Step-by-step instructions on how to clean a gas tank from rust inside

foto20967-1In order for the vehicle to work properly, it must be filled with high-quality fuel. But even the most highly purified gasoline will not save you from rust in the gas tank if it has already appeared.

To prevent its smallest particles from seeping through the filter and damaging the engine, you need to regularly clean the fuel storage from corrosion.

Read about how to clean the inside of a gas tank from rust in the article.

Preparation for cleaning

To prevent rust from accumulating in the gas tank, you need to clean it regularly. Professionals advise to do this at least 3 times a year.

foto20967-2Before proceeding with the basic corrosion removal procedure, you need to carry out several preparatory measures:

  1. Empty tank. It should not contain gasoline. It must either be worked out or drained.
  2. Remove the tank, open the lid and turn it over to remove the remaining gasoline from the lines and from the bottom.
  3. Place the container in such a way that it is convenient to pour the cleaning compound into it.

Even preparatory activities should take place in a well-ventilated area. Gasoline tends to evaporate, and its vapors are toxic to humans.

Cleansing methods

You can cope with rust in a gas tank with the help of improvised means. Acids and solvents are used to combat corrosion, but when using them, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Hydrochloric or phosphoric acid

Both phosphoric and hydrochloric acids do an excellent job with the oxides formed on the metal surface. However, they must be handled with extreme caution, since if they come into contact with the skin, they can provoke a severe chemical burn.

You can pour acid into water, but water into acid is strictly prohibited. This will lead to a violent reaction that can cause burns.


  1. foto20967-3Fill the hot water tank. You need to fill it in half.
  2. Pour 2 liters of acid into it.
  3. Fill the tank up to the brim with water.
  4. Close it with a lid, preferably an iron one.
  5. Leave on for 2 hours. From time to time you need to go to the container and shake it slightly.
  6. After the indicated time, the acid is drained off.
  7. A solution based on soda and water is poured into the tank to neutralize acid residues.

The concentration of the acid used for cleaning the tank should not exceed 10-14%.You can learn more about the method of getting rid of rust using phosphoric acid. here.

How to rinse with acetone?

You can cope with metal oxides with acetone. This versatile solvent is not only effective on paintwork, but also excellent at removing rust.


  • 2 liters of technical acetone are poured into an empty tank;
  • close the container with a lid and shake it several times;
  • after 5 minutes, the product is drained.
If the tank is heavily contaminated, then the procedure must be repeated again. After completing the cleaning, the container is rinsed with water and dried.


If the layer of rust is small, then you can deal with it with the help of household chemicals, which are in everyone in the house.

foto20967-4You can get rid of corrosion using tools such as:

  • shampoo;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • liquid soap;
  • washing powder.

The selected composition must be diluted with enough water to fill the tank to the top. They do not regret the tool, the more concentrated the solution, the better.

Tank handling instructions anti-rust detergents:

  1. The ready-made solution is poured into the fuel storage, filling it to the brim.
  2. Close the container with a lid and shake vigorously several times.
  3. Leave the tank alone for 3-5 hours.
  4. Drain the solution, wash it with warm water several times.
This method can be used both for getting rid of existing corrosion and for preventive purposes.

How to get rid of with vinegar?

You can remove rust from the inner walls of the tank with acetic acid. For the remedy to work, it is better to use the essence. A volume of 0.25 ml is enough for 20 liters of water.

If the rust does not thicken the walls of the tank, citric acid or vinegar can be used to remove it, rather than essence.

foto20967-5Mode of application:

  1. Pour water with vinegar dissolved in it into the tank.
  2. Leave on for 12 hours.
  3. Shake the tank vigorously several times. If there is too much water in it, then it must be drained.
  4. Pour out the acid, rinse the tank with a soda solution.
  5. After the vinegar is neutralized, the container is rinsed with clean running water.

Will tell about the use of vinegar in the fight against rust this article.

Water pressure

If there is a Karcher mini-car wash in the garage, then you can do it only with its help, without using any additional funds.


  • connect the device to the network;
  • insert the water supply pipe into the tank;
  • spray liquid under high pressure;
  • drain the water;
  • repeat the procedure.

After cleaning, the tank is dried and replaced.


You can clean the walls of the gas tank from rust with soda water. Coca-Cola is a source of phosphoric acid, which is a versatile rust dissolver.


  1. Heat Cola to 40 degrees. It is best to do this in an aluminum pan. The enamelled container may stain.
  2. Pour the heated soda into the tank. It needs to be filled to the brim.
  3. Leave the product inside for 4 hours or more.
  4. Drain the Cola, rinse the tank with clean water.

Instead of Cola, you can use Fanta, Sprite or Pepsi (read more here). This does not affect the effectiveness of the procedure. The only drawback of the method is its high cost. If the tank is designed for 50 liters, then you will need to buy a lot of soda.

Special converters

You can get rid of rust with the help of special converters that are sold in stores with auto parts.

These formulations are used as follows:

  1. The selected agent is poured into a clean, dry tank. A 0.5 liter bottle is sufficient to remove corrosion.
  2. Close the tank with a lid and rotate it so that the liquid is evenly distributed from the inside.
  3. Leave the product for the amount of time indicated in the instructions. It can be from 10 minutes to several hours.
  4. Drain the converter, rinse the container with clean water.

Such tools are popular as:

  • rust remover Top B-52, price - 115 rubles for 0.55 liters;
  • liquid rust cleaner AKEMI, price - 1860 rubles. for 1 liter;
  • Astrohim with zinc ions, price - 167 rubles per 1 liter.
Before using any composition, you need to carefully read the instructions for use.

What methods are not suitable?

foto20967-7To remove corrosion it is not recommended to use the mechanical cleaning method.

The use of abrasives or hard metal objects can simply cause a hole in the tank. For the same reason, highly concentrated acids should not be used to remove metal oxide.

Do not throw nuts, washers or bolts into the container... When shaken together with rust, undamaged metal will be knocked off, due to which the tank will quickly become unusable.

Helpful information

It is necessary to clean the gas tank from rust only with strict observance of safety rules. The respiratory organs are protected with a respirator; gloves should be worn on the hands.

After completing cleaning, rinse the tank with water... If acids were used, then they are neutralized with a soda solution.

A lot of useful information on how to fight rust on a car - in this section.

Related videos

How to remove rust from a gas tank, video instruction:


It is not difficult to clean the gas tank from corrosion if you choose the right agent for this. You should not keep the composition inside for longer than recommended in the step-by-step instructions. The main condition that must be observed is regular cleaning, thanks to which it will be possible to abandon the use of caustic detergents.



