bag, the washing machine drum is loaded.
- After washing, the thing is taken out and, without twisting, laid out on a horizontal surface for drying.
Hand wash will gently and delicately clean the suede. Algorithm of actions:
warm water is collected in a large basin (the temperature is not more than 35C), a suede detergent is added and whipped until it becomes a thick foam;
- with a soft sponge, soap foam is first of all applied to especially dirty places, after which the suede product is completely treated with soap solution;
- an already clean product is wiped with a soft clean damp cloth and laid out on a horizontal surface to dry.
How to dry?
Retain the shape of a suede garment after washing Recommendations for proper drying will help:
- It is strictly forbidden to wring out the suede (material deformation is possible). The product is only slightly squeezed with your hands so that all the moisture comes out.
- Dry suede clothes only in a horizontal plane (on a layer, dryer, ironing board). If you hang a wet product to dry on a hanger or rope, it will lose its shape under the weight of its weight.
- Paper will help speed up the drying process, as well as maintain the original appearance of the product. It must first be crumpled, and then put inside the suede product. Periodically, as moisture is absorbed, the paper is changed.
How to soften and restore?
Improper care is the main reason that suede loses its plasticity and velvety surface.
There are several ways to correct the situation, soften and restore the suede after washing:
Steaming. A large container is filled with very hot water, over which a suede product is laid out. Steam from hot water, penetrating through, softens the suede, raises the villi.
To achieve a perfect result, the procedure will have to be repeated at least five to six times.
- Glycerin Blend... In order to soften the suede surface that has lost its elasticity, it is necessary to moisten it with a glycerin mixture (dissolve 0.5 tsp of glycerin in 1 liter of water), wait until the mixture is absorbed, remove the excess with a soft napkin.
- Vinegar. Rinsing in vinegar water will help soften the hardened suede (3 tablespoons of vinegar are dissolved in 1 liter of water).
Contacting dry cleaning
Dry cleaning professionals will help you to restore the natural shine and color of suede, remove stubborn stains, and correct mistakes of self-washing.
The price of dry cleaning of suede is influenced by the speed of cleaning, the type and complexity of sewing the product, the degree of contamination. On average, suede dry cleaning will cost 1500-2000 rubles.
The recommendations are as follows:
Suede is erased very quickly. Prolonged soaking, washing and rinsing can permanently ruin the product.
- Dry the suede product in the open air, in a cool place. High temperatures, direct sunlight, open fire destroy the softness and elasticity of the material.
- Warm milk (one glass is enough) in which one or two tablespoons of soda is preliminarily diluted will help to quickly clean the glazed areas.
- Blood, egg or milk stains on suede should be washed off with clean plain water as soon as they appear. Once the stain dries, it will be nearly impossible to get rid of it.
If you are interested in how to wash suede shoes, read this article. Read about washing suede sneakers here.
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Features of caring for suede things are discussed in the video:
By strictly observing all the recommendations for washing suede, you can achieve an ideal result of cleanliness and freshness while maintaining the shape, color, plasticity of the material.