What are the reasons that the Samsung washing machine gives error 6e, how to fix the problem?
One of the most common problems with a Samsung washing machine is associated with error 6e. It is important for technology owners to understand the potential causes of its occurrence and how to eliminate it.
In some cases, self-repair is possible, in others, a master call is required. Any way to solve the problem will be effective if you follow the general recommendations and rules.
Let's take a closer look at what the 6e error means, which the Samsung washing machine gives out, whether it is possible and how to fix the problems yourself.
What does this mean?
The stoppage of work and the appearance of the code 6e on the display can occur at any moment of washing: at the beginning of the start, a few seconds or minutes after pressing the "Start" button, in the middle of the washing process or at the stage of finishing work during centrifugation. Full decryption of the alphanumeric code "6e" means "problem with the control module or control panel."
This problem can also be indicated by other codes: be, be1, be2, be3, b2, bc, bc2... Two- and three-digit designations are identical to each other. Old ciphers can also be analogous to 6e: 12e, 14, 18e.
If the Samsung washing machine does not have a display, then the failure that has occurred can be detected by a certain backlighting and flashing of the indicators. Three icons light up with a steady light: "Bio 60 ° C", "40 ° C", "cold water". All washing modes flash at the same time.
Why does it appear?
To deal with a failure in the program, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. A washing machine with a highlighted error 6e may refuse to work for various reasons.
Problems could arise with:
Thyristor switch (TRIAC or triac). This element controls the engine: turns on, off, sets the number of revolutions.
- Control panel buttons. The problem with the main start button of the machine is not excluded.
- Control module. The main computer hardware could temporarily crash and stall work.
A two-character code indicates a general problem.To determine the cause more accurately, additional diagnostics are needed.
If the Samsung model is programmed for a three-digit error designation, then according to them, it is possible to more accurately determine the reason:
- be1 indicates that the Start button is the culprit.
- b2, be2, bc2 define the reason related to other buttons.
- be3 makes it clear that the defect has occurred in the relay on the control module.
What to do?
In some cases, the causes of this error can be easily eliminated on our own. This is possible if the problems arose due to a banal program malfunction, sticky buttons, or problems with an electrical outlet.
Program crash
The well-coordinated operation of the sensors sometimes fails and an overlay occurs... This causes the program stopper.
After a short time, the technique is again connected to the network. The sensors that previously triggered the confusion will restore their work, and the washing process will be hassle-free.
Sticky buttons
Any of the buttons on the control panel could be the culprit... For various reasons, the button becomes jammed (sticking).
The machine starts to signal an error if the power button is pressed for more than 12 seconds. For other buttons, the time interval for jamming is 30 seconds.
Restore contacts by pressing and holding the problem button for one minute. Clicking or alternating on-off of the button also helps.
If these control details are lost frequently, another way of solving the problem may help.... To avoid sticky buttons, we recommend that you loosen the front panel fasteners. This will help the pressed-in plastic pieces to move loosely.
Problems with the power outlet
In rare cases, the washing machine stops working due to a power outage. The socket may be to blame for this.
The problem is solved by restoring the outlet contacts or replacing the power point.
Master call
The rest of the reasons that led to the appearance of error 6e require the intervention of a specialist in household appliances... The cost of repairs depends on the degree of complexity of the work, the time spent on it, the price tag of the components.
The approximate prices for fixing error 6e in a Samsung typewriter are as follows:
TRIAC malfunction... Due to this defect, the control module issues incorrect commands. The problem is solved by replacing the control triac. In some cases, the switching relay and diodes are changed at the same time. The cost of work is from 3000 rubles.
- Tachogenerator problem... If this sensor is damaged or shorted, the TRIAC fails. The repair consists in restoring the contacts of the tachogenerator, and if it burns out, then in its replacement. The cost of work starts from 2400 rubles.
- Mechanical defects of buttons... If the problems are not related to sinking, but to physical damage to the buttons on the washing machine panel, then they need to be replaced. Such work is estimated at a minimum of 1200 rubles.
- Broken control board... Damage to tracks, poor contacts, breakdowns of individual elements are corrected by soldering or replacing the corresponding parts (fuses, diodes, relays). If the processor of the control board is completely burned out, the module must be replaced. The cost of the master's work is from 2400 rubles.
- Broken contacts... If the contacts have undergone damage (oxidation, weakening), then the repair is carried out by stripping and soldering the contacts. If the wires from the control module to the machine's motor and panel buttons are broken, the connecting segments are restored or changed. Prices for this type of work start at 1800 rubles.
You can find a repairman for a Samsung washing machine through official service centers. Contacting them is the most reliable, since the organizations give a guarantee for the work done.
The coordinates of household appliances repair shops are easy to find through the Internet, ads, advertising. Addressing individuals through ads is also a solution to the problem. However, this method carries a high risk of becoming a victim of deception and poor service.
How to prevent reoccurring faults?
To avoid future problems related to the operation of the household appliance, it is recommended to follow basic operating rules.
They will help reduce the risk of error 6e. To do this, you must carefully handle the buttons located on the control panel of the unit.
It is worth paying attention to the outlet to which the washing machine is connected. Experts recommend allocating a separate electrical outlet to which only the washing machine will be connected. This will prevent possible short circuit and overheating of the contacts.
Additional Tips
Since many problems in the operation of the Samsung washing machine are encoded on the display with similar codes, it is recommended to use the instruction manual... This will prevent troubleshooting that is useless for the user and sometimes harmful to the technique.
You can learn more about error codes for Samsung washing machines here.
Competent diagnostics helps to establish the exact cause of the failure in the control module. Malfunctions in the Samsung washing machine, coded as error 6e, are not critical for a household appliance.
They can be easily eliminated by yourself or by contacting a specialist for help. With a careful attitude to technology and timely maintenance, the washing machine can last a long time.