Operation Freshness, or how to quickly remove the smell of cigarettes in an apartment

foto28344-1The smell of cigarettes in the apartment is one of the persistent and difficult to remove. If you smoke in a living room, in the toilet or in the kitchen often, then the specific aroma is literally absorbed into the surrounding objects.

Simple folk recipes and special technical means will help to cope with the problem and return freshness. We will tell you how to quickly remove the smell of cigarettes in an apartment in the article.

Improvised means

Folk recipes will help especially well in the case when people do not smoke in the room constantly, and the smell from cigarettes has not had time to be firmly absorbed into the atmosphere. You can start with the simplest method - with airing.


If the problem with the smell appeared after only smoking in the room, ventilation can be used... To do this, open all windows.

If possible, it is best to organize a draft for at least half an hour, allowing the air currents to carry away the unpleasant odor. If it is not possible to organize a draft, you can turn on the fan to the maximum.


Cinnamon is a spice with a mild, pleasant aroma that almost everyone likes. To handle a smoky room, you will need several sticks.


  1. Turn on the oven in the kitchen.
  2. Set the maximum temperature.
  3. Wrap cinnamon sticks in foil and place inside the oven.
  4. Warm up for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Open the oven door.
  6. Open the doors of all rooms.

An alternative is to simmer the cinnamon sticks on the stove for half an hour. The lid is not lowered onto the pan.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf will help you quickly deal with cigarette aroma... An empty ashtray is required for the air purification procedure.

They put several leaves in it, and set them on fire. At the same time, the laurel itself should not burn, but only smolder, emitting smoke.

With an ashtray in hand, you need to slowly go around the entire apartment so that the laurel smoke interrupted the smell of cigarettes. After processing, the room is ventilated.

Smoldering leaves cannot be left unattended, and upon completion of work they must be extinguished.


The vanilla flavor is popular with most people and can also be used to remove flavor from cigarettes.For processing, you need a basin, powdered vanilla and a towel.

foto28344-3The order of work:

  • draw cold water into the basin;
  • add a bag of vanilla;
  • stir;
  • dip a large towel in the water;
  • leave it to lie down for 2 minutes;
  • squeeze out;
  • hang a towel in a room where you have smoked before.

A heavily smoked room will require re-processing.


To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you will need dishwashing detergent and borax.


  1. Collect 6-7 liters of water in a basin.
  2. Pour in ½ cup borax.
  3. Pour in 1 tsp. dishwashing gel.
  4. Stir.

The resulting solution is used to wipe surfaces in a smoky room.

It is also necessary to go over the upholstered furniture with a cloth soaked in the solution, avoiding strong moisture. After that, once again walk over all surfaces with a rag soaked in clean water.


Citrus zest contains a large amount of essential oils and has a pronounced strong aroma. The crusts are laid out on plates and placed in the room.

If the smell from cigarettes is not stagnant, the aroma of citrus will interrupt it quickly. This method will help to cope with the old smell in a few days.


foto28344-4Table vinegar has the ability to neutralize aromas due to its acid composition.

For processing, vinegar is diluted in half with water.... This solution is used for wiping surfaces.

The next step is to wipe the surfaces with a cloth soaked in clean water. Finishes cleaning - airing.

Essential oils

You can use several methods to scent a room. One of them is to use an aroma lamp. A small amount of water is poured into its bowl and 5-7 drops of essential oil are dripped.

After the candle is lit, the essential oils begin to evaporate.filling the room with a pleasant aroma.

If there is no aroma lamp, then a few drops can be applied to a cold light bulb and then turned on.

The cold method is also suitable:

  • pour 1 liter of water into a basin;
  • add 5 drops of essential oil;
  • dip a towel;
  • squeeze out excess water;
  • hang a towel in a smoky room.
In the cold season, when the radiators are working, a wet towel can not only be hung up, but placed on the radiator.

So the evaporation of the essential oil will be even more intense. We recommend using natural essential oils.

Wet towels

If you need to act very quickly, and there are no special tools at hand, you can take more terry towels and wet them well. The damp cloth will absorb the scents from the air. After that, the towels will need to be washed.

Soda, vinegar and ammonia

foto28344-5An effective way to eliminate odor in an apartment is to use a mixture of soda, vinegar, ammonia and water. For work you will need:

  • water - 3 liters;
  • soda - ¼ glass;
  • vinegar - ¼ glass;
  • ammonia - ½ cup.

All components are mixed. The resulting solution is used to wipe surfaces.

Technical purification of air in the room

In the house where the smoker lives, technical means to eliminate the smell of cigarettes will not be superfluous. Their application will allow you to solve the problem as it arises:

  1. Ionizer... When the ionizer operates, the smoke particles become heavier. However, they do not remain in the air for a long time, but settle. Wet cleaning should complement the work of the ionizer.
  2. Air conditioning... To purify the air from the aroma of cigarettes, an air conditioner can be used, which has a separate function for this. You can supplement the effect of the conditioner with wet cleaning.
  3. Hood... A kitchen hood will greatly remove the cigarette smell. In order for the smell to go away faster, you should choose the "turbo" or "maximum" mode.
  4. Humidifier... A humidifier not only increases humidity, but also helps the particles of tobacco smoke settle. For a comprehensive cleaning, you must also wipe all surfaces.
  5. Air purifier... Purifiers with a filtration system remove unpleasant odors from the room. Many well-known companies produce devices, including Mitsubishi, Panasonic and others. Aggregates can have a different set of functions. The basic principle of operation is to pass air through the filter system. When choosing a device for home use, it should be borne in mind that filters will require regular replacement.

Even high-quality household cleaners do not completely cleanse the air from all harmful substances, but they significantly reduce their concentration.

How to neutralize wallpaper scent?

foto28344-6It will not be enough to simply ventilate a heavily smoked room. Cigarette smoke is firmly absorbed into the surrounding objects, and the wallpaper suffers to a greater extent.

If the wallpaper can withstand wet processing, it is worth walking on it with a spongedipped in an aqueous solution of vinegar.

If the wallpaper is old, with an ingrained smell of cigarettes, you can simply replace it with new ones by making cosmetic repairs.

How to get rid of the toilet?

Removing the smell of cigarettes from the toilet has its own nuances. Despite the absence of carpets and upholstered furniture, the smell of cigarettes can remain in such a room for a long time. This situation is especially common in washrooms with poor ventilation.


  1. If an exhaust system is installed in the vent, it should be turned on.
  2. If the toilet is combined with a bath, then terry towels and bathrobes left on the hook will have to be washed, as they absorb odors very well.
  3. You can put a fresh apple cut into several parts. This fruit is capable of absorbing smells.

If the situation with smoking in the toilet is repeated from time to time, then you can prepare for it in advance:

  1. Apply a spray to neutralize odors. You can buy it in household chemicals stores.
  2. Install the hood.

The toilet room does not meet all the requirements for a smoking area.


Professional advice to help you cope with air purification from a cigarette smell quickly and efficiently:

  1. foto28344-7Airing is the easiest way to remove odors. It should always be used whenever possible when cleaning.
  2. For rooms where people smoke often, the best option would be to use special cleaning equipment - hoods, air conditioners, etc.
  3. It may not always be possible to quickly remove the smell. For rooms with carpets, books, upholstered furniture, removing the aroma from cigarettes will take a long time.
  4. Do not use multiple recipes at the same time trying to mask odors. The result is an unpleasant cacophony of aromas.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

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Simple recipes and technical means will quickly help to remove the smell of cigarettes in an apartment. The most difficult thing to cope with the task is when the room is heavily smoked and has not been ventilated for a long time.



