Helpful advice on how to remove glue from glasses on glasses
Glue is indispensable in everyday life, due to its versatility. With it, you can glue anything.
But a drop accidentally hitting glass (for example, glasses) or other materials becomes a real problem. It will not work to wipe off such glue with plain water; other, more effective methods will be required.
How remove the glue from glasses on glasses? Let's figure it out.
How to wipe off?
There are several ways to remove the adhesive (in particular super glue) from glasses. For this you will need common household tools that will always be found on the farm:
dishwashing liquid;
- vegetable oil;
- soap;
- ammonia;
- any wiper;
- acetone;
- Dimexide (pharmacy drug);
- kerosene or gasoline;
- nail polish remover.
The following tools may also come in handy:
- rag napkin;
- foam sponge;
- cotton pads;
- razor blade;
- eraser;
- paper knife;
- plastic spatula.
This versatile liquid remover can easily deal with glue contamination.
- Spray the glass cleaner onto the glue.
- Wait about 20-25 minutes for the glue to soften.
- Then wipe the glass with a dry cloth made of coarse cloth or use a spatula.
It happens that the first time it is not possible to completely remove the stain (if the glue has had time to harden strongly). Then the attempt is repeated as many times as necessary.
This is an inexpensive drug sold in every pharmacy. However, it is very effective in dealing with superglue that accidentally gets on the glass surface.
- apply the product to a cotton pad or swab;
- rubbing the stain, trying not to go beyond its borders;
- as they become dirty, the disc is changed, so they act until the glue mark completely disappears;
- in the end, wipe the glass surface with a coarse rag.
If the cotton pads are not changed during stripping, sticky streaks will form.
Acetone is suitable as a glue cleaner. This is the strongest solvent, upon contact with which even a heavily dried stain is destroyed. The only drawback of this method is the toxicity of the liquid. So when working with it, you need to use rubber gloves and a face mask.
- A loofah or cloth is moistened in acetone.
- Begin to erase the stain, moving from the outer edge to the center.
- Clean the glass until there is no trace of glue.
- Upon completion of the work, wipe the surface with soapy water, then with clean water.
Gasoline or kerosene
Sprays of glue accidentally left on the glass of the glasses can be perfectly handled by gasoline or kerosene.
Step by step actions:
- soak a rag with a cleaning compound;
- applied to the contaminated area and wait about 30 minutes;
- repeat the manipulation, only wait 15 minutes;
- the softened layer is removed with a rubber spatula.
Liquid soap
Ordinary liquid soap or dishwashing detergent will work. How to use them to scrub superglue:
Warm water is poured into the container (about 35 ᵒС).
- Add some soap or dish soap and mix thoroughly.
- Moisten a sponge in a solution.
- Wipe the dirty surface.
- Then a brush is used, which is usually used for cleaning bottles.
- Repeatedly pass over the glass with a dry cloth.
Vegetable oil
If the glue spot has not yet had time to set, then you can easily wipe it off with vegetable oil.
How do they do:
- soak a cotton pad with oil;
- apply it to the dirt and leave it for an hour;
- then remove the softened adhesive composition with a plastic spatula;
- wipe the treated area with soapy water (you can replace the soap with a window cleaner) and a dry flannel cloth.
Nail polish remover
Any acetone-based liquids can successfully deal with fresh adhesive contamination. These include nail polish remover.
- Pour the product onto a cotton swab or disc.
- Begin to gently rub the stain. Change the cotton wool if necessary.
- Finally, wipe the surface with clean water and a dry cloth.
The aggressive liquid should be applied directly to the adhesive. Contact with a clean surface can lead to stains.
Mechanical method
For work, you will need a special scraper that will help scrape off the remaining glue from the glass. If it is not at hand, then a stationery knife or razor blade will do.
They act as follows:
- a soap solution is poured into the spray device; to enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of ammonia to it;
- warm up the glue line with a hairdryer;
- spray the contamination with soapy water;
- then cut off the sticky layer with a sharp instrument, directing it at an angle of about 40 degrees, while trying not to be too zealous so as not to scratch the glass;
- after completing the procedure, degrease the surface with alcohol.
Another productive way to remove glue from glass is to use ammonia. What need to do:
Prepare a solution of dishwashing liquid (1 tsp) and ammonia (1 tsp).
- A cotton pad or sponge is dipped into it.
- Treat the stain.
- Rub until the glue is completely eliminated.
- The surface is polished with a flannel cloth.
When working with ammonia, the room must be ventilated. Otherwise, you can poison it in vapors.
How to remove with special tools?
Now on the shelves of hardware stores, there is a wide range of special cleaning products. Among them are the most productive.
Anticlee is ideal for removing all polyurethane adhesives... It has a gel-like consistency, which is convenient for application (does not spread).One tube is enough for several times if, after use, it is closed with a cap.
The price of a tube with a volume of 38 ml is from 60 to 70 rubles. The disadvantage of anti-glue is its toxicity, since it is a solvent. Therefore, when working with it, caution is required. Store it out of the reach of children.
White Spirit
It is a gasoline solvent that is widely used in the rubber industry and in everyday life. for dissolving paints and varnishes. With its help, you can easily cope with adhesive contamination on any surfaces, including glass.
Store white spirit away from heat sources and open flames. In case of fire, do not use water for extinguishing.
Its shelf life is 3 years, after which it loses all its properties. And this is regardless of the storage conditions. The cost of the product varies depending on the manufacturer: foreign - from 260 rubles, domestic - from 100 rubles.
How to use it:
- Apply the product to the contaminated surface.
- Wait 10-15 minutes and repeat the manipulation.
- When the glue softens, remove it with a utility knife.
Cleaner "ZM 08184"
An effective tool in the fight against adhesive contamination of any complexity. It is produced in the form of aerosols, which is convenient for application.
- has a pleasant orange aroma;
- safe for others;
- applicable to all surfaces;
- does not need subsequent wiping dry.
- not suitable for washing off fresh glue;
- flammable;
- does not cope with adhesives of the cyanoacrylate type;
- high cost - from 1.5 thousand rubles. per bottle.
To remove the glue, just spray on a little and wipe off with a napkin. Repeat if necessary.
What should not be used to clean spectacle lenses and why?
To avoid damaging the glasses, to remove the glue do not use abrasive materials:
- sponges,
- emery skins,
- powdery products,
- metal sponges.
It is undesirable to overheat the glass, which can lead to its cracking. Therefore, when mechanically removing glue contamination, the hair dryer is not very close to the lenses and they try to ensure that the heating is uniform.
Tips on the topic of the article
A few useful tips on the topic of the article:
when choosing a method for removing glue from glasses, start with the most gentle options (for example, vegetable oil);
- rubber adhesive is better washed off with pure gasoline;
- choosing a nail polish remover, make sure that acetone is present in its composition (otherwise it will not be possible to remove superglue from the glass);
- if a razor blade is used to scrape off the glue layer, then for convenience, insert it into an eraser;
- in order not to scratch the glass, it is preferable to use a special paint scraper (sold in household departments);
- in case of ignorance of the type of glue with which the glass is stained, kerosene, acetone, gasoline or white spirit will help;
- plant-based glue is well removed with a mixture of two alcohols - ammonia and denatured, which are dissolved in water (all components are taken in equal proportions).
Some options can be combined to achieve the desired result faster.
It is necessary to choose a way to get rid of the glue that has accidentally got on the glass with a reference to the adhesive composition. If it is an industrial cleaner, read the instructions first.There should be indicated the types of glue that the product can handle.