How to quickly and effectively remove gum from carpet?
Chewing gum sticks well to just about any object. The most difficult thing to remove is from fluffy surfaces. This is the structure of carpets.
Dealing with the problem can be tricky, especially when a lot of time has passed and the gum is dry. Home recipes and the use of special preparations will be the solution.
How and how to remove gum from a carpet or carpet at home, we will tell you in the article.
How to remove chewing gum from carpets at home?
Homemade recipes get the job done with the tools at hand. When choosing one of them, you need to take into account the features of the carpet, including the material of manufacture, color and texture.
Among the popular effective techniques:
- heating;
- freezing;
- exposure to solvents and other chemicals.
Using low temperatures is one way to eliminate chewing gum. Since the entire carpet cannot be placed in the freezer, you will have to use ice.
For work you will need:
- ice;
- plastic bag;
- knife;
- sponge.
The order of work:
Place some ice cubes in a plastic bag.
- Place it on the gum patch.
- After cooling, the elastic should become brittle and peel off the carpet. You can help yourself with your work with a knife, acting very carefully so as not to spoil the pile.
- Clean off residues with a damp sponge.
- Allow the surface to dry.
If the problem arises in winter, the small carpet can be fully exposed outside to make the elastic brittle in the cold. To do this, it is enough to hold it in the frost for 2-3 hours. The freezing method works best on fresh chewing gum, which is not trampled into the pile.
For cleaning, you need gas for refueling lighters... It is sprayed onto the affected area of the carpet. In this case, cooling occurs, making it possible to clean the gum. Work must be carried out in protective gloves.
How to peel off using boiling water?
Using the heating method (boiling water, iron, etc.) allows you to soften the adhered gum, make it more plastic and viscous. But such methods are good only for caring for a coating with a low pile and with a persistent, non-fading color.
- Boil water.
- Pour 100 ml of boiling water onto the stained area.
- Using an old toothbrush, rub.
- Clean off residues with a damp sponge.
- Clean the carpet with a special shampoo.
Use the iron to heat the dried gum very carefully. Apply it as follows:
- cover the affected area of the carpet with a cloth;
- using an iron, warm up the place with an elastic band;
- after the elastic sticks to the fabric, remove it from the carpet;
- Wash the remaining stain with carpet shampoo.
Do not allow direct contact of the sole of the iron with carpet pile, and even more so with the gum itself.
Makeup remover
A make-up remover for eyes or face, suitable for cleaning carpet from gum. In this case, you need to act according to the following scheme:
- Remove the maximum amount of elastic from the pile without damaging the material or smearing.
- Moisten a sponge with a make-up remover.
- Apply a sponge to the gum.
- Saturate affected area.
- Rub with a sponge.
- Remove the rubber band.
- Wash the treated area.
Household chemicals - solvents and stain removers, are able to cope with various contaminants. They will also help with chewing gum.
General procedure:
- remove the detachable part of the elastic from the pile;
- apply the selected agent to the place of pollution;
- withstand the time indicated on the package;
- brush off the gum using an old toothbrush;
- wash the carpet.
These drugs can react in different ways with materials and paints, so preliminary testing in an inconspicuous area is highly desirable.
How to clean the coating with special products?
Alternative to home recipes - special products... They are effective, designed specifically to eliminate chewing gum. But cleaning is more expensive.
Use special tools only after studying the instructions for them.
Dr. Beckmann Stain Expert Office & Hobby
Stain remover from Dr. Beckmann is designed for the removal of highly adhesive (giving good adhesion to the surface) dirt.
Among them:
- traces of paint,
- glue,
- nail varnish,
- gum, etc.
It includes:
- up to 5% anionic tensides;
- up to 15% of nonionic tensides.
The stain remover is very simple to apply:
- The product is applied to the stained area.
- Rubbed with a brush.
- Withstands up to 10 minutes.
- Washable with carpet shampoo.
Price - from 200 rubles per bottle.
SAPUR FREEZE is designed to remove gum. The drug is produced in aerosol cans with a volume of 0.5 liters. The principle of operation is freezing.
The price is about 700 rubles per bottle.
Anti-gum Lucky Bee
Anti-gum produced in the Russian Federation is produced in the form of a gel with a volume of 30 ml. The product is designed to remove gum from various surfaces, including carpets. Leaves no stains after application. The average price is from 155 rubles.
Features of cleaning taking into account the material
Choosing one of the popular ways to remove the gum, it is necessary to take into account the features of the coating itself:
- Colour;
- pile length;
- composition of the material.
Solvents are prohibited for cleaning artificial turf... Their impact can have unpredictable consequences - up to the formation of a hole in the carpet.
For dense jute type carpets, almost all of these methods can be used. In this case, the cleaning process can be mechanically even more intensive, since the carpet material is quite dense.
A natural wool carpet can be cleaned in any way. Besides, it is possible to use essential oil.
This type of oil has a peculiarity - evaporating from the surface does not leave behind a greasy stain.
The disadvantage of this method is the rather high price of oil. It must be natural and free of additives.
Processing prohibitions
Chewing gum stuck to the carpet is not always easy to clean. At the same time, it is important to remember about a number of prohibitions, the violation of which can further aggravate the situation.
Dealing with the gum on the carpet you cannot do the following:
- Try to peel off (pull off, roll) a sticky lump with your hands.
- Use a dry cleaning sponge. This can cause the elastic to spread over a large area.
- To wet. The gum is not washed off with water.
- Use vegetable oil - it stains.
- Apply mechanical force with a knife, razor blade and other sharp objects. This could damage the carpet.
Recommendations to help
Expert advice will help clean the carpet without unpleasant consequences:
- The use of solvents is not suitable for all applications, and not for all types of carpets. Before applying to a visible area, the effect of the chemical should be tested on an inconspicuous area. This is because solvents can discolor bright colors and damage fibers.
If the carpet is expensive, the covering has a complex texture, then dry cleaning of carpets at home will help to cope with the problem. In this case, the problem will be entrusted to professionals.
- You need to peel off the gum with high quality, trying not to leave even the smallest particles.
- Freezing may be ineffective for gum that is embedded in the pile.
- If a sticky residue remains after removing the gum (most often after thermal removal methods), you can rub the carpet area with a napkin dipped in lemon juice or a solution of vinegar.
- When using any of the cleaning agents, you need to act carefully, locally.
- For cleaning it is desirable to use a small brush, ideally an old toothbrush. This will make the work more accurate.
- Do not use hard brushes on carpets with high, fine pile.
- Carpet washing after cleaning should be carried out without strong wetting of the coating.
Find the most important and useful information about removing chewing gum from various surfaces in this section.
You can try to remove the gum from the carpet even at home. Using simple recipes and special tools will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.