Tricks of experienced drivers, how to remove the smell in the car by yourself
An unpleasant smell in the car is a fairly common problem that any vehicle owner can face.
The reason may be leaked or spoiled products, breakdowns of the equipment of the car itself, inadequate care of the interior and other circumstances.
Depending on the situation, you can use special tools or even get by with simple recipes. How to independently remove the smell in the car interior, we will tell in the article.
Use of improvised means
In addition to purchased auto chemical products with an unpleasant odor, you can even cope in the salon on your own, using improvised preparations that are in the household.
Coal can be used as a sorbent in a car. It can be activated charcoal tablets, and charcoal for barbecue.
The sorbent must be placed in the salon and left for several days. Activated charcoal from the pharmacy should be squeezed out of the blisters beforehand.
Depending on the severity of the situation, you need 50-100 tablets. Charcoal for a picnic can even be put in a bucket.
Using soda is very easy - it is enough to sprinkle the powder directly from the package onto the contaminated areas. This substance absorbs unpleasant odors and moisture. For exposure, soda is left for several hours, after which the treated surfaces are brushed or vacuumed.
The acid in table vinegar can solve the problem of unpleasant odors. It is especially effective in eliminating the smell of vomit and cigarettes.
Coffee can become a pleasant aroma of the salon. Only natural is suitable for this - ground or in grains.
It is laid out in the cabin in loosely closed containers., and the problem is solved in a day or two. Ground - works faster. Coffee is also suitable for preventing unpleasant odors.
Ammonia is a pharmacy product that can be used if necessary to eliminate unpleasant odors.
For processing, use an aqueous solution prepared in the following proportion: 0.5 liters. water - 10 ml of ammonia.
Compulsory airing must complete the treatment... It is forbidden to drive the car until the ammonia smell disappears.
Special formulations for the machine
To eliminate unpleasant odors in a car, you can use one of the means - neutralizers. They are available in various flavors.
The spray is intended for car upholstery maintenance. SmellOFF is also suitable for cleaning the trunk and other surfaces.
As part of the preparation:
- Surfactant;
- water;
- enzymes;
- vegetable extracts.
If necessary, the processing should be repeated. Price for 0.5 l - from 670 rubles.
Carpet & Cloth Refresher
The neutralizer spray removes odors from the vehicle interior. The drug is sprayed in the cabin after the source of the unpleasant odor has been eliminated. Shows the product high efficiency in any climate and at any humidity, including high.
Application procedure:
- Shake the bottle.
- Spread evenly over the surface, achieving moisture.
- If necessary, processing can be carried out again.
You should not wipe the preparation - the product should dry itself on the fabric. Price - from 800 rubles.
Doctor Wax
Doctor Wax is an eco-product for the car interior... The gel in the box can be placed under the seat. The advantage of the drug is the absorption of unpleasant odors and the creation of a fresh and clean scent in the car. The average price is about 400 rubles.
Features of the elimination of various unpleasant odors
Taking into account the type of pollution, it is possible to find the best way to cope with unpleasant odors.
If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of the smell of dampness, then you should find out what was the cause. This could be:
- air conditioner malfunction;
- spilling a large amount of liquid;
- finding a car in a damp garage, etc.
The first thing to do is to dry the car interior. This can be done on a sunny day by opening all the doors and even the trunk for several hours. You can also walk in areas prone to moisture accumulation with chlorhexidine.
For more information on how to remove the smell of dampness in the car, see this article.
The smell of cigarettes in the cabin can be very persistent, especially if you smoke regularly.
Airing alone will not help solve the situation.... You can use both special preparations for the smell of smoke, and flavors and neutralizers from improvised means.
If people smoke often in the cabin, then even a good odor neutralizer will not radically solve the situation. Read about removing cigarette odor here.
Milk, meat, blood
Leaked raw meat or dairy product can then remind of itself for a long time with an unpleasant odor in the cabin.
It is imperative to wash and remove all traces of the incident, since spoiled food is a good environment for the development of microbes, and for a very long time they emit a persistent repulsive aroma.
Cleaning soft surfaces with solutions, thorough ventilation and the use of sorbents - for example, soda or coal - will help to cope with the problem.
Before proceeding to eliminate the odor, you should remove the vomit themselves.Sprinkling baking soda on the stain and using special products from the pet store can help. An aqueous solution of table vinegar will also be effective, especially when vomit gets on the upholstery.
Technical odors
Most of the technical odors are caused by equipment malfunctions. If there is a breakdown, then neutralizers and flavors by themselves will not solve the problem. Their use is recommended after vehicle repair.
Also Movil can be the source of the stench - a widely used preservative for processing car parts. The substance gives off persistent and very corrosive fumes.
High-quality drying will help speed up odor neutralization. This can be done, for example, in a warm box. Alternatively, the use of odor absorbers - soda, coal, etc.
Placing coffee beans, soda or coal in the cabin will help speed up the elimination of technical odors. The minimum exposure time is overnight.
Dry cleaning: how and how much?
Salon dry cleaning can be ordered on the territory of car washes or invite specialists to visit. Cleaning is possible local or complex. Depending on the problem and the condition of the interior, dry cleaning can take several hours.
On average, interior cleaning will cost the car owner from 2,000-3,000 rubles. After such treatment, the interior of the car will be clean and free of unpleasant odors.
Preventive measures
The preventive measures taken into service will help keep the interior of the car clean and avoid unpleasant odors:
- The problem must be resolved as soon as it occurs. Permanent odors are much more difficult to deal with.
- It is not advisable to leave food in the car. If damaged, they will not only give off an unpleasant odor, but can stain and become a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms.
- It is undesirable to eat food and drink drinks in the car.
- Regular airing of the passenger compartment will help maintain a fresh atmosphere in the car.
- It is not advisable to transport strong smelling substances in a car, as the aroma can remain in the cabin for a long time, even if the source of the smell is removed from it.
- Breakdowns of the car systems that lead to the penetration of the smell of gasoline and diesel fuel into the passenger compartment should be eliminated promptly. Otherwise, the unpleasant odor will become persistent, and it will be more difficult to remove it.
9 recommendations
In order to eliminate odors as efficiently as possible and not take too long, it is recommended to follow these tips:
If food, gasoline or any other substance spills on the seat, you need to clean the upholstery properly.
- It is not advisable to use interior fragrances with relaxing aromas, as this can weaken the driver's vigilance on the road. These undesirable odors include, for example, chamomile, jasmine, vanilla.
- An invigorating effect is provided by aromas based on lemon, cinnamon and coffee oils.
- Do not use multiple flavors at the same time. When mixed together, they can create a very caustic mixture that can lead to at least headaches and irritability.
- Rugs and textiles, like plastics, need regular maintenance. It is possible to put them in order using special means, for example, "Vanish" for carpets.
- Damp items should not be stored in the salon. This can cause unpleasant odors and even mold growth.
- Among auto chemistry products there are products for treating various types of surfaces. This point must be considered when making a purchase.
- Using a steam generator and vacuum cleaner allows you to freshen up the upholstery, remove dirt and remove odors from the interior.
- The ashtray in the car should be cleaned after each ride.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.
It is necessary to remove the smell in the car by yourself as soon as the problem is detected. Special or improvised means will help to do this. If it is impossible to cope with the task, you will have to contact the specialists for professional dry cleaning.