Several effective ways to remove gum from hair at home

foto21896-1The chewing gum in your hair can be there by accident or as a result of a child's prank.

In any case, you must try to remove it without resorting to a cardinal solution - cutting the strand.

How to remove gum from hair? The means that can be found at home will help to cope with the situation.

First reaction to the problem

Having found chewing gum in the hair of an adult or child, one should not rush, and even more so try to peel it off without using additional funds. The main thing is not to make it worse, and not to smear the sticky lump all over the head.

You should try to separate the problematic strand so that an uncombed mug does not form on the head. In the future, you will have to work with this particular strand, without involving the whole head.

It is better to start removing the elastic as early as possible.... This will not only make the task easier, but will also prevent hair from tangling and sticking even more.

How to remove chewing gum?

When choosing a specific method for removing chewing gum, you need to consider the length of the strands and how much they are sticky and tangled. The most gentle methods for hairstyling are methods using oils and fats. Their use is intended to soften the gum and make it slip off easily.

How to peel off with ice?

foto21896-2Freezing changes the structure of the gum, making it brittle and not sticky... You can keep the temperature low with ice.

For these purposes, you need to take one or more cubes and attach to the gum. Ice cubes melted in the process should be replaced with new ones.

If done correctly, the elastic will begin to crumble and can be peeled off.... The remains are combed off with a comb.

When there is no ready-made ice in the refrigerator, you can use food from the freezer to cover the gum from all sides.


Using oils, you can try to peel off even long strands that have entangled gum. For use you need to take any vegetable oil that you can find at home:

  • linseed;
  • olive;
  • burdock;
  • sunflower, etc.


  1. Select the strand affected by the chewing gum from the total hair mass.
  2. Soak the sponge with oil.
  3. Press the sponge onto the gum so that it is completely surrounded by a greased cotton pad.
  4. At the same time, apply oil to the strand by hand.
  5. Wait a few minutes.
  6. Check if the gum is soft enough to be removed.
  7. Gently pull the gum down.
This recipe is not only easy to use, but it is one of the most effective and safe.


Petroleum jelly is a high-fat product. In addition to him, you will need an additional one of the tools:

  • starch;
  • talc;
  • dry shampoo.


  1. foto21896-3Separate the stained strand.
  2. Lubricate the gum liberally with petroleum jelly and distribute it over the entire strand.
  3. Leave for a few minutes.
  4. Distribute through hair and rub a dusting powder or other powder into the petroleum jelly.
  5. Gently, using a scallop, peel off the sticky mass.

How to remove with lemon juice?

A simple recipe will help to remove the gum from the strands without harm. For him you will need:

  • fresh lemon;
  • balm (or mask) for hair.


  1. Pour 1 tbsp into a separate container. l. balm for hair.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the same container. l. lemon juice.
  3. Stir both components until smooth.
  4. Distribute the product over the strands and over the gum itself.
Lemon juice will act as a light solvent, while the balm will improve glide. As a result, the gum comes off much easier.

How can I wash WD-40 strands?

foto21896-4WD-40 can be found in almost every car workshop.

He is able to provide assistance in many cases, far from his direct purpose.... Removing gum from hair is one such unusual application.

This chemical should be applied topically, being careful not to smear it into the hair. WD-40 is applied and cured for a few minutes. After that, the gum is carefully removed with a napkin. The residue can be brushed off with a comb.

Since WD-40 is a rather corrosive chemical, it should be used very carefully.

How to get rid of using alcohol?

To remove sticky gum from hair you can use regular rubbing alcohol or vodka... A sponge or cotton swab is impregnated with it and applied to the gum. After a few minutes, the hair can be cleaned with a tissue and then a comb.


Toothpaste can help remove sticky gum. To do this, squeeze out a small amount of paste and rub it with your hands into the gum. If it did not work out right away, the use of the paste can be repeated several times.

How to peel off using salt?

foto21896-5You can use regular salt to remove the elastic from the strands. You can proceed as follows:

  1. Pour 2-3 large tablespoons of salt into a separate container.
  2. Add a little water to make a gruel.
  3. Rub the resulting product into the gum.
  4. Leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove carefully from hair.

You can use baking soda instead of salt.

How to remove a sticky lump on a child's head without scissors?

Gum stuck in the hair of a child - boy or girl - becomes a problem for adults. No matter how the hand reaches for the scissors, you need to try to resolve the issue without a forced haircut... This is especially important for girls who are trying to grow long hair.

If at the moment the gum hits the head, the hair has been collected in a hairstyle, you need to try to disassemble it. In this case, with one hand you need to hold a strand with an elastic band so that even more hair does not stick to it.

Using home remedies, it is quite possible to remove the elastic from the curls. The use of products with a high percentage of fat intake can significantly facilitate work.

In addition to the listed options, you can use:

  • baby cream;
  • massage oil;
  • peanut butter;
  • mayonnaise and even a remedy for warts.

Do not use chemicals, as well as products with a pungent odor in the case of children - you can provoke an allergy. In this regard, means of the type of technical aerosol WD-40 on babies cannot be checked.

9 prohibitions

When faced with the problem of gum in your head, the main thing is not to panic.There are many solutions to this issue.

What you should definitely not do:

  1. foto21896-6Panic. Every problem has a solution.
  2. Cut off the strand immediately. This is an extreme measure, it can be applied only as a last resort, and there is no need to rush with it.
  3. Use force to pull off the gum dryly. Torn and damaged hair can result. The elastic cannot be removed like that.
  4. Use untested chemicals. This could damage your hair or burn your scalp, face and hands.
  5. Use an iron or other heating device to soften the gum. This can lead to dryness and serious damage to the hair structure.
  6. Pull the gum out of the hair in different directions. This will have the opposite effect - more hairs will stick to the gum.
  7. Wear hats on hair with an elastic band. This approach will make the situation worse.
  8. Try to mask the problem by changing your hairstyle. In this case, the "damaged" hair will become even more, and it will be much more difficult to remove the elastic band.
  9. Just wash your hair without pretreating the affected area of ​​the hair. The gum cannot be washed off with water.
By influencing the chewing gum with any of the remedies, you will have to simultaneously act on the hair itself. Therefore, it is better to refuse ill-conceived methods that are not intended for this.

Recommendations to help

It is advisable to remove chewing gum from the head taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. foto21896-7The use of scissors and cutting off the strand is justified only when other means have not helped, and a mug has formed around the elastic band.
  2. After using any method in practice, you must wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. If a recipe with petroleum jelly was used, then only warm water should be used to wash your hair with shampoo, cool water will not help. This is due to the fact that petroleum jelly is a petroleum product, and at low temperatures it becomes viscous.
  4. After using products containing oils or VD-40, it is recommended to use a deep cleaning shampoo.

Find the most important and useful information about removing chewing gum from various surfaces in this section.

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You can almost always remove gum from your hair without using scissors. Any of the above recipes is effective, but requires accuracy and methodical actions. Only in this case, the adventure with the gum will end without loss, and with the preservation of all the strands.



