Cheap and angry, or how to clean a carpet with soda
Daily vacuuming of carpets does not remove fine dust particles. There are many ways to help get rid of the accumulated dirt.
Not only is baking soda an excellent way to deal with any kind of contamination, but it can also brighten your colors.
An effective remedy will help maintain the aesthetically pleasing appearance of your carpet over time.
About, how to clean the carpet soda at home, read the article.
Advantages and disadvantages of using
Baking soda is a versatile cleaning product that will restore the shine and cleanliness of carpets. But, like any remedy, it has pros and cons.
- safety;
- availability;
- profitability;
- disinfection;
- elimination of unpleasant odors;
- refreshing color;
- the possibility of dry cleaning.
- the inability to use a soda solution with vinegar when cleaning carpets made of natural fabrics such as cotton, silk, wool;
- the need for repeated cleansing manipulations, after the first procedure, the expected result may not be observed.
Basic cleaning methods
There are 2 main types of carpet cleaning: dry and wet. In dry form, soda is an abrasive that is able to remove mechanical impurities, and with warm water, it perfectly removes any fats.
The advantage of the dry method is the possibility of using the carpet immediately after the cleaning procedure.... After performing wet cleaning, you need to dry the product well, in order to avoid the appearance of a musty smell, mold, and the start of decay processes.
Also, moisture has a negative effect on all types of coatings, especially if parquet is laid under the carpet.
To quickly clean and clean a not heavily soiled carpet, disinfect it and remove bad odors, you need a vacuum cleaner and soda.
Instructions for conducting dry cleaning of carpets:
- Vacuum the carpet from debris.
- Pour baking soda in a small layer on the product, evenly distributing it over the surface.
- Wait 1 hour and vacuum up the spilled powder.
If there are stains, you can dilute a small amount of baking soda with water to a mushy state and rub into the dirty area. The product is also easy to vacuum clean.
Wet cleaning
Wet processing involves the production of an aqueous solution from 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. soda followed by spraying it onto the pile.
Effective homemade recipes
There are several baking soda recipes that will help you quickly and easily remove dirt and dust particles from the carpet. For the manufacture of soda solutions, certain knowledge and skills are not required.
With detergent powder
To enhance the effectiveness of baking soda, you should add washing powder.
For this you will need:
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 tbsp. l. soda;
- 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
- 1 tbsp. l. powder.
Step by step guide:
- Dilute soda, powder, vinegar in water.
- Apply with a ready-made solution to the carpet using a spray bottle.
- Wait 5 minutes and walk over the product with a soft bristled brush.
- Wipe first with a damp cloth, then with a dry cloth.
- Wait until it is completely dry and vacuum clean.
With salt
Dry cleaning of the coating eliminates bad odors and perfectly refreshes its color:
- combine soda with salt in equal proportions,
- scatter over the contaminated area,
- after 30 minutes, vacuum up the rest of the product.
With peroxide
Soda in tandem with peroxide will remove odors and provide an antiseptic effect.
To get rid of old stains and stubborn dirt, you should arm yourself with:
- 2 tbsp. l. soda powder;
- 150 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%).
The procedure involves the following actions:
- Combine the components and apply the resulting composition to the dirt. Wait 20 minutes.
- Use a soft cloth to wipe off the dirt by rinsing it constantly in warm water.
- Wipe the product with a moisture-absorbent cloth.
- Dry the lint using a fan.
Using dishwashing liquid
Dish detergent will strengthen the baking soda and make it easier to clean carpets. It is necessary to prepare the product in a large container, since a lot of foam is formed.
Components required to prepare an effective solution:
- 1 tsp dishwashing liquid;
- 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
- 1 tbsp. water;
- 1 tsp soda powder.
The workflow technology is as follows:
In a container, combine the detergent with vinegar, then add warm water and throw in the soda.
- Spread the resulting composition over the surface of the stains and scrub with an abrasive sponge.
- Blot the surface with a towel and check the result.
- Clean and collect moisture until contamination disappears.
With vinegar
Soda-vinegar composition is an effective household carpet cleaner. To make a working solution you will need:
- baking soda;
- table vinegar 9%
- water.
If after the procedure its color remains the same, then you can safely start cleaning the entire carpet.
Vacuum the carpet to remove dry debris.
- Take 1 liter of water heated to 60-70 ° C and dilute 5 tbsp. l. vinegar.
- Add 3 tbsp to the resulting composition. l. soda.
- Pour the prepared solution into a container equipped with a spray bottle and spray it evenly over the carpet.If stains are present, rub them with a brush.
- After 60 minutes, vacuum the carpet.
With citric acid
Having resorted to this method, you need to prepare the following components:
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 tbsp. l. soda powder;
- 2 tsp citric acid;
- 1 tsp lemon juice.
To achieve the highest quality result, you need to adhere to the following instructions:
- Dissolve baking soda in water.
- Add citric acid and fresh fruit juice to the resulting composition.
- Stir the solution well and treat the surface of the product using a brush.
- Empty the carpet.
You can repeat the procedure if necessary.
So that the cleaning of the carpet does not disappoint the hostess, you need to adhere to certain security measures:
An incorrect ratio of components during cleaning can leave burns on the skin, respiratory tract.
- In the production of working solutions, it is recommended to strictly observe the proportions so as not to destroy the coloring pigment of the material.
- After the procedure, it is good to wash off the remains of soda from the surface of the coating, if you ignore this advice, the remaining product will cause the appearance of unpleasant stickiness and dullness of the carpet.
- Make sure that the coating is completely dry after wet cleaning, otherwise a moldy odor will appear, which will negatively affect health.
- Use protective equipment for hands - rubber gloves.
- Do not inhale soda powder and make sure there are no children, pets or allergy sufferers in the room.
- When using a spray, make sure that the product does not get into the face.
Recommendations for cleaning with other tools at hand
There are some simple tools to help rid the carpet of dust and make the pile shine:
Effective in fight against stains and dirt considered laundry soap... Rub the product with a fine grater and use as directed.
- Homemade liquid ammonia in the amount of 10 ml with the addition of 0.5 l of water and 1 tsp. washing powder.
Apply the resulting mass to the spots, rub a little and immediately remove the remaining solution, drying well. Otherwise, the structure of textiles will change and the product will lose its original appearance.
- An alternative to soda solutions is lemon juiceto be used in its pure form. Pour a small amount onto the soiled area of the carpet and leave for 60 minutes. Then rinse and dry.
They quickly and safely remove any contamination and persistent odors on carpets, both with natural and synthetic composition.
Reviews about cleaning carpets with soda are mostly positive - the tool has high efficiency, low cost and is always at hand.
Valuable tips and tricks
Experts advise to pay attention to common points when cleaning carpets:
When cleaning the carpet, do not use very hard brushed and do not use hot water.
- Apply baking soda to the coating evenly and for the same period, otherwise the color palette in different places will differ in its saturation.
- Before using any product, test it on an inconspicuous area of the coating.
- It is forbidden to clean the natural materials from which the carpets are made in a wet way, it is better to give preference to dry processing.
- It is better to entrust silk products to professionals, since it is very easy to spoil it at home.
Useful video
Video recipe for cleaning carpet with soda:
Using baking soda to clean carpets at home will save you from taking the carpet out to the streets and sending it to dry cleaning.
Many methods of making soda solutions will allow you to choose the best option to get rid of any stains and dirt.