How and how to dry clean the carpet at home?
Dry cleaning can remove dust and dirt from carpets. This method is even suitable for removing light stains.
Sometimes dry cleaning is the only possible cleaning method. This is especially true for products that are afraid of moisture.
We will talk about dry cleaning of carpets at home in the article.
What it is?
The phrase "dry cleaning" speaks for itself. This means that dirt will be removed from the carpet without the use of any liquid products.
In this way, you can clean almost any rug:
from semi-synthetics and synthetics (polypropylene, microfiber, acrylic, polyester, polyamide, terclone);
- from silk, wool, fur and viscose;
- from linen and cotton;
- from jersey;
- from jute;
- from tufting.
Dry cleaning is suitable for handicrafts, but it is recommended not at home, but in professional cleaning companies. At home, such delicate carpets can only be gently shaken out.
Dry cleaning is considered gentle, since no aggressive detergents are used for it. They do not penetrate into the deep structures of the pile, therefore, they are not capable of causing damage.
Pros and cons
The advantages of such cleaning include:
- The coating does not get wet. After such cleaning, mold and unpleasant odor will not appear in the pile. The palace does not need to be ventilated or subjected to other drying methods.
- The shape and color of the product does not change.
- The procedure can be carried out with any carpets.
- Cleaning takes less time.
- During the processing of the carpet, its protection against dirt from bacteria will not wash off.
- No risk of new stains appearing.
Instructions for cleaning the house
To run dry carpet cleaning, the following sequence of actions must be observed:
- remove all visible debris from the surface of the product using a vacuum cleaner or broom;
- apply the selected composition to the carpet, distribute it evenly with a brush;
- leave for some time to exert influence, rub especially persistent pollution;
- vacuum the product.
The universal instructions do not indicate the time of exposure to the powder or other agent. It depends on the selected substance and the depth of contamination.
Using household chemicals
For the procedure, many housewives use household chemicals. These can be tools such as:
- Vanish Oxi Action Moisturized Powder... It is applied to the carpet, evenly distributed over the surface, left for 20 minutes and collected with a vacuum cleaner. The product acts like a micro-sponge, absorbing various types of dirt. The cost of packaging is about 550 rubles. The weight of one package is 650 g. It can be purchased both in retail stores and in Internet markets.
- Foam aerosol Tuba... This product is manufactured in Germany. You can buy it only on the Web. The cost of a 600 ml package is 345 rubles. The foam is sprayed onto the contaminated surface, rubbed in and left for 2 hours. After the specified time, the product is vacuumed.
- Nordland: active foam... Suitable for manual cleaning of carpets. It is applied to the contaminated area, evenly distributed. Remove the product with a vacuum cleaner after 10-30 minutes. The cost of the product is 290 rubles. You can buy it online.
Simply apply foam or powder to the floor surface and vacuum up. Their only drawback is their high cost and high consumption.
Using folk remedies
You can carry out the cleaning procedure using improvised means, which can be found in every housewife's house:
Soda. It is scattered over the surface and left for half an hour, after which it is collected with a vacuum cleaner. One medium-sized carpet takes about 250 g of powder.
- Salt... It is absorbent so it can absorb dust, grease and dirt.
Before applying it to the palace, the salt must be slightly moistened by sprinkling it several times with water from a spray bottle.
The floor covering itself must first be vacuumed. The wet salt is left on the product for half an hour, after which it is collected with a brush. To clean a large carpet, you need a 1 kg pack.
- Snow. It can be used to clean the carpet in winter. He is taken out into the street and spread out in the clearing. With the help of a broom, snow is poured onto the product, swept it away, knocked out and transferred to a clean place.
The procedure is repeated until the carpet stops leaving behind dark marks. Before you bring it home, you need to remove the remaining snow from it. This will prevent the product from getting wet.
- Starch. It is scattered over the surface of the floor covering, rubbed lightly with a brush and collected with a slightly damp broom.
- Welding. It can only be used for dark colored flooring. If you put tea leaves on a light carpet, then stains will remain on it. You need to use a wrung out, but slightly damp product.
It is scattered over the surface of the floor covering and left for 15 minutes. Then collect the tea leaves with a vacuum cleaner or broom. It absorbs dust and removes unpleasant odors.
Salt and soda have antiseptic properties, and when cleaning with snow, bacteria and fungi die under the influence of low temperatures.
Important recommendations
In order not to harm the product and your own health during cleaning, as well as effectively get rid of dust, dirt and stains, you must adhere to simple rules:
It is recommended to wear gloves to protect the skin of the hands and nails.
- For cleaning you need choose a brush with a pile of medium hardness so as not to damage the pile.
- Before starting work, you need to vacuum and thoroughly sweep the carpet.
- Clean the product in the direction of the pile.
- Be sure to pick up the carpet and wipe the dust underneath.
- Professional products are used only according to the instructions for use.
- Carpets made from delicate fabrics are not scrubbed. The adsorbent applied to them is collected either with a vacuum cleaner or gently shaken out.
Before applying it to a large area, you need to test the selected composition in an inconspicuous area.
Cleaning the carpet and not wetting it is a completely doable task.... You can cope with it both with the help of household chemicals, and with the use of improvised means.
Many of them not only eliminate dust and dirt, but also destroy germs and also absorb unpleasant odors. After dry cleaning, you can immediately start using the product.