Little tricks on how to remove scratches from glasses at home

foto29667-1Everyone has sunglasses or eyeglasses. But, unfortunately, even with careful treatment, over time, the lenses are covered with small scratches.

Scuffs not only spoil the appearance of the accessory, but also negatively affect vision.

When there is no time or money to replace scratched lenses, you can solve the problem yourself using numerous means to remove scratches from glasses.

We will tell you more about how and how you can remove scratches from glasses in the article.

Can damage be removed?

You can remove shallow scratches from glasses using the polishing method... If the scratches are deep, only grinding (cleaning the glass using fine abrasive compounds) will help to eliminate the defect.

It is important to remember that not all lenses are subject to restoration. So corrective glasses with diopters or lenses with a special darkening, anti-reflective or mirror coating cannot be polished or grinded.

Cleaning will cause the lens to lose its properties and the protective coating will disappear. Such glasses can only be replaced with new ones.

How do I clean glass lenses?

foto29667-2Polishing the glass lenses of your glasses is difficult. Not every compound is able to remove scratches from a hard glass surface.

When choosing a glass lens polish, you should pay attention to the following compositions:

  • paste GOI,
  • furniture polish,
  • Toothpaste,
  • baking soda.

Paste GOI

A universal polish for steel alloys, metal and plastic, ideal for removing scratches from glass.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Using a microfiber cloth or piece of felt cloth, a small amount of the paste is applied to the lens.
  2. With gentle, smooth movements, the paste is rubbed into the glass (the procedure lasts at least half an hour).

Only GOI paste No 1 and No 2 (fine grain composition) is suitable for removing scratches.

Glasses polishing with GOI paste - in the video:


Using a gel-based, non-abrasive, non-whitening toothpaste, you can quickly mask minor scratches on your glasses.

Algorithm of actions:

  • a small amount of toothpaste is applied to glass;
  • using a soft dry cloth, rub the paste over the surface of the lenses;
  • from side to side, the lenses are polished for one minute.
The paste is most effective for removing shallow, small scratches. For deep irregularities, brushing with toothpaste will have to be repeated several times.

Only after making sure that the glasses are polished, the glasses are washed under running water and wiped dry with a microfiber cloth.


Furniture, plastic and glass polishes are ideal for quickly masking eyeglass lens scratches. The polish fills in scratches and prevents further glass cracking.

foto29667-3In order not to completely ruin the glasses, cleaning is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Glasses are thoroughly washed under running water using liquid soap.
  2. A drop of furniture polish is applied to the lens, after which they begin to rub it in using a microfiber cloth.
  3. At the end of polishing, the glasses are wiped dry with a soft cloth.

To remove scratches from glass, you can only use polishes that contain wax.


Lens scratches can be removed with baking soda... To do this, the baking soda powder is diluted with water (ratio 2: 1), the resulting product is applied to a cotton pad and gently, in a circular motion, rub the scratched glass. The excess soda paste is washed off with water, and the glasses are wiped dry with a microfiber cloth.

Top 3 special formulations

When improvised means did not lead to the desired result, special compounds will help to remove scratches from the glass.

Before work, it is very important to evaluate your strength and think about whether it is rational to use professional means for restoring the glass surface or whether it is easier to give glasses for restoration to an optics workshop.

TOP-3 special means for removing scratches from glass:

Polish-cleaner "Doctor Wax"

Effectively cleans glass from dirt, eliminates microcracks and roughness... Creates a water-repellent layer on the treated surface. Does not change the optical properties of the lens. The average cost is 300 rubles. (500 ml bottle).


Glass Gloss Polishing Paste

The improved composition of the paste with surfactant and macrolog helps to quickly and efficiently remove scuffs and small scratches from the lenses. Average cost - 3000 rubles. (capacity 250 ml).


Fluoropol K powder

Designed for high speed optical processing... Before use, the powder is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The average cost is 760 rubles. (for 100 gr).


Before using any professional products, you must carefully study the composition and manufacturer's recommendations for its use.

How to get rid of marks on plastic?

There are enough ways to polish lenses... The easiest way is to remove small scratches on glasses made of optical polymer. It is a fairly plastic material that can be easily processed.


The best way to polish plastic lenses is car wax (sold at any auto shop).

The actions are simple: a minimum amount of wax (a drop size no larger than a match head) is applied to the lens, and rubbed in with gentle smooth movements until the scratch disappears. The wax fills in scratches, smoothes out the deformed surface, while maintaining the thickness and optical properties of the lenses.

Don't worry if more wax is applied to the lens than is required. The excess can be easily removed with a clean, soft cloth.

Colorless varnish

foto29667-7Remove scratches from plastic lenses with colorless varnish... It, like car wax, fills in all the irregularities, creating an even, transparent layer.

It is necessary to work with colorless varnish very carefully, with jewelry precision (the composition dries very quickly).

To mask defects, use a wooden toothpick... It is dipped in a bottle of colorless varnish, after which it is carried out with a sharp point on a scratch on the lens.

It is necessary to use only high-quality, not thick varnish. Otherwise, the composition will harden until the scratch is completely filled.

CD Spray

Quickly remove the mesh of shallow scratches on glasses Spray will help to restore the surface of CD disks (sold at a computer store or service center).

The actions are simple: a small amount of polish is applied to the lens (a few drops are enough), and then wiped with a soft microfiber cloth.

Can the accessory be worn after scratches have been removed?

The opinion of ophthalmologists is unequivocal - you can wear glasses after removing scratches for a minimum amount of time (until the purchase and installation of new lenses).

The thing is that glass polishing gives only a short-term effect. After cleaning, the lenses acquire a shiny gloss, but unfortunately they lose their optical, antistatic and water-repellent properties.

Polishing violates the geometry of the refractive surface of the lens, which can lead to image distortion, and as a result, visual fatigue, headaches and even a drop in vision.

Contacting a specialist

If small roughness, abrasions and scratches can be removed on your own using folk methods, then it is better to contact a specialist with the problem of deep scratches. Glass polishing services are provided by eyewear repairmen, which can be easily found in any optics.

The cost of work is determined individually in each case (the amount of payment is influenced by the complexity and volume of work, the type of glasses). On average, one lens polishing can be invoiced at 400 rubles.

Preventive measures

Avoid the appearance of microcracks and scratches on the lenses of glasses the rules of care and storage will help:

  • foto29667-8every day, the lenses are carefully wiped with special microfiber napkins (paper or cloth napkins, cotton pads can damage the glossy surface);
  • for storing glasses, cases are used made of dense plastic, upholstered inside with soft fabric or genuine leather (soft cases do not provide reliable protection for glasses);
  • glasses are not a toy, you cannot give an accessory to children;
  • when removing, the glasses are placed on the table only with the lenses up (you cannot leave the accessory on an unstable, dirty, dusty surface);
  • before going to the sauna or bath, glasses must be removed (high temperatures negatively affect even high-quality lenses);
  • when engaged in construction, repair work, glasses are protected with a special building shield.

Applying a special protective coating to the lenses will significantly reduce the number of scratches and extend the life of the glasses.


Polish the glass of your glasses so as not to completely spoil its surface, a few tips will help:

  1. Before polishing glasses, glasses must be washed in warm water with the addition of liquid detergent.
  2. When rubbing glasses of glasses, it is very important not to overdo it (movements should be smooth and accurate). Otherwise, strong friction and pressure will permanently deform the lens.
  3. Minor scratches that appear on the lenses will help remove rubbing alcohol. It is enough to moisten a soft cloth with alcohol and wipe the surface of glasses for glasses.
When choosing a method for cleaning glasses, it is important to correctly determine the material of their manufacture (glass or plastic). To do this, lightly tap the lens with a coin. A dull sound indicates that the lens is made of plastic, a ringing sound - of glass.

You can also focus on the weight of the glasses (glass lenses are much heavier than plastic ones).

If you are interested in how to remove small and deep scratches from various surfaces and objects, take a look at this section.


Affordable glass polishes can help prolong the life of your favorite glasses, and compliance with the rules of care and storage - to avoid scratches and scuffs.



