Secrets & Tips: How To Clean A Carpet Without Vacuuming
The carpet was invented long before the vacuum cleaner. Our grandmothers knew many secrets of cleaning it without using a technique.
Most of them were completely forgotten in vain, although they can be used to perfectly cope with various types of pollution.
Let's analyze in more detail, how to clean the carpet without a vacuum cleaner (if it is not there or it is broken) at home.
Cleaning with improvised means
Cleaning your carpet without a vacuum cleaner is not difficult. The quality of cleaning will be high if you use the tools at hand correctly. You can use a broom to remove dust, debris, and other contaminants.
To get rid of large debris, hair, dust, and other dirt, you can simply sweep the carpet. This is the most affordable and easiest way to clean. The broom can be used to remove debris from items with long and medium hair.
To make your cleaning as efficient as possible, you can follow these tips:
From time to time, moisten the tip of a broom in warm water. This will help collect dust particles better.
The water must be shaken off thoroughly and the carpet must be swept with a slightly moistened broom so as not to leave streaks.
- Do not make sudden movements, do not raise the broom too high.
- Revenge from the window towards the door.
- The broom must be clean. This is especially true when cleaning light-colored flooring.
- The broom must not be worn out. If the rods stick out in different directions, then it will not be possible to sweep out the debris efficiently.
It is recommended to have at least 2 brooms for cleaning the apartment... One should be used for sweeping the toilet and corridor, and the other for the hall and bedroom. This will prevent particles of street dirt and harmful bacteria from entering your living rooms.
Outdoors: summer and winter
The carpet is easy to clean outside. Moreover, the procedure can be carried out at any time of the year.
How to clean a carpet in summer:
- The product is taken out into the yard, hung on a horizontal bar, on a fence, or on another suitable device.
- Large debris and dust are swept from the carpet with a broom. It needs to be processed on both sides.
- Then, with the help of a firecracker, the dust is systematically knocked out of the carpet.You need to start processing from top to bottom. To protect the respiratory system from dust, wear a respirator or medical mask.
- After removing the dust, the carpet is sprayed with a spray bottle and knocked out again.
After such a shower, he should dry out well. It is best to leave it outdoors.
To clean the palace in winter with snow, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:
For cleaning, a flat, wide and snowy area is chosen. A carpet is spread on it.
- The pile should be at the bottom.
- With the help of a broom or a brush with a long handle, snow is poured over the product.
- The palace is knocked out with a cracker.
- Transfer it to a clean place, repeat the procedure. It must be carried out until no more dirt remains on the snow.
- The product is turned over, covered with snow again and carefully knocked out again.
- You need to complete the procedure by sweeping snow from the carpet. For convenience, it can be suspended.
- When the carpet is at home, it must be dried by spreading it out on the floor.
Cleaning is best on a frosty day.... This will get rid of microbes and other pathogenic flora.
Baking soda removes dirt well and absorbs unpleasant odors. It is harmless to human health and is very cheap. A sodium bicarbonate box can be found in every apartment.
Dry soda cleaning:
- sweep away large debris with a brush or broom;
- scatter baking soda over the surface of the floor covering;
- evenly distribute the powder over the entire area of the carpet - this is conveniently done with a soft brush;
- leave the soda for half an hour;
- remove the baking soda with a brush or broom.
Wet cleaning:
sweep large debris off the carpet;
- dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water;
- pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it;
- if there are stains, clean them with a brush;
- leave the solution to dry completely;
- sweep away the remaining baking soda with a broom or brush.
To get rid of stubborn dirt, soda can be mixed with vinegar, powder, dishwashing detergent, hydrogen peroxide. Care must be taken with such processing so as not to spoil the product.
To deal with carpet stains with ammonia, you need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- Dilute 20 ml of ammonia in a liter of water.
- Pour the composition into a spray bottle and spray it over the carpet. The stains can be additionally moistened with the solution and cleaned with a brush.
- Wait 30 minutes.
- Remove dust and dirt from the surface of the carpet.
- Ventilate the room after cleaning.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice removes stubborn stains. Even ink marks can be removed with it.
Cleaning takes place as follows:
- the juice is applied to the stain, you do not need to dilute it with water;
- leave the concentrate for 1.5 hours;
- brush the stain;
- wash off the composition with water;
- dry the carpet.
It is not recommended to treat light-colored floor coverings with lemon juice. This can lead to yellow spots on it. You can use juice only for products that have persistent coloration.
With vinegar
Thanks to vinegar, stubborn dirt can be removed from the carpet. It also perfectly refreshes the color of the product and contributes to the destruction of microbes and mold.
Features of the processing of the carpet with vinegar:
- All large debris and dust are removed from the product. This can be done with a broom and a brush.
- A tablespoon of vinegar is dissolved in water at room temperature.
- Spray the solution with a spray bottle. The stains need to be additionally rubbed with a brush.
- Dry the carpet and ventilate the room.
The smell of vinegar quickly fades away, and with it other unpleasant odors that the carpet may have absorbed go away.
Laundry soap
It is possible to cope with dirt on the carpet thanks to a solution based on laundry soap.
Algorithm of actions:
- a bar of soap is dissolved in warm water until it loses its transparency;
- using a sponge, the solution is applied to the stain and left for 15-30 minutes;
- wipe the treated area with a clean, damp cloth.
The smell of laundry soap disappears quickly after the carpet is completely dry.
How to choose the best brush?
To choose the right one carpet brush, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations:
- Holder availability... This brush will be firmly fixed in your hand.
- Bristle stiffness... It is best to choose a product with medium hairs.
- Plastic frame... Such brushes are durable and are not affected by aggressive detergents.
- The size. A brush with a length of about 25 cm is considered optimal.
How to deal with stains at home?
Depending on the type of stain, the way to deal with it will differ. Only one rule remains unchanged - the earlier the treatment is started, the easier it is to get rid of the pollution.
Features of removing different types of stains:
Wine. If the stain is fresh, blot it with clean paper until it stops absorbing moisture. This will prevent the penetration of coloring pigments into the deep structures of the pile.
Then the stain must be soaked in a concentrated vinegar solution (a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of warm water).
After 15-30 minutes, the stain should be blotted with a napkin, it should be removed. To combat old dirt, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.
- Zelenka. To cope with a stain from brilliant green, you can use hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of vinegar and soda. The selected composition is applied to the contaminated area, after which they begin to blot it with a sponge.
Each time it needs to be rinsed until it is completely clean. You can also remove the brilliant green with ammonia. It is left on the spot for 15 minutes.
- Fat. If the stain is old, then the dried fat must first be removed mechanically. Then the stain is treated with one of the following compositions: "soda + ammonia", "soda + flour", "acetone + gasoline", "soda + dishwashing detergent".
The selected product is applied to the stain for 15-30 minutes, after which it is removed with a damp cloth soaked in hot water.
- Blood. It is removed only with cool solutions. When a blood stain is treated with a hot liquid, it is absorbed even deeper into the pile. To remove blood, you can use soda gruel. It is applied for half an hour, after which it is gently rubbed with a brush. The remains of soda are removed with a damp cloth.
- Urine. A vinegar solution copes well with its smell (1 tablespoon per liter of water). They treat the stain, wait for it to dry completely, and then brush the product with a brush. Lemon juice, soda, ammonia, and laundry soap are also suitable for stain control.
Important recommendations
To clean the carpet without damaging the product and your own health, you need to read important recommendations:
do not use hot water - the pile does not tolerate boiling water;
- it is recommended to work with gloves;
- when knocking out the carpet and when interacting with caustic substances, care must be taken to protect the respiratory system;
- when using the product for the first time, you need to perform processing in an inconspicuous area in order to track the reaction of the product.
You need to clean the carpet in the direction of the pile. This will keep the attractive appearance of the product for a long time.
Useful video
How to clean a carpet without a vacuum cleaner - video tips from Galileo:
It is possible to cope with any dirt on the carpet product without using household appliances... With the help of a broom, debris and dust are removed, and with the help of ammonia, vinegar, soda or other available means, they remove stubborn dirt.
This processing takes more time, but if you make an effort, its quality will be at its best.