Good advice on how to remove rust from metal at home with folk remedies

foto21224-1Metal oxidation occurs when exposed to moisture and oxygen. As a result, a reddish-brown coating is formed, which destroys the material over time.

To eliminate corrosion, not only purchased products can be used, but also simple homemade recipes.

Read about how to remove rust from metal at home using folk remedies in the article.

How to clean the surface?

To achieve a good result, rust removal must combine an integrated approach: mechanical and chemical action.

Just cleaning off the rusty layer is not enough. Chemical action prevents the spread of corrosive processes.

In addition, electrochemical action can be used by passing an electric current through a special solution. This method is used more often in industrial conditions, but it can also be organized at home, despite the complexity of the organization.

All the most useful and important about the methods and methods of removing rust will be found in this section.


Consider what acids remove rust:


foto21224-2Citric acid is a harmless product that can help remove rust stains on metal, tiles and other surfaces.

In preparation for cleaning the acid is diluted with water, preparing a concentrated solution, and applied to the affected areas.

After the composition has been applied for an hour, the acid is washed off with a washcloth. This option is suitable for light pollution, and will not cope with serious ones.

Read more about the use of citric acid in the fight against rust. here.


Oxalic acid is a chemical that is active against corrosion. This drug is effective but poisonous. Its use should be carried out with quality protection, including safety glasses and a respirator. Can be used for advanced cases.

The order of work:

  • wash the area that needs processing with a detergent, even laundry soap is suitable;
  • dry the metal;
  • in a separate container, combine 0.3 liters. water and 6 tsp. acid powder;
  • apply the product with a brush;
  • ensure contact of the solution with the metal for 40 minutes;
  • clean with a brush;
  • rinse under water.
If possible, it is better to clean metal things by immersion in the prepared solution.


foto21224-3You can remove rust from metal using hydrochloric acid. This method has a good effect, allowing you to cope even with advanced cases of corrosion.

The order of work:

  1. A cloth moistened with acid is rubbed on the surface with areas of corrosion with polishing, rubbing movements.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Wash off with plenty of water.

It is necessary to wash off the acid especially carefully so that it does not remain on the metal at all, as it can damage, even in weak concentration, the skin of the hands. It is necessary to take into account the toxicity of the drug, and pay attention to individual protection.


Phosphoric acid is one of the most effective substances for removing corrosion on metal. Due to its ability to react with corrosion products, this drug can cope even with significant lesions.

For metal cleaning, acid with a concentration of 15-20% is used. The time required for exposure is about 5 minutes. After that, the remnants of rust are brushed off with a stiff brush.

Orthophosphoric acid is found in most rust converters. He will tell you about the use of phosphoric acid against rust this article.


Removing rust with vinegar is an easy way that does not require significant investment. But this method will give a good effect only with unstable dirt in a domestic environment, such as plumbing.

Best results are obtained if the rusted metal objects are small and can be completely dipped in vinegar. This method is convenient for shaping bolts, nuts, etc.

It is recommended to use vinegar undiluted. Read more about the cleaning method here.


foto21224-4Baking soda is an affordable anti-rust product at home.

To prepare the cleaning composition, it is necessary to make a non-liquid mixture, in consistency - like gruel.

Operating procedure:

  1. Using a sponge, the composition is applied to the place of contamination with rubbing movements.
  2. The mixture is left to act for half an hour.
  3. Rub the metal again with a sponge or brush.
  4. Wash off.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is a cheap pharmaceutical agent used to disinfect wounds. In addition, this drug is actively used to remove dirt from various surfaces, and also allows you to cope with rust.

You can use peroxide as a stand-alone remedy or in combination with sodium salt, which increases the effect.


  • Pour 4 tbsp into the prepared container. trisodium phosphate;
  • pour in 3 liters of water;
  • pour 50 ml of peroxide very slowly, in small portions;
  • dip rusted tools or other metal objects into the container;
  • leave the metal in the solution for half an hour;
  • wash off the composition with water.

For large objects, active rubbing of the metal surface with a solution is permissible. Repeat rubbing periodically, several times, every 10 minutes.

It is convenient to use peroxide to combat corrosion if it is present in small quantitieseg on kitchen utensils.

Aluminium foil

foto21224-5Aluminum foil, which is used in the kitchen during cooking, can be used for abrasive action.

This requires:

  1. Cut off a small piece of foil.
  2. Form a ball out of this piece.
  3. Use this ball to rub on rusty stains.

This method can be used for small stains, but it is not capable of repairing serious corrosion damage. Foil treatment gives unstable results.

This method is suitable as a temporary measure., if necessary, eliminate local traces of rust, for example, on an iron.

After using only aluminum foil without using additional funds, the result will not last long - no more than a few months.


Using Coca-Cola for Corrosion - A Popular Cleaning Recipe... In order to get a noticeable result, it is necessary to ensure that the cola is in contact with the metal surface.

If you need to process metal that is fixed at an angle or vertically, you can soak a rag with it and apply it to the desired areas.

Depending on the extent of the corrosive processes, the impact should last from several hours to a day. After that, the surface is brushed and washed off with water.

The effectiveness of the recipe is associated with phosphoric acid, which is part of the cola. For more information about this method of cleaning surfaces from rust, read this article.


Even a regular battery can be used to remove rust. To carry out the work, you need to prepare tools and consumables.

You will need:

  • foto21224-6salt batteries with a zinc case;
  • rubber gloves;
  • blade;
  • insulating tape (or elastic);
  • baking soda;
  • the wire;
  • sponges;
  • car battery;
  • electric clothespin (optional);
  • orthophosphoric acid.

You can check that the battery is salt with a zinc case using a magnet - it should not magnetize.

The order of work:

  1. Use a blade to remove the wrapper from the battery.
  2. Wrap the wire on the case, fixing it with electrical tape.
  3. Attach the sponge with tape to the end marked "-".
  4. Remove rust from the metal to be processed.
  5. Soak a sponge in phosphoric acid.
  6. The battery wire is connected from the "+" side of the car battery. It is convenient to do this with an electric clothespin.
  7. Rust is burned out by pressing the end of the battery, which has a cotton pad. That the process is proceeding correctly should be indicated by hissing and foam.
  8. The cotton sponge burns out during processing and must be replaced. If a large area of ​​metal is to be processed, then the battery will also have to be changed.
In the process of processing, you cannot linger in one place. It is necessary to drive over the center of corrosion, ensuring the removal of rust and transfer of zinc to the surface.

After galvanizing, the acid must be removed. For this, soda is used. A concentrated aqueous solution is prepared from it, with which the surface is wiped.

After such processing, the metal will be protected and will not rot. Even if significant damage has already been done by corrosion, further propagation of the process will be stopped..

You can learn more about this method of removing rust from this articles.

Prevention of corrosion

foto21224-7In order for corrosion not to spoil the metal, it is necessary to pay attention to preventive measures.

Uncoated surfaces are most susceptible to corrosion... In humid conditions and when oxygen is available, such a metal rusts very quickly.

The solution to the problem is timely care of metal elements, which would not allow the growth of corrosion processes. After removing rust, it is advisable to protect the surface from moisture with a coating.

7 recommendations

In order to effectively remove rust using homemade recipes, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. If the result was not achieved the first time, cleaning should be repeated.
  2. When choosing a recipe, you should take into account the type of material that needs to be put in order. Not all recipes that are suitable for metal care can be used on plastics and other surfaces.
  3. Rust removal work must be carried out in protective equipment. Even when cleaning with just vinegar, gloves are needed. If corrosive substances that produce toxic vapors are used, it is necessary to additionally use a respirator and safety glasses.
  4. When choosing a cleaning method, the degree of corrosive processes must be taken into account. For advanced cases, many methods will be poorly effective, for example, with soda, vinegar, foil.
  5. After chemical exposure, rust must be removed with a stiff brush or metal scraper.
  6. In advanced cases, when the top layer of the metal is damaged by rust, the surface must be prepared for chemical attack by cleaning off the top damaged layer. To do this, use scrapers, brushes with metal bristles, grinders and other devices.
  7. To remove rust from car metal, it is advisable to use rust converters rather than homemade recipes.
Only ferrous metals can corrode; non-ferrous metals are not subject to corrosion. However, they may contain streaks and rusty streaks from other metal objects.

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By using homemade recipes, it is possible to deal with low to moderate corrosion without the purchase of expensive drugs. Acid-based chemicals, purchased or prepared on your own, can be hazardous to health and must be handled with care.



