Tips from experienced watchmakers on how to remove scratches from watch glass yourself

foto29814-1The watch is a stylish accessory that is used every day. In the process of active use, their glass is covered with scratches. As a result, it loses its transparency, deteriorating the visibility of the dial.

How to remove scratches from watch glass (mineral, organic, plastic, sapphire) with the help of improvised means and special compounds, read the article.

How to remove scuffs at home?

If the scratches are shallow, you can get rid of them with the help of available tools.... The procedure for removing them is not difficult, so you can do it yourself. If the damage is serious, use specialized glass polishing compounds.

Paste GOI

GOI paste is a universal polishing compound designed to fight scratches, scuffs and other defects. If they are insignificant, use paste number 3. To remove deep damage, purchase paste number 4.


  1. A small amount of paste is applied to a cotton pad or flannel cloth.
  2. Glass is processed with it. Movements should be circular.
  3. When the surface is smooth, mineral oil is applied to it and rubbed thoroughly.
  4. Residues of substances are removed with any liquid containing alcohol.

GOI paste is not only effective, but also a budgetary tool. Its average price is 100 rubles, and one package of 100 g will last for a long time.


Shallow scratches can be removed with toothpaste or tooth powder. The paste is used in its pure form, and the powder is diluted with water to the consistency of a thick slurry.

Mode of application:

  • cleanse the surface of visible dirt, pass over it with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol;
  • the paste is applied to the flannel fabric and scratches are rubbed with it, the glass is polished carefully, without exerting excessive pressure;
  • wait for the composition to dry, remove its remnants with vegetable oil;
  • polish the surface with a clean paper towel.
Paste is a non-professional polish, so to achieve a visible effect, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.

Sometimes you can find advice on mixing toothpaste with baking soda.... Supposedly, this combination will give the best effect. You shouldn't do that. Soda is an abrasive that can leave microscopic scratches behind. Immediately after polishing, they will be invisible, but as soon as dirt gets into them, all defects will become obvious.

Special formulations

There are many glass polishing products on sale. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. foto29814-3Consistency. Pastes and gels are quite dense, so they are used to remove deep damage. Sprays and liquids are designed to combat surface imperfections.
  2. Grain. It is recommended to use fine-grained compounds for grouting glass on watches. This allows for fine processing.
  3. Supporting components... If the product often gets dirty, use polishes supplemented with an antistatic agent. There are products that provide a water-repellent effect. If the polish contains silicone, then after its application a thin film will form on the surface, which acts as an additional protection against mechanical damage.
  4. Price. It is not recommended to buy completely cheap funds. It is better to opt for mid-range products.
  5. Equipment. If the product is supplemented with napkins and sponges, then it is more convenient to use it.
  6. Scope of application... Before purchasing the composition, you need to study its label. There are products for the care of glass and plastic surfaces. Also, the compositions are restorative, universal and protective. You do not need to choose the last type, since it will not help to cope with scratches.

Top 3 effective glass scratch removers:

Hi-Gear HG 5640 polish

It is a means for restoring glass transparency, removes minor scuffs and scratches. After using it, a thin film forms on the surface, which prevents contamination. Price 405 rubles for 0.12 liters.


Doctor Wax DW 5673

The product is designed to remove scratches and restore lost transparency. Additional effects: water-repellent and dirt-repellent. Price - from 450 rubles.


Willson for headlights and clear plastic

This is a silicone based restoration polish... It masks scratches and makes the glass transparent. The set includes a napkin for surface treatment. The price of a package of 0.07 liters is 1300 rubles.


Before using the polish, shake the can of liquid thoroughly.

Features of removal depending on the type of material of the watch glass

Features of processing different types of glass:

  1. Mineral. This is not the cheapest glass. Therefore, it is not recommended to remove scratches from it with abrasive substances. Experts advise using a grinder. Flannel or microfiber is used as a nozzle, and diamond paste is used as a polish. The disc is moved from the edge of the device to its center. The average processing time is 20 minutes. For optimal results, the procedure is repeated.
  2. Plastic. It is not difficult to polish it. Such a surface can be treated with any compound. The main thing is not to use acetone during pre-cleaning. Its use will lead to clouding of the glass, which makes it impossible to restore transparency to it.
  3. Sapphire. It is the most expensive, but also the most reliable. It is installed on elite models. It is not made from the mineral itself, but from sapphire fiber. The material is quite strong and durable. It is not recommended to remove scratches from it on your own, as there is a high risk of damaging an expensive product. It is better to entrust a watch with a sapphire crystal to a professional. In the workshop, it will be cleaned by cold grinding.
  4. Organic. This glass is the cheapest. It is found in most models. You can clean it with toothpaste and even fine-grain sandpaper.
If you cannot wear your watch carefully, then it is recommended to choose a model with a sapphire crystal.It is practically invulnerable to damage, so less scratches are formed on it.

What kind of watch glass to choose - sapphire, mineral or plastic, the video will tell you:

Contacting specialists

If the watch is expensive, or the scratch on it is deep, then it is better to entrust its processing to professionals. The final cost consists of several factors. The method of cleaning and the type of material play a decisive role.

Estimated prices:

  • plastic polishing - 1300 rubles;
  • cleaning mineral glass - 1000 rubles;
  • cleaning the sapphire base - from 1,500 rubles.

The cost of the service must be checked on the spot, after the master has examined the product. You can find a specialist by using an advertisement on the Internet. Before leaving your watch in the workshop, you need to study the reviews of customers who have already used the service of this organization.

Helpful information

Tips for removing scratches from watch glass:

  1. foto29814-7To make it more convenient to work with a grinder, the glass is removed from the watch. If this is not possible, remove the strap and fix them in a vice or clamps.

    The spacers should hold the glass on the sides without touching the main surface.

  2. You need to use the grinder with care, not forgetting that it heats the glass. So that it does not burst during processing, it is moistened with water.

    This method of fighting scratches is suitable when the watch is collapsible or waterproof.

  3. When working with any liquids, care must be taken so that they do not seep inside. Ingress of water or oil can cause serious damage.
  4. Even the most expensive means will not be able to cope with a deep crack. In this case, it is better to replace the glass.
  5. Do not try to clean the glass with sandpaper. If there are no other options, then use a skin with a fine grain, marking P2500.
Before processing, make sure that there is no dirt on the glass surface. Even small debris can lead to new defects.

If you are interested in how to remove small and deep scratches from various surfaces and objects, take a look at this section.

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A scratched watch doesn't need to be thrown away. You can try to reanimate them with the help of available tools. If it was not possible to achieve the desired effect, use specialized formulations, or contact the master.



