Time-tested: folk remedies for cleaning carpets at home

foto6177-1Manufacturers produce a range of carpet cleaning products.

But you do not need to purchase exclusively expensive stain removers, advice from the people, with proper application, will cope with pollution without negative impact on health.

ABOUT cleaning carpets at home with the help of proven and inexpensive folk remedies, read the article.

How and with what to clean?

There are many homemade recipes for tidying up the carpet. There is no optimal one, but modern hostesses consider the most popular:

  • foto6177-2soda;
  • soda and vinegar;
  • table salt with soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3% and soda;
  • raw potatoes and sauerkraut;
  • laundry soap;
  • lemon juice or acid;
  • soda with vinegar and powder;
  • snow;
  • vinegar with dishwashing liquid and ammonia.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.


Process cleansing with soda includes several stages:

  1. Sprinkle the pile with plenty of baking soda and rub it into the product to enhance the effect.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Vacuum until fine particles of baking soda are removed from the fluff.

This is the easiest way to update the palace on your own.

Soda solution is another simple cleaning solution. For the mixture, you need to collect 5 liters of water and dilute 0.5 cups of soda in it.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  2. Spread liquid on the product.
  3. Send to dry. This usually takes about an hour.
  4. Vacuum in good faith, carefully collect the remains of litter and dust.

The method is especially effective in the presence of long-standing contamination.


To prepare the cleaning agent, take a spoonful of vinegar diluted in a liter of water. The work is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. foto6177-3Soda is scattered abundantly on the top of the product, after a while everything is collected with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. The vinegar-based cleaner is poured into a spray bottle and applied evenly to the fibers of the carpet. Do not overmoisten.
  3. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Once again, brush over the villi to remove small debris.
  5. Leave to dry.

The recipe is not suitable for all carpets, as the reaction of baking soda and vinegar with dyes can be unpredictable.It is better to check the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet before starting work.


The recipe for the mixture includes salt and soda, which are mixed in equal parts. Stages:

  • scatter the product over the surface, rub in a little;
  • wait about half an hour;
  • vacuum well.
This simple secret copes with unpleasant odors, adds a beautiful gloss to wool or synthetics.


Peroxide is characterized by an excellent ability to cope with the removal of dirt. The tips for using it are also relevant for cleaning carpets. Only with colored threads you need to be careful. For work, make a simple solution with the addition of soda. For half a glass of 3% peroxide, you need 2 tbsp. spoons of soda.

Action plan:

  1. foto6177-4Apply the mixture to dirty areas.
  2. Clean stains with a soft cloth. As soon as it turns dark, it is washed in warm water.
  3. Purification is carried out until all contaminated areas are cleaned.
  4. A clean product is blotted with a dry cloth with good moisture absorption properties.
  5. Dry.

This option takes more time and effort. But thanks to the solution, even stubborn stains can be easily dealt with.


For cleaning, stir baking soda and powder in a spoon with 1/3 cup of vinegar. Everything in a spray bottle is mixed with water.

Cleaning is done like this:

  • distribute to the pile;
  • wash off residues to perfect cleanliness;
  • the product is left to dry.
The presence of vinegar in the composition of the cleaner indicates the need to check the funds in advance for a reaction with pile dyes.

Original recipes with potatoes and cabbage

foto6177-5Sauerkraut needs to be washed, or grated potatoes... Squeeze food out of moisture, scatter over the entire surface of the carpet. Go over the top with a soft bristled brush.

After brushing, the products are collected. They are recommended to be washed and scattered on the product again. The process is carried out until the raw material is clean.

This method, unusual for a modern housewife, has been used for more than one century.... It is laborious, but completely harmless to health and does not negatively affect the structure of the carpet.

Laundry soap

An excellent recipe to remove dirt from the carpet at home in the shortest possible time. The soap has worked well for fighting grease stains.

The hostess needs a spoonful of soap in shavings and turpentine. It is dissolved in water.

The process is simple and consists of several stages:

  • a mixture is applied to the product;
  • wait 15 minutes;
  • wipe the dirty areas with a clean and damp cloth;
  • finally, try to blot the moisture with a dry rag in order to achieve quick drying of the products.

Lemon juice or citric acid

foto6177-6Citric acid in the fight against stains only works with salt.

The recipe requires a spoonful of salt, 2 tablespoons of citric acid... The products are diluted in a liter of water.

The cleaner is rubbed with a brush over dirty areas. The process is repeated until all stains and dirt are removed.


On a frosty day the perfect cleaner is snow... It is necessary to take the product out into the street, cover it with snow, and then carefully knock it off the cover.

The first snow will melt gray, taking with it the dirt and dust collected during the year. Actions are repeated as many times until the snow will not melt snow-white.

Acetic ammonia solution with the addition of dishwashing detergent

To get rid of difficult stains, the hostesses offer a mixture of ammonia with a combination of vinegar and a classic tool used for washing dishes.

foto6177-7You will need 3 spoons of dishwashing liquid, which are diluted in 1/4 of ammonia and the same amount of vinegar.

The resulting composition is sent to 7-8 liters. water. The dishwashing detergent must be colorless. Choose colorless options.

Work plan:

  • a rag is dipped in the solution to remove the stain;
  • after processing, cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner.

Choosing a brush

A quality carpet pile brush will make the process easy. Types of brushes:

  1. Mechanical. The rollers draw dust and debris inside. But you cannot remove a stain with such a brush.
  2. Manual brushes are distinguished by the softness of the pile, the size of the villi. Better to choose soft options. Hard lint can pull out some of the lint. For woolen or cotton products, only gentle options are selected.

Cleaning features depending on coating and color

Before doing the work, you need to know the type of carpet:

  1. foto6177-8Wool - moody stuff. It is required to minimize cleaning with moistening of the carpet.
  2. Jute - it is better to remove stains on such a coating immediately, otherwise they will eat into the pile. Easily transfers any cleaning options. However, bleaching is not recommended.
  3. Synthetics - use of any cleaning agents is allowed.
  4. Linen or cotton - use sparing agents for minor contamination. Serious stains are best left to professionals.
  5. Jersey - professional cleaning only.
Pre-apply quite a bit of the product on an inconspicuous area to check its reaction with dyes.

Tips & Tricks

Getting rid of stains is even easier if you follow these tips:

  • Do not use hot water for cleaning on any coatings.
  • Remove the stain as soon as it appears. Old stains gradually eat into the coat and are much more difficult to remove.
  • Cleaning with a brush or a broom is carried out exclusively in the direction of the pile.
  • The remaining cleaning agent after processing is carefully removed so that the pile does not stick together.
  • Dry the carpet well after work.
  • After removing stains, the room is ventilated.

Useful video

How to clean your carpet with vinegar, baking soda and dishwashing liquid, video recipe:


What the housewives did not use to get rid of stains. There are many recipes, it is easy to find a worthy replacement for expensive factory stain removers... Folk remedies will help remove dirt and unpleasant odors from the carpet.



