Several ways to remove scratches from plastic at home

foto29640-1Plastic, or plastic, is a common material based on natural and synthetic polymers.

It does not have high strength, mechanical action on it leads to unwanted damage - scratches and cracks of varying depth.

This does not mean that the product is completely damaged. There are several ways to remove a defect or carefully mask it.

How and how you can remove scratches from plastic (transparent, black, matte, etc.), we will tell in the article.

How can minor damage be removed?

Professional tools will help to cope with minor damages on plastic products. Special pencils, markers, pastes, polishes and even household appliances will help to put the product in order and give it a shine of novelty.


A variety of industrial polishing compounds can help you get rid of scratches on matte or glossy plastics. It is enough to choose a suitable composition, focusing on the manufacturer's instructions.

foto29640-2Mode of application:

  1. Clean the damaged surface from dirt.
  2. Apply a small amount to a soft cloth.
  3. Rub the polish into scratches, avoiding strong pressure.
  4. Remove residues of the product with a damp cloth.
  5. Let the plastic dry.

In order not to get the opposite result, it is not recommended to use products with coarse abrasive particles.


Soft wax is often used to combat mechanical damage to plastic products. It fills in voids and polishes the surface.

Mode of application:

  • apply a small amount of the product to the cleaned dry plastic;
  • with a soft cloth (microfiber) rub wax into scratches;
  • remove excess with a cotton swab;
  • polish the surface.
The wax can be replaced with machine oil or Goi paste, the method of application is identical.

Hair dryer

Plastic has a low melting point, so hot air will help to remove minor defects on it... Damage voids are filled by the surface tension forces of the molten plastic.

For these purposes, building and household hair dryers are used. Construction differs from a household hair dryer in power, it is capable of heating air up to 700 ° C

foto29640-3Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Clean the surface.
  2. Direct hot air from the device to the defect.
  3. Move the device in the direction of the scratch without staying long in one place.
  4. Let the plastic cool for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Polish the repaired surface.

It is necessary to select the optimal heating temperature and the distance from which the air flow enters. In the event of overheating, streaks may form on the product. Minor damage can be repaired with a regular lighter.

How to get rid of deep marks?

An effective method for dealing with deep damage to a plastic surface is processing with sandpaper (sandpaper) with different grain sizes. It is moisture resistant, abrasive, suitable for preparation, grinding and polishing.

Mode of application:

  • moisten a sandpaper with a grain size of 800, this will soften the particles and prevent the appearance of new defects on the plastic;
  • sand the damage in a circular motion until the scratch disappears;
  • treat the surface with a damp clean cloth;
  • wipe the plastic dry;
  • carry out finishing sanding with fine sandpaper (grain size - 1200-1500);
  • polish the surface with a special agent.
Polishing pastes, sprays should be designed for processing plastic or acrylic, industrial compositions for paint and varnish surfaces will not work.

Features of eliminating damaged areas on a plastic product

The color of the material and the texture will help you choose the right product to mask shallow damage on a plastic product.

On transparent

foto29640-4Hard rags and sponges, time, ultraviolet rays, household chemicals with an aggressive composition - an incomplete list of reasons why transparent plastic loses its appearance.

It is possible to remove traces of mechanical damage from it only by polishing. Suitable for this:

  • means for removing scratches from discs;
  • glass cleaning fluid;
  • polish for jewelry.

You can use formulations designed for wood surfaces if mixed with petroleum jelly. The algorithm of actions for all methods is the same:

  1. Apply to a microfiber cloth.
  2. Treat the damaged surface.
  3. Polish thoroughly.

It is believed that transparent plastic is more susceptible to mechanical damage. In fact, scratches on it do not appear more often than on colored or matte, but they are more noticeable.

Advice for restoring transparency of plastic - in the video:


Scratches on black plastic can be masked by painting, damaged areas are always visible due to the lighter color.

A special corrector pencil is ideal for removing deep and small scratches; it fills in the resulting voids and makes traces of mechanical damage less noticeable.

Mode of application:

  1. Clean the surface thoroughly with detergent and a cloth.
  2. Wait until it is completely dry.
  3. Apply the contents of the pencil to the damage.
  4. Polish the surface with a wax based product.

It is necessary to choose the right shade of the filler so that it matches the main color as much as possible.


foto29640-5Traces of mechanical damage on white plastic are less noticeable, but dirt and dust accumulate faster in the voids of scratches, so you need to get rid of them immediately.

The damaged part can be replaced, but advice from manufacturers will help to avoid unplanned expenses. All irregularities in white plastic can be removed with 600 grit sandpaper.

If the surface is glossy, additional treatment will be required to give a gloss with an industrial product, for example, COSMOFEN 10. The product is a solvent, it is necessary to work with it with gloves and observe safety precautions.


Damage on matte plastic is less noticeable, often for white surfaces, sandpapering scratches and cracks is enough.

For multi-colored material, apply:

  • sponges with shoe polish,
  • proofreaders,
  • markers,
  • silicone,
  • and even powdered coal.


Mechanical damage on colored plastic cannot always be masked with polish. To make the scratch really invisible you need to use a wax pencilwhich is easy to use.

It is enough to clean and degrease the surface and draw several times over the damage with a colored pencil. The wax will fill the voids. With the right shade selection, the treated area will not differ from the main color.

It is better to purchase the product in a special store (household or automobile) in order to avoid a cheap fake.

How to fix scratches on plastic in a car?

foto29640-6To care for the plastic surfaces of the car, you can use both traditional methods of dealing with scratches, and specialized products that are sold in car dealerships.

The damaged area must first be degreased with alcohol or acetone. It is not recommended to use degreasing agents with aggressive chemical composition, this will lead to the formation of new defects.

The easiest and most convenient way to deal with minor scratches is to use industrial cleaning towels. A few minutes of active exposure of the microfiber cloth to the plastic surface and minor defects will disappear. Towels are also indispensable for keeping the car interior clean.

For more complex damage, it is necessary to use polishes, the way to use them in the video:


Industrial pencils, abrasive gels, polishing pastes effectively remove defects from plastic, but they are quite expensive.

The means at hand will come to the rescue, which can be found in the arsenal of any hostess:

  1. foto29640-7Toothpaste... The method is suitable for cleaning plastic screens and displays. A little of the product must be applied to the damaged surface and rub in in a circular motion.

    When the surface is dry, the remains must be washed off with a damp cotton swab.

  2. Vegetable oil... The liquid masks minor scratches and gives the plastic a shine. Apply 3-5 drops to the damaged surface and polish until the characteristic oily drops disappear.
  3. Baking soda... The abrasive acts like a toothpaste. Add water to the powder to a slurry consistency, rub into the surface, rinse off the rest.

Methods will not work to eliminate deep traces of mechanical damage.

If you are interested in how to remove small and deep scratches from various surfaces and objects, take a look at this section.


Scratches spoil the appearance of the plastic... You can get rid of them at home if you come to the choice of a product, taking into account the color, structure and method of using the surface. If none of the above methods work, the product may have reached the end of its service life and needs to be replaced.



