Useful tips on how to quickly and efficiently remove scratches on the skin
Suede and leather things are practical, pleasant to the touch and have a very attractive look. Scratches can be a problem.
To eliminate them, you can use simple home methods and special tools.
For more information on how to remove scratches on the skin of a sofa, jacket, shoes, we will tell you in the article.
We use available means
For quick repairs, various preparations that are already in the household are suitable. When choosing a specific technique, it is necessary to take into account the degree of skin damage.
Repairing your skin with wax or paraffin is an easy and inexpensive way to solve the problem. In this case, the effectiveness of the restoration will be quite high even with deep scratches.
Order of use:
Warm up the wax (paraffin) to a warm temperature.
- Apply the product to the affected area with a small spatula or other flat-tipped object.
- Allow the wax to harden - about 10 minutes.
- Polish the surface with a soft cloth.
- Apply a camouflage cream of a suitable shade.
Without the final application of camouflage cream, the scratch mark will remain visible.
Nail polish
It is better to use colorless nail polish for processing. In order for the application to be precise and precise, not a brush should be used, but a toothpick.
- dip the tip of a toothpick into varnish and apply to a scratch;
- reduce the edges of the scratch;
- press down on the repaired area and leave under pressure for a few minutes, placing a piece of cloth;
- if the place with a scratch is noticeable, paint over with paint to match the skin.
Rubber glue is a water-repellent agent that can also be used to restore leather products. You can only give preference to glue if the scratches are small.
Since the glue is colorless, after it dries, the skin surface must be treated with a masking cream.
Olive oil
Use olive oil to make scratches less noticeable. It is applied to a sponge or napkin and rubbed into damaged skin with gentle circular movements.
After that, it is necessary to leave the product for an hour so that the oil is absorbed. For the best effect, it is advisable to preheat the oil..
The use of vegetable oil provides a gentle effect that can be repeated if necessary.
You can quickly make the scratch invisible with a matching marker. This will make it possible to fix the defect in just a couple of seconds. The disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the repair. The use of a marker can be used as a last resort when it is not possible to use other means.
Shoe polish
Shoe cream of a suitable color allows you to hide the defect, making it invisible... In this case, the scratch itself becomes less noticeable, but does not disappear anywhere. The cream should be applied very carefully, with a cotton swab, not in a thick layer. The more carefully the color of the cream is selected, the higher the result will be.
Application of water-soluble polymers
Special products can be used to repair leather items and remove scratches. One of the most effective is "liquid skin". It is possible to purchase this drug in the departments of household chemicals, auto chemical goods and in stores that sell leather goods.
At its core, "liquid skin" is a water-soluble polymerthat, when used, fills in a scratch on the surface and literally seals it. After the polymer has dried, the repaired area becomes invisible and gains strength.
Using polymer repair products is not difficult, but requires care. After finishing processing, the thing must dry completely so that the composition hardens and gains strength. For this, the product should not be operated for 24 hours.
Application procedure:
Clean the surface to be processed.
- Apply a thin layer of the product to the scratch with a plastic scraper. If the damage is deep enough, it may be necessary to pre-strengthen the material from the inside.
- Spread and smooth the product with a dry sponge.
- Allow time for complete drying of the composition.
- Polish the surface with a soft cloth.
- If necessary, apply additional coats, allowing intermediate drying times.
- Wipe the area with a sponge soaked in milk or an emollient composition.
The reaction of artificial skin to the use of the product is not predictable, therefore, before applying the drug, it should be pre-tested on an inconspicuous area or a separate piece of material.
An example of using a mixture of shades of liquid skin can be seen in the video:
Features of removing damage from various leather items
The method of elimination of the defect differs depending on the thing on which the scratch appeared. Liquid leather is suitable for almost all leather items.
Shoes are often prone to scuffs and scratches due to the specifics of use. For a quick solution to the problem, a marker can be selected, for serious injuries - liquid skin. Almost any homemade options can also be applied.
Sofa and other upholstered furniture
Scratches on the sofa require reliable repair of the defect.
Wherein preference should be given to those products that dry completelywithout leaving behind a colored trace, and do not pose a threat to stain the clothes of people sitting on upholstered furniture.
A good result in this case is provided by liquid skin, glue and other means.
When used carelessly, leather jackets can acquire not only scratches and scuffs, but also cuts. If the scratches are superficial, not affecting deep layers of the material, the jacket can be simply repainted... This will not only hide defects, but also revive the color.
Repair of car covers can be carried out similarly to the restoration of leather upholstered furniture. When choosing a method, one should be guided by the following main points:
- reliability of defect elimination;
- good camouflage;
- no soiling layer.
The best option is the use of water-soluble polymer compounds, which can be found in auto chemistry departments.
The nuances of working with eco-leather
Artificial leather is a popular material that benefits from its low cost.
Less eco-leather - shorter service life than natural... Cuts and scrapes from artificial leather are also more difficult to remove, as they can only make things worse.
For operational camouflage, a permanent marker, varnish, aerosol paints, etc. can be used. Liquid skin also provides a good effect.
Repair of complex deep damage should be as correct as possible, best of all - professional. If scratches appear, especially deep ones, it is advisable to eliminate the defect as soon as possible, before the material breaks.
What to do with marks on suede?
Leather and suede differ in their structure. This requires a special approach for different cases.
Soda with milk
For processing, it is necessary to prepare a solution from the following ingredients:
- 1 glass of milk;
- 1 tsp soda.
The solution is applied to the damaged area and given time to dry. The treatment is completed by cleaning with a special suede brush.
To make the scratch invisible, you can rub salt into the affected area of the suede. After - treat the area with a brush. For suede, use finely ground salt.
For processing suede it is necessary to prepare an aqueous solution of vinegar from the following ingredients:
- 4 tbsp. l. water;
- 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
The affected area with a scratch is treated with a prepared solution. After that, the suede is wiped with a dry cloth.
Next, a low-concentration vinegar solution is prepared from the following components:
- 1 l. water;
- 1 tsp vinegar.
The suede is again treated with a weak vinegar solution. After drying, comb the pile with a brush.
5 recommendations
Expert advice will help you repair leather items efficiently and without unpleasant consequences:
- It is advisable to use an object with a thin end, such as a toothpick or a match, to apply the product repair product. This will allow the repair to be carried out as accurately as possible.
- When applying any product, smear should not be allowed, since after drying, the drug will grab to the base, and it will be extremely difficult to remove it.
- If the scratch is deep, it is better to apply the camouflage mass in several stages, applying 2-3 (and sometimes more) thin layers instead of one thick one.
- In case of skin tears, it may be necessary to reinforce the base with additional materials.
- If there is any doubt about the chosen shade of liquid skin, cream or other product, it is recommended to test the product on an inconspicuous area.
If you are interested in how to remove shallow and deep scratches from various surfaces and objects, take a look at this section.
Removing scratches on the skin is a completely solvable task.... The sooner you start the restoration, the higher the result will be. With deep scratches and cuts, solving the problem is more difficult, but also possible.