Useful tips and tricks on how and how to clean a leather sofa at home

foto1948-1A leather sofa is a modern and high-profile piece of furniture: it fits perfectly into any interior, combining comfort and durability. However, the maintenance of such a sofa requires regular and proper care.

It is important not only to handle it with care and wipe the dust every day, but also when stains appear, do the cleaning as quickly as possible.

In this article we will tell you how and how you can clean a leather sofa at home.

How to remove stains with improvised means?

Folk remedies - the simplest and cheapest for cleaning stains on leather upholstery.

Before you start cleaning, you should apply the solution to be used to a small inconspicuous area of ​​the sofa - this will help you understand if it will harm your skin.

If after a while there are no problems, you can start working on the entire surface.

How to wash with soapy water?

foto1948-2Most fresh stains can be removed with a simple solution of liquid or laundry soapwithout requiring the use of more aggressive substances and efforts.

To prepare a solution with a liquid product, you will need 1 liter of water and 10 drops of soap.

When using laundry soap, you need a bar no larger than a matchbox and 800 ml of warm, but not hot water. The soap should be grated or chopped with a knife.

The product must be applied for 10-15 minutes to the contaminated areaand then wash off with a clean, damp cloth.

The composition is safe for leather furniture and can be used on a regular basis to keep the upholstery clean and fresh.

Vinegar + water

In 0.5 liters. water at room temperature must be diluted 1/3 cup 9% table vinegar, add 1.5 tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of liquid soap or dishwashing liquid.

Using a brush with medium-hard bristles, apply the solution to the dirt and wait until it dries completely, then wipe the entire surface of the sofa with a cloth soaked in warm water and well wrung out.

After applying the liquid, the stains will become brighter, but after drying, they will completely disappear.

Hydrogen peroxide

foto1948-3Add 150 ml of hydrogen peroxide to 250 ml of hot, but not boiling water and 5 tablespoons of soda, mix thoroughly and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

Apply the product locally, holding the spray gun at a distance of 10-15 cm from the upholstery of the sofa, wait a few minutes until the edges of the stains begin to blur.

By directing cold air from the hair dryer to the surface, dry the moisture until it completely disappears.


Dissolve 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 500 ml of warm water and 10 drops of liquid soap. Wipe the entire surface of the sofa with a fluffy cloth soaked in solution, paying special attention to dirt.

To remove stubborn stains, you can use another solution: dilute 2 tablespoons of ammonia in 50 ml of water, apply the liquid to the stain with a cotton pad or cotton swab, avoiding getting it onto the surrounding surface.

Without making any effort, carry out several times on the pollution. Then wipe the cleaned area with a weak soapy solution.

It is permissible to use ammonia only to get rid of stains on light upholstery.otherwise, it will "eat" the darker skin color.

Talcum powder or baby powder

foto1948-4This method is effective for removing greasy stains, it is powerless for other types of dirt.

Add 1 tablespoon of table salt to 1 tablespoon of talcum powder or baby powder based on it finely ground.

Pour the resulting powder onto the stains with a thick layer, leave for 20-30 minutes, and then remove with a vacuum cleaner.

Wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth dampened with water and a drop of fabric softener.


The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Crush an aspirin tablet in a mortar and dilute in 10 ml of hot, but not boiling water.
  2. Apply locally to the stain, rub lightly with a cotton pad or soft microfiber cloth.
  3. Wipe the entire surface of the sofa with a well-wrung cloth dipped in warm water.
This method is effective in combating old blood stains, but can be used if streaks and light contamination occur.


foto1948-5In gasoline, purified from impurities, moisten a cotton swab or cotton pad and gently, without applying force, rub the stain.

After removing it, immediately use a soft sponge with a drop of liquid soap or dishwashing liquid to remove the remaining fuel from the upholstery.

After the procedure, to avoid drying the skin, treat the surface with glycerin.

This method is considered an extreme measure.because it damages the capricious leather upholstery of furniture.

It should be used to remove traces of paint, felt-tip pen, ink or nail polish, as these chemicals are difficult to clean with other methods.

Specialized formulations

The choice of household chemicals for removing stains from leather furniture is truly impressive: there is an effective and safe remedy for every taste and wallet.

House Lux Wet Wipes

This cleaning method is absolutely safe and suitable for light dirt and streaks., the napkins do not require additional agents, for example, water; after using them, the upholstery does not need to be rinsed.

An additional advantage of such a cleaning agent is giving the skin shine and moisturizing thanks to the organically selected combination of washing and caring components.

Attractive and price - from 60 rubles for 30 pcs.


Eco Mist

Water-based formulas are safe for children and people with allergies. Free of chlorine and petroleum products, odorless. Contains exclusively natural herbal ingredients.

With all their environmental friendliness, such products effectively and effortlessly deal with most dirt, excluding chemical dyes and old stains.

The cost of a 400 ml bottle starts from the mark at 270 rubles.


Bagi Super-leather

The real heavyweight among cleansers is in the semi-professional category. To work with it, you need a medical mask and household gloves.

Copes with all types of stains, but furniture should be cleaned in a well-ventilated area due to the high chemical content.

The composition contains beeswax, which protects leather products from drying out and cracking, and also restores the natural color and shine. Fragrances give the furniture an unobtrusive scent.

You will have to pay for 400 ml of the product in a package with a spray bottle from 400 rubles.


Grass Leather Cleaner

Products in this category are designed for cleaning with subsequent care and prevention of new dirt. They are effective even against stubborn stains, are quickly absorbed and do not require rinsing.

Glycerin contained in them in large quantities:

  • moisturizes the skin,
  • gives shine,
  • prevents the appearance of cracks and abrasions on furniture.

Thanks to deep penetration into the structure of the upholstery, the solutions protect it from fading and premature discoloration.

Available in a spray bottle or in the form of a gel that requires dilution with water. Price for 600 ml varies from 350 rubles.


Cleaning with technology

In the event that the stains formed on the leather furniture did not have time to dry, a washing vacuum cleaner will help to effectively and quickly remove them.

Vacuum thoroughly before starting work. dust, pet hair and food crumbs from the surface, then apply a cleanser locally where necessary.

Using a special nozzle (usually it is a brush or a soft brush), clean the upholstery. This method will not only allow the cleaning components to penetrate deeper, but also gently remove their remnants.

In the fight against old and stubborn stains, excellent the assistant will be a steam cleaner... The method does not require the application of chemicals, therefore it is safe and can be used on a regular basis.

The principle of operation is based on the decomposition of contamination by hot steam supplied under high pressure. To get started, just pour water into the tank, adding a drop of fabric softener if desired.

Besides being effective in combating pollution, this method will allow you to disinfect furniture, eliminate the resulting creases on the skin and give shine to the product.

How to wash white or light colored furniture?

foto1948-10Light skin, especially white skin, looks impressive and bright, but is most susceptible to dirt and stains.

They should be removed as soon as possible with a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia... Such a composition is the least dangerous for delicate upholstery, but it copes no worse than chemical agents.

You can also use rubbing alcohol diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

For cleaning white leather furniture toothpaste or tooth powder will work... It is important that their color is white, without color inclusions.

A small amount is enough to apply to the stain, rub it with a soft sponge, then walk over the surface with a well-wrung out microfiber cloth.

Acetone, ammonia and any kind of bleach for cleansing fair skin are strictly prohibited.

Such aggressive substances will lead to disastrous consequences in the form of:

  • the appearance of abrasions,
  • thinning,
  • cracking of the material.

Despite the fact that white leather upholstery is susceptible to much more staining than darker ones, the range of remedies is wider, because the risk of whitish stains is minimized.

How to clean a white leather sofa with improvised and inexpensive means:

How to remove abrasions?

A significant drawback of leather furniture is the appearance of abrasions and scratches. You can restore damaged upholstery with improvised means and special compounds. The method chosen depends only on what is in the house.

Liquid skin

foto1948-11The most efficient restoration method leather products - the use of a composition that resembles gouache in texture, the so-called liquid leather.

It is extremely difficult to choose such a tool for unusual upholstery colors, but to eliminate defects on a black, white or brown leather sofa, the composition can be purchased at a hardware store.

Apply the paste evenly to the damaged area using a porous sponge, which will create a natural skin relief.

All that remains is to wait until it is completely dry, which usually takes about 2 hours, after which the product will look like new.

Olive oil

To eliminate minor abrasions, you should soak a cotton pad or soft cloth in sunflower oil so that it is moist enough, then gently rub the affected area and range around the affected area in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes.

Lightly blot the oil with a dry cloth and allow the residue to absorb into the skin. Repeat the procedure several times if necessary.

In that case, when the defect is more significant, apply a thick layer of olive oil to the scratched area, cover it on top with a cotton cloth folded in half without impurities in the composition.

Leave in this state until the material is saturated with oil. With a warm iron, unplugged from the outlet, for 10 seconds, make continuous circular movements over the fabric.

This will allow the oil to saturate the skin and fill in the defect. After removing the fabric, leave the oil for 1-2 hoursand then remove its remnants with a damp cloth.

Shoe polish

foto1948-12Thanks to the wide range of shoe care products, it is not difficult to find a cream that matches the color of your sofa upholstery.

Apply a small amount of cream to a cotton swab or cotton pad and lightly rubbing in the damaged area.

Allow the product to dry, then use a suede or velor cloth to walk several times over the restored surface.


Suitable as a special one, available in any hardware store, and natural bee. Enough heat the wax to a low temperature and treat the abrasions with a soft cloth, it will restore the structure of the skin and return it to its original shine.

Which one of methods and means for cleaning the sofa choose, everyone decides for himself.

It should be remembered that the use of nail polish, food dyes, industrial paints and other aggressive liquids will not only not lead to the desired result, but will also completely ruin the appearance of the leather sofa.


So, leather is a natural material, unique and extremely capricious... It does not have the ability to heal itself, but like nothing else it is subject to various kinds of pollution and the occurrence of defects.

The original look of leather furniture can only be preserved with careful attention to it and regular proper care.



