Useful tips on how to remove rust from car arches with your own hands

foto20931-1A damaged paint layer on a car body gives a green light to metal corrosion. Arches are the most vulnerable places, as they are constantly exposed to damaging and negative factors.

To remove rust, mechanical and chemical agents are used. After cleaning, it is equally important to correctly protect the metal surface from a new corrosion process.

We will tell you how to remove rust from car arches with your own hands in the article.

Removal methods

All methods of combating corrosion, which began on the arches of a car, are divided into two large groups: mechanical and chemical. Before choosing one or another method, it is necessary to assess the general condition of the problem area.

Any means, one way or another, thinns the metal, therefore, in the presence of deep corrosion, it is not recommended to use highly active or damaging agents.

Mechanical methods

Surface cleaning with abrasives helps remove any layer of corrosion... Another advantage of this method is its budget and availability.

However, the work requires the use of physical effort, since removal occurs due to mechanical surface treatment. Conditional disadvantages also include the duration of cleaning.

foto20931-2For work you need a grinding tool... This could be:

  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • sandblasting machine;
  • screwdriver with a metal brush;
  • electric drill with stripping attachments;
  • grinder with abrasive discs.

The rusted arch is first washed from dirt and dust. Then it is carefully processed with a tool, being careful not to create large scratches. The transitions from one area to another should be smooth, so that in the future the protective coating will lay in an even layer.

If rusty spots are multi-layered, then first use sandpaper or nozzles with a large abrasive to remove them.... After that, grind the surface with fine-grained emery paper.

To obtain the best result, after mechanical cleaning, the arches are treated with a rust converter, which removes small traces of corrosion.


Reagents interacting with metal oxides do not leave traces on the metal surface.This compares favorably with the mechanical method.

The advantages also include a short cleaning time and the ability to use in hard-to-reach places.... However, if the metal on the arches has become very thin due to rust, then there is a risk of holes when using very strong chemicals.

In the arsenal of anti-corrosion reagents there are both commonly used in everyday life means, and specially developed by the chemical industry.

foto20931-3Folk remedies include:

The composition of professional fluids and pastes may include:

  • acids (phosphoric, hydroxycarboxylic),
  • alkalis,
  • anti-corrosion inhibitor,
  • monophosphate zinc and other active substances.

The most popular and effective are:

  1. Lavr... It contains organic and inorganic acids, surfactants, complexone. The reagent action time is from 10 to 15 minutes. Price - 250 rubles.
  2. ASTROhim Antiruster... The spray contains active zinc ions and phosphoric acid. Removes rust in 20 minutes. Price - 200 rubles.
  3. AUTOPROFI... The converter contains phosphoric acid, surfactant, corrosion inhibitor. Creates a protective film on the metal. Cost - 250 rubles.
  4. Zinkor... Consists of several products designed to remove traces of rust and apply protective galvanizing. Prices - from 960 rubles.
  5. Chemist... Zinc primer is designed to remove traces of rust and protect metal. Does not require rinsing when used. Price - 170 rubles.
Each chemical agent should be used in accordance with the attached instructions in order to properly remove rust and not damage the metal.

Further protection against corrosion

The cleaned surface of the car arches requires mandatory protection. If the metal is left open, rust inevitably develops on it after a while. The coating includes several layers that are applied in a specific sequence.

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. foto20931-4The cleaned area is degreased with a solvent.
  2. Wipe with a tissue to remove dust particles.
  3. After drying, the cleaned arches are primed.
  4. A thin layer of putty is applied to the "bare" areas.
  5. After drying the first layer of putty, make a second.
  6. When the putty dries out, grind it with fine sandpaper.
  7. Apply two or three coats of a primer that matches the color of the car.
  8. The arches are covered with 2-3 layers of paint with an interval of 15-20 minutes.
  9. If desired, a transparent varnish is applied to the surface.

Before painting, it is worth covering the wheels and body of the car with polyethylene or paper so that paint does not get on them.

What not to do and why?

With strong rust development, cleaning the arches should be very careful. The use of strong mechanical stress, as well as a harsh chemical, can result in holes in the thin metal.

It is also unacceptable to use converters longer than the time specified in the instruction. If you leave the reagent for a long period in the hope of removing a thick layer of rust, the result may be negative: the active substance will "eat through" the metal.

When corrosion has just begun, do not use a grinder... It is intended only for removing large oxide deposits. In an area with a thin layer of rust, the grinder disc can damage the metal.


To avoid costly repairs, it is important to promptly clean the arches of the car from the appeared rusty spots. To do this, you must use the most effective means and observe preventive measures.

Car owners are recommended to:

  • foto20931-5keep the vehicle clean;
  • put the car in a dry ventilated garage;
  • cover the body with polishing compounds;
  • do not delay cleaning from corrosion;
  • combine mechanical and chemical methods;
  • clean not only the front, but also the inside of the wing;
  • dry each protective layer qualitatively;
  • thoroughly rub the putty to eliminate roughness.

To prevent the appearance of rust, it is useful to process the surface of the arches (and the body as a whole) that has not yet been damaged with special polishing agents. They create a thin film that prevents moisture and dirt from penetrating into microcracks and paint chips.

There are mastics on sale based on:

  • bitumen,
  • rubber,
  • liquid plastic.

A lot of useful and important information about the methods of fighting rust on the car - in this section.

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Timely cleaning of car arches from rusty marks helps prevent deep corrosion, which destroys metal through and through. For this, a mechanical method and chemical means are used.

After removing corrosion, the cleaned surface is covered with several layers of primer, putty and special paint.... This helps protect the metal from reoxidation and gives the vehicle a presentable appearance.



